Mechanical behaviours
We provide a general framework to build hyperviscoelastic behaviour.
This framework is described here.
- GeneralizedMaxwell
- This page describes how to implement the
Skorohold-Olevsky Viscous Sintering (SOVS) model.
- This
page describes how to implement Torelli’s behaviour describing the
load induced thermal strain in concrete.
- This page describes the
implementation of the
which aims at
modelling the following phenomena in concrete:
- Elasticity
- Drying shrinkage
- Basic creep
- Drying creep
Non-linear elasticity
- Marigo
- Mazars
- The implementation of the Fichant-La Borderie damage behaviour is
described here
- IsotropicLinearHardeningPlasticity
- IsotropicLinearKinematicHardeningPlasticity
- The implementation of an orthotropic plastic behaviour with
isotropic linear hardening is described here.
- The implementation of a multi-surface plastic behaviour (the Iwan
behaviour) is described here.
- The implementation of a perfect plastic behaviour based on the
Hosford equivalent stress is described here.
- The implementation of the Barlat Yld2004-18p behaviour is described
- The implementation of a perfect plastic behaviour based on the Green
yield criterion is described here.
- The implementation of a multi-surface, compressible and perfect
plastic behaviour using the Drucker-Prager yield criterion and a cap is
described here
- An invariant-based implementation of the Mohr-Coulomb elasto-plastic
model is described here
Single crystal
- The implementation of the Méric-Cailletaud single crystal behaviour
under the small and finite strain assumptions are described here
- Sachs and Taylor
- The description of the implementation of a polycrystal behaviour
based on the Berveiller-Zaoui homogenisation scheme using an explicit
scheme is available here
- \(\beta\)-rule