This is mainly a bug fix version of the 3.0 series. All tickets solved are described below.

Tickets fixed

Ticket #168: Fix another Windows’ oddity: disabling the small macro

Including windows.h comes with a lot of noise. Apart from defining by default the min and max macros (this is already disabled in MFront from a long time), it also defines a macro called small.

This shall be undefined to avoid strange and stupid errors (very difficult to debug even for advanced developers).

For more details, see:

Ticket #163: MTest file generation: shear components of the strain are ill initialized

When generating MTest files on failure, the off-diagonal values of the strain were not initialized correctly. However, the strain increment was correctly computed, so this bug may only affect a very limited number of behaviours.

For more details, see:

Ticket #156: Sub-stepping in the Cast3M interface is broken for true finite strain behaviours

The Cast3M interface allows substepping at the Gauss point level in case of non convergence of the behaviour integration.

This mechanism was broken for “true” finite strain behaviours (behaviours directly using the deformation gradient). This means that strain based behaviours (using the GreenLagrange strain or the Hencky strain) are not affected by this issue.

For more details, see:

Ticket #154: The enable-portable-build option does not work with Visual Studio

The issue is related to the cmake build system.

The processor’ optimized flags were not separed from the other optimisation flags and stored in the generic OPTIMISATION_FLAGS variable.

Those are now appropriately placed in the OPTIMISATION_FLAGS_MARCH variable.

For more details, see:

Ticket #151: Correct the python modules install path

In tfel.cmake, the python modules install path was defined as follows:

install(TARGETS py_${package}_${name}
        COMPONENT python_bindings)

In Python 3.x under linux, this led to install the module in python3.xm. The m suffix is not standard and had to be removed. The install path definition has been corrected as follows:

install(TARGETS py_${package}_${name}
        COMPONENT python_bindings)

For more details, see:

Ticket #147: Improving material properties support with Visual Studio

Material properties could not be compiled with Visual Studio because of an explicit link with the “m” library.

For more details, see: