The page describes the new functionalities of Version 4.1 of the TFEL project.

1 Known incompatiblities

1.1 New restrictions in user defined variable names

The user defined variables shall not start with mfront_ which is used internally.

1.2 New reserved keywords in MFront

As described in Section 9.3, behaviours can now declare initialize functions. Each initialize function has a dedicated name. If @initialize_function@ be the name of a initialize function, MFront will automatically register execute@initialize_function@IntializeFunction as a member name.

As described in Section 9.4, behaviours can now declare post-processings. Each post-processing has a dedicated name. If @postprocessing@ be the name of a post-processing, MFront will automatically register execute@postprocessing@PostProcessing as a member name.

2 TFEL/Config improvements


The TFEL_HOST decorator can be used to mark functions that shall be used on the host.

The TFEL_DEVICE decorator can be used to mark functions that shall be used on the device.

The TFEL_HOST_DEVICE decorator can be used to mark functions that shall be used on the host and on the device.

3 TFEL/Exceptions improvements

3.1 Disabling reportContractViolation on GPUs

The TFEL_NO_REPORT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION macro replaces the standard implementation of the reportContractViolation by a dummy version which does nothing.

This macros is automatically defined with CUDA and SYCL.

4 TFEL/System improvements

4.1 Improvements to the ExternalLibraryManager class

4.1.1 Retrieving the unit system of an entry point

The getUnitSystem allow to retrieve the unit system associated with an entry point (material property, behaviour, model).

4.1.2 Retrieving initialize functions generated by the generic interface

The generic interface generates a function dedicated for each initialize function and each modelling hypothesis supported (see Section 9.3 for details about initialize functions).

The ExternalLibraryManager class now exposes the following methods:

4.1.3 Retrieving post-processing functions generated by the generic interface

The generic interface generates a function dedicated for each post-processing and each modelling hypothesis supported (see Section 9.4 for details about post-processings).

The ExternalLibraryManager class now exposes the following methods:

4.1.4 The hasTemperatureBeenRemovedFromExternalStateVariables method

In previous versions of MFront, the temperature was automatically defined as the first external state variable by domain specific languages handling behaviours.

By conventions, for consistency with behaviour interfaces derived from the AbaqusUMAT interface, the temperature was removed from the list of external state variables exported by the behaviour. This list can be retrieved using the getUMATExternalStateVariablesNames method of the ExternalLibraryManager class.

Following Issue #50 (see Sections 9.2.3 and 15.84), this automatic declaration is now optional.

For backward compatibility, the getUMATExternalStateVariablesNames method still return the list of external state variables without the temperature. To know if the temperature was removed, the user must call the hasTemperatureBeenRemovedFromExternalStateVariables method.

In pratice, if the hasTemperatureBeenRemovedFromExternalStateVariables method returns true, the full list of external state variables is given by the temperature followed by the list of external state variables returned by the getUMATExternalStateVariablesNames method.

4.1.5 The getLaw method

The getLaw method returns the law name associated with a material property as defined by the @Law keyword in MFront.

4.1.6 The getAuthor method

The getAuthor method returns the author name associated with an entry point as defined by the @Author keyword in MFront. If this author name is not defined, an empty string is returned.

4.1.7 The getDate method

The getDate method returns the date associated with an entry point as defined by the @Date keyword in MFront. If this date is not defined, an empty string is returned.

4.1.8 The getDescription method

The getDescription method returns the description associated with an entry point as defined by the @Description keyword in MFront. If this description is not defined, an empty string is returned.

4.1.9 The getMaterialPropertyOutput method

The getMaterialPropertyOutput method returns the external name associated with the output of a material property.

4.2 New class ExternalMaterialKnowledgeDescription

The ExternalMaterialKnowledgeDescription gathers information exported by MFront about an entry point (material property or behaviour). This class has been introduced as a base class for the ExternalMaterialPropertyDescription and ExternalBehaviourDescription classes.

This class exposes the following data members:

4.3 Improvements to the ExternalMaterialPropertyDescription class

The ExternalMaterialPropertyDescription class now inherits from the ExternalMaterialKnowledgeDescription class.

4.3.1 New data members

The ExternalMaterialPropertyDescription class exposes the following new data members:

4.3.2 New member functions Retrieving the default value of a parameter

The getParameterDefaultValue returns the default value of a parameter. Retrieving information about bounds of a variable

4.4 Improvements to the ExternalBehaviourDescription class

The ExternalBehaviourDescription class now inherits from the ExternalMaterialKnowledgeDescription class.

4.4.1 The hasTemperatureBeenRemovedFromExternalStateVariables data member

The ExternalBehaviourDescription class now have hasTemperatureBeenRemovedFromExternalStateVariables boolean public data member which states if the temperature was removed from the list of external state variables.

5 TFEL/Math improvements

5.1 Generalized usage of the constexpr keyword

5.2 Port to GPUs

5.3 Miscellaneous improvements

5.3.1 Linear interpolation

The computeLinearInterpolation allows to compute the linear inteporlation of a set of data by the arrays of abscissae and values respectively.

The computeLinearInterpolationAndDerivative returns the a pair containing the value resulting for the linear interpolation and the derivative.

The first template argument of those functions is a boolean stating if extrapolation must be performed. Notes

  1. Both functions assumes that the abscissae are ordered.
  2. Both functions are constexpr
  3. Both functions are compatible with quantitites.
  4. Both functions can use arrays and tensorial objects as values. Example of usage

constexpr std::array<time, 3u> abscissae{time{0}, time{1}, time{2}};
constexpr std::array<stress, 3u> values{stress{1}, stress{2}, stress{4}};
constexpr auto v = tfel::math::computeLinearInterpolation<true>(abscissae, values,

5.3.2 Interpolation with cubic spline

The CubicSplineCollocationPoint structure describes a collocation point used to build an interpolation by a cubic spline.

Cubic spline interpolation requires a set of such collocation points. For example, the CubicSpline class can build a vector of collocation point from data. The set of collocation points can also be precomputed.

The computeCubicSplineInterpolation allows to perform the interpolation using a set of collocation points. The computeCubicSplineInterpolationAndDerivative computes the interpolated value and the derivative at the cubic spline.

The first template argument of those functions is a boolean stating if extrapolation must be performed. Notes

  1. Both functions assumes that the abscissae are ordered.
  2. Both functions are constexpr
  3. Both functions are compatible with quantitites.
  4. Both functions can use arrays and tensorial objects as values. Example of usage

using CollocationPoint =
    tfel::math::CubicSplineCollocationPoint<time, stress>;
constexpr auto pts = std::array<CollocationPoint, 3u>{
    CollocationPoint{time{0}, stress{1}, stressrate{0.75}},  //
    CollocationPoint{time{1}, stress{2}, stressrate{1.5}},   //
    CollocationPoint{time{2}, stress{4}, stressrate{2.25}}};
constexpr auto f_values = std::array<stress, 4u>{
    tfel::math::computeCubicSplineInterpolation<true>(pts, time{-1}),
    tfel::math::computeCubicSplineInterpolation<true>(pts, time{0.4}),
    tfel::math::computeCubicSplineInterpolation<true>(pts, time{1.2}),
    tfel::math::computeCubicSplineInterpolation<true>(pts, time{3}),

5.3.3 Extension of the derivative_type metafunction to higher order derivatives

The derivative_type metafunction now accepts multiple arguments defining the variable types with respect to which the function type is derived. Example

The declarations:

// declaration valid in Version 4.0 and 4.1
auto d2E_dT2 = derivative_type<derivative_type<stress, temperature>, temperature>{};


// declaration valid in Version 4.1
auto d2E_dT2 = derivative_type<stress, temperature, temperature>{};

are now equivalent.

5.3.4 Add support to clamp values of arrays

The clamp method is available in all mutable arrays in TFEL/Math, including all tensorial objects. Example of usage

constexpr auto a = [] {
  auto values = tfel::math::fsarray<3u, int>{-14, 12, -3};
  values.clamp(-4, 4);
  return values;
static_assert(a[0] == -4);
static_assert(a[1] == 4);
static_assert(a[2] == -3);

6 TFEL/Math/Parser improvements

6.1 Improved differentiation

The differentiation of formula defined by the Evaluator class has been improved in several manner.

For example, the derivation of the formula 2*sin(x) would lead in previous versions in the following ev

7 TFEL/Material improvements

7.1 Generalized usage of the constexpr keyword

7.2 Port to GPUs

7.3 Computation of the inverse of the Langevin function

The inverse Langevin function is used in many statistically based network behaviours describing rubber-like materials.

The Langevin function \(\mathcal{L}\) is defined as follows: \[ \mathcal{L}{\left(x\right)}={{\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle \coth{\left(x\right)}}}}-{{\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle x}}} \]

The complexity of the inverse Langevin function \(\mathcal{L}^{-1}{\left(x\right)}\) motivated the development of various approximations [13].

Figure 1: Comparison of various approximations of the inverse Langenvin function

Figure 1 compares those approximations. The approximations of Bergström and Boyce [2] and Jedynak [3] are undistinguishable. See Jedynak for a quantitative discussion of the error generated by those approximations [3]. It is worth noting that all those approximations mostly differs near the pole of inverse Langevin function \(\mathcal{L}^{-1}{\left(x\right)}\).

The InverseLangevinFunctionApproximations enumeration lists the approximations that have been implemented and that can be evaluated in a constexpr context:

The computeApproximateInverseLangevinFunction computes one approximation of the inverse Langevin function and the computeApproximateInverseLangevinFunctionAndDerivative function computes ne approximation of the inverse Langevin function and its derivative. These functions have two template parameters: the approximation selected and the numeric type to be used. By default, the JEDYNAK_2015 approximation is used and the numeric type can be deduced from the type of the argument.

The approximation proposed by Bergström and Boyce [2] is given by the following function: \[ \mathcal{L}^{-1}{\left(x\right)} \approx \left\{ \begin{aligned} c_{1} \tan{\left(c_{2} \, x\right)} + c_{3} \, x &\quad\text{if}\quad \left|x\right| \leq c_{0}\\ {{\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle \mathop{sign}{\left(x\right)}-x}}}&\quad\text{if}\quad \left|x\right| > c_{0} \end{aligned} \right. \]

The computeBergstromBoyce1998ApproximateInverseLangevinFunction function computes this approximation and the computeBergstromBoyce1998ApproximateInverseLangevinFunctionAndDerivative function computes this function and its derivative. These functions can’t be declared constexpr because of tangent function is not constexpr. These functions have one template parameter, the numeric type to be used. This template parameter can be automatically deduced from the type of the argument.

7.4 Example of usage

using ApproximationFunctions = InverseLangevinFunctionApproximations;
// compute Cohen's approximation of the inverse Langevin function
const auto v = computeApproximateInverseLangevinFunction<
// compute Jedynak's approximation of the inverse Langevin function and its derivative
const auto [f, df] = computeApproximateInverseLangevinFunctionAndDerivative(y)

8 TFEL/Glossary improvements

8.1 Physical bounds

Most entries of the glossary now declare physical bounds. The physical bounds are associated with an unit system. Currently, only the Internal System of units (SI) is supported.

9 MFront improvements

9.1 Selecting an unit system

The @UnitSystem allows to select an unit system. Currently, only the Internal System of units (SI) is supported.

9.1.1 Example of usage

@UnitSystem SI;

9.1.2 Allow failure of the @InitLocalVariables code block

The user can now abort the behaviour integration by returning false or FAILURE from the @InitLocalVariables code block.

9.1.3 Automatic definition of physical bounds of variable associated with a glossary entry

If an unit system is declared and that a variable is associated with a glossary entry and that no physical bounds have been declared for this variable, MFront will automatically declare the physical bounds from the glossary entry.

Consider the following example:

@DSL MaterialLaw;
@Law TestUnitSystem;
@UnitSystem SI;

@Output stress E;

@StateVariable temperature T;

  constexpr auto Ta = temperature{3000};
  E = 150e9 * exp(T / Ta);

MFront will automatically associate the following physical bounds to the temperature T:

$ mfront-query --has-physical-bounds=Temperature TestUnitSystem.mfront 
$ mfront-query --physical-bounds-value=Temperature TestUnitSystem.mfront 

9.2 Options to domain specific languages

Domain specific language can have options which can modify their default behaviour.

9.2.1 Treat parameters as static variables

The boolean option parameters_as_static_variables modifies the way parameters are treated. This option can be declared as follows:

@DSL Default{parameters_as_static_variables : true};

By default, MFront behaves as if this option was set to false.

If true, the parameters will be treated as static variables. In particular, the values of the parameters can not be changed as runtime. From the solver point of view, the behaviour does not declare any parameter.

If the current domain specific language calls other domain specific languages (for example, a behaviour calling an external material property), the value of this option is automatically passed to those domain specific languages (unless superceeded by global options, as detailled in Sections 9.2.9 and 9.2.10).

9.2.2 Specifying a build identifier

In previous versions, a build identifier could be specified using the TFEL_BUILD_ID environment variable.

The build_identifier option is another way of specifying the build identifier, as follows:

@DSL IsotropicPlasticMisesFlow{
  build_identifier : "Cyrano-3.4"

However, the build_identifier is not meant to be directly specified in the MFront source file. It shall rather be defined on the command line (see Section 9.2.9).

9.2.3 Automatic declaration of the temperature as the first external state variable for behaviours

In previous versions of MFront, the temperature was automatically defined as the first external state variable by domain specific languages handling behaviours, as this is required by most behaviour interfaces derived from AbaqusUMAT interface.

This automatic declaration can now be disabled using the automatic_declaration_of_the_temperature_as_first_external_state_variable boolean option, as follows:

@DSL IsotropicPlasticMisesFlow{
  automatic_declaration_of_the_temperature_as_first_external_state_variable : false

By default, MFront behaves as if this option was set to true. Currently, only the generic interface supports behaviours which do not declare the temperature a the first external state variable. Special case of specialized domain specific languages

IsotropicMisesCreep, IsotropicMisesPlasticFlow, IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreep and MultipleIsotropicMisesFlows domain specific languages used to automatically declare the temperature at the middle of the time step in a local variable named T_. This declaration is disabled if the automatic_declaration_of_the_temperature_as_first_external_state_variable option is set to false.

9.2.4 Disabling initialization of parameters from text file

By default, parameters may be initialized from a text file in the current directory, if this text file exists. This feature is implemented and enabled by default for behaviours. For material properties, this feature is implemented by some interfaces (Cast3M, Cyrano, Octave, Python).

This behaviour can now be changed by using the parameters_initialization_from_file boolean option.

9.2.5 Specifying the default out of bounds policy

In previous versions, the default out of bound policy was tfel::material::None, which meant that nothing is done when a variable is out of its bound.

This behaviour can now be changed by using the default_out_of_bounds_policy string option which can take the values None, Warning or Strict.

9.2.6 Disabling runtime change of the out of bounds policy

The out_of_bounds_policy_runtime_modification boolean option states if the out of bounds policy can be changed at runtime. By default, this option is true.

If true, many interfaces (Cast3M, Python, Java, etc..) uses environment variables to modify the out of bounds policy.

9.2.7 Specifying overriding parameters

The overriding_parameters option allows to specify overriding parameters. This parameters must be a map associating variables names and default values of the overriding parameters.

Example of usage

The following codes allows to turn the temperature, defined by default as an external state variable, into a parameter:

$ mfront --obuild --interface=generic                              \
         --behaviour-dsl-option='overriding_parameters:{T:293.15}' \

Note that the temperature increment is implicitly overriden but a parameter whose default value is null.

9.2.8 Specifying the modelling hypotheses to be treated

The modelling_hypothesis and modelling_hypotheses options can be used to specify the modelling hypotheses to be treated. This option is specific to behaviours.

The hypotheses must be a subset of the hypotheses supported be the behaviour.

$ mfront --obuild --interface=generic                      \
   --behaviour-dsl-option=modelling_hypothesis:PlaneStrain \

9.2.9 Defining global DSL options from the command line

Options passed to domain specific languages can be defined globally using one of the following command line arguments:

The options defined by command line arguments are merged with the options defined inside the MFront file. In case of conflicts, an option defined on the command-line overwrites the option defined in the MFront file.

Example of usage

$ mfront --obuild --interface=generic                          \
    --behaviour-dsl-option=parameters_as_static_variables:true \

9.2.10 Defining global DSL options from an external file

Options passed to domain specific languages can be defined globally using an external file in a JSON-like format using one of the following command line arguments: --dsl-options-file, --material-property-dsl-options-file, --behaviour-dsl-options-file or --model-dsl-options-file.

The options defined by command line arguments are merged with the options defined inside the MFront file. In case of conflicts, an option defined on the command-line overwrites the option defined in the MFront file.

Example of usage

$ mfront --obuild --interface=generic    \
    --behaviour-dsl-options-file=options.json \

where the options.json file may look like:

overriding_parameters : {T : 293.15, dT : 0},
parameters_as_static_variables : true

9.2.11 Retrieving the list of options associated with a domain specific language

The list of options associated with a domain specific language can be retrieved using the --list-dsl-options command line argument as follows:

$ mfront --list-dsl-options=RungeKutta
- parameters_as_static_variables: boolean stating if the parameter shall be treated as static variables.
- automatic_declaration_of_the_temperature_as_first_external_state_variable: boolean stating if the temperature shall be automatically declared as an external state variable.

9.3 Initialize functions for behaviours

The @InitializeFunction keyword introduces a code block that can be used to initialize internal state variables at the very beginning of the computation. Initalize functions may have user so-called initialize funtion variables.

In this version, only the generic interface generates functions associated with initialize functions (See Section 4.1.2 to see how to retrieve the initialize functions generated by the generic interfaces).

Because initialize functions are called before any behaviour integration, special care to the meaning of the variables must be taken:

Concerning material properties, they have their values at the beginning of the time step.

About initialisation of local variables

The code block defined by the @InitLocalVariables code block shall be called before the execution of an initialize function.

9.3.1 Example of usage

The following code defines an initializer function which initializes the elastic strain from the value of stress:

@InitializeFunction ElasticStrainFromInitialStress{
  const auto K = 2 / (3 * (1 - 2 * nu));
  const auto pr = trace(sig) / 3;
  const auto s = deviator(sig);
  eel = eval((pr / K) * Stensor::Id() + s / mu);

9.3.2 About initialize function variables

Initialize function variables are introduced by the @InitializeFunctionVariable keyword.

Initialize function variables are only defined in initialize functions, and can’t be used in the other code blocks.

Contrary most variables (internal state variables, external state variables, etc.), initialize function variables can be defined after the first code block. However, care must be taken to declare initialize function variables before their use in an initialize function.

Note that an initialize function variable can be used in differents initialize function.

9.4 Post-processings of behaviours

The @PostProcessing keyword introduces a code block that can be used to perform computations independently of the behaviour integration. The outputs of post-processings are stored in so-called post-processing variables.

Post-processings are typically meant to be called at the end of a time step, when the equilibrium has been reached.

In this version, only the generic interface generates functions associated with post-processings (See Section 4.1.3 to see how to retrieve the post-processing functions generated by the generic interfaces).

Because post-processings are called independently of the behaviour integration step, special care to the meaning of the variables must be taken:

The values of the thermodynamic forces, state variables, auxiliary state variables at the beginning of the time step are available in a special data structure named initial_state.

Concerning material properties, they have their values at the end of the time step as usual.

For the gradients and external state variables have their values at the end of the time step. Their values at the beginning of the time step are avaiable in the initial_state data structure. Their increments have their usual values.

About initialisation of local variables

The code block defined by the @InitLocalVariables code block shall be called before the execution of the post-processing. However, this code block will be called with the thermodynamic forces, state variables, auxiliary state variables at the end of the time step.

9.4.1 Example of usage

The following code defines a post-processing computing the principal strain at the end of the time step:

//! principal strains
@PostProcessingVariable tvector<3u,strain> εᵖ;
//! compute the principal strain
@PostProcessing PrincipalStrain {
  εᵖ = eto.computeEigenValues();

9.4.2 About post-processing variables

Post-processing variables are introduced by the @PostProcessingVariable keyword.

Post-processing variables are only defined in post-processings, and can’t be used in the other code blocks.

Contrary most variables (internal state variables, external state variables, etc.), post-processing variables can be defined after the first code block. However, care must be taken to declare post-processing variables before their use in a post-processing.

Note that a post-processing variable can be used in differents post-processings. Typically, one may compute the principal strains in a dedicated post-processing and in a post-processing computing the principal strains and the strain eigen vectors.

9.5 Add a madnex file to the search paths

MFront files may depend on other MFront files. A madnex file can be used resolve those dependencies using the --madnex-search-path command line argument.

9.5.1 A first example

Let us consider a madnex file containing the YoungModulusTest material property associated with no material and a file Test.mfront requiring to have access to this material property. For example, the Test.mfront may contain an instruction such as:

@MaterialLaw "YoungModulusTest";

The Test.mfront file can be compiled as follows:

$ mfront --obuild --interface=generic                 `
         --madnex-search-path=MaterialProperties.mdnx `

9.5.2 madnex search paths

Options to the --madnex-search-path can be decomposed as


where <material_knowledge_type> and <material_identifier> are optionals, as in the previous example. Selecting a specific type of material kowledge

material_knowledge_type may have one of the following values material_property, behaviours and models.

If material_knowledge_type is not specified, materials properties, behaviours and models are all considered (in that order). About the material identifier

The <material_identifier> is interpreted as a regular expression.

The regular expression that selects material knowledge associated with all materials is .+, but this will exclude material knowledge associated with no material.

The regular expression .* will select material knowledge associated to all material and material knowledge associated with no material. This is what happen if not material_identifier is specified.

The special material identifier <none> selects only material knowledge associated with no material. Examples of madnex search paths

9.5.3 How madnex files are searched

The madnex files specified in madnex search paths are first search in the current directory, and then in the directories specified by the --search-path command line arguments.

9.6 Automatic declaration of a madnex input file as a madnex search path

When MFront uses a madnex input file, this file is automatically added to the madnex search path.

9.6.1 Example of usage

Let us consider a file a madnex file containing a behaviour Test and a material property YoungModulusTest which is used by the Test behaviour, then the following instructions work as expected:

$ mfront --obuild --interface=aster --behaviour=Test Example.mdnx 
Treating target : all
The following libraries have been built :
- :  astertest
$ mfront-query --list-dependencies --behaviour=Test Example.mdnx 

9.7 Improvements to the StandardElastoViscoPlasticity brick

9.7.1 User defined isotropic hardening rule

The UserDefined isotropic hardening rule allows the user to specify the radius of the yield surface as a function of the equivalent plastic strain p.

This function shall be given by a string option named R and must depend on p. The function may also depend on other variables. Let A be such a variable. The UserDefined isotropic hardening rule will look if an option named A has been given:

If required, the derivative of R with respect to p can be provided through the option dR_dp. The derivative dR_dp can depend on the variable R.

If this derivative is not provided, automatic differentiation will be used. The user shall be warned that the automatic differentiation provided by the tfel::math::Evaluator class may result in inefficient code.

Example of usage

@Parameter stress R0 = 200e6;
@Parameter stress Hy = 40e6;
@Parameter real b = 100;

@Brick StandardElastoViscoPlasticity{
  stress_potential : "Hooke" {young_modulus : 150e9, poisson_ratio : 0.3},
  inelastic_flow : "Plastic" {
    criterion : "Mises",
    isotropic_hardening : "UserDefined" {
      R : "R0 + Hy * (1 - exp(-b * p))",     // Yield radius
      dR_dp : "b * (R0 + Hy - R)"

9.7.2 New inelastic flow UserDefinedViscoplasticity

The UserDefinedViscoplasticity inelastic flow allows the user to specify the viscoplastic strain rate vp as a function of f and p where:

This function shall be given by a string option named vp. This function must depend on f. Dependance to p is optional.

The function may also depend on other variables. Let A be such a variable. The UserDefinedViscoplasticity flow will look if an option named A has been given to the flow:

If required, the derivatives of vp with respect to f and p can be provided through the options dvp_df and dvp_dp. The derivatives dvp_df and dvp_dp can depend on two additional variables, vp and seps, which denotes the viscoplastic strain rate and a stress threshold.

If those derivatives are not provided, automatic differentiation will be used. The user shall be warned that the automatic differentiation provided by the tfel::math::Evaluator class may result in inefficient code.

Example of usage

@Parameter temperature Ta = 600;
@Parameter strain p0 = 1e-8;

@Brick StandardElastoViscoPlasticity{
  stress_potential : "Hooke" {young_modulus : 150e9, poisson_ratio : 0.3},
  inelastic_flow : "UserDefinedViscoplasticity" {
    criterion : "Mises",
    E : 8.2,
    A : "8e-67 * exp(- T / Ta)",
    m : 0.32,
    vp : "A * (f ** E) / ((p + p0) ** m)",
    dvp_df : "E * vp / (max(f, seps))"
    // dvp_dp is evaluated by automatic differentiation (which is not recommended)

9.7.3 Isotropic harderning rule based defined by points

The Data isotropic hardening rule allows the user to define an isotropic hardening rule using a curve defined by a set of pairs of equivalent strain and equivalent stress.

This isotropic hardening rule can be parametrised using three entries: Example of usage

@Brick StandardElastoViscoPlasticity{
  stress_potential : "Hooke" {young_modulus : 150e9, poisson_ratio : 0.3},
  inelastic_flow : "Plastic" {
    criterion : "Mises",
    isotropic_hardening : "Data" {
      values : {0 : 150e6, 1e-3 : 200e6, 2e-3 : 400e6},
      interpolation : "linear"

9.7.4 Delobelle-Robinet-Schaffler kinematic hardening rule

The Delobelle-Robinet-Schaffler (DRS) kinematic hardening rule has been introduced to describe orthotropic viscoplasticity of Zircaloy alloys [4, 5]. It describes both dynamic and static recovery by the following evolution law: \[ \underline{\dot{a}}= \dot{p}\,\underline{\mathbf{E}}_{c}\,\colon\,\underline{n} -D\,\dot{p}\,\underline{\mathbf{R}}_{d}\,\colon\,\underline{a} -f\,{\left({{\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle a_{\mathrm{eq}}}{\displaystyle a_{0}}}}\right)}^{m}\,{\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle \partial a_{\mathrm{eq}}}{\displaystyle \partial \underline{a}}} \] with \(a_{\mathrm{eq}}=\sqrt{\underline{a}\,\colon\,\underline{\mathbf{R}}_{s}\,\colon\,\underline{a}}\) and \({\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle \partial a_{\mathrm{eq}}}{\displaystyle \partial \underline{a}}}={{\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle \underline{\mathbf{R}}_{s}\,\colon\,\underline{a}}{\displaystyle a_{\mathrm{eq}}}}}\)

The three fourth order tensors \(\underline{\mathbf{E}}_{c}\), \(\underline{\mathbf{R}}_{d}\) and \(\underline{\mathbf{R}}_{s}\) are assumed to have the same structure as the Hill tensors and are defined by \(6\) components (see this page for details).

The f and a0 parameters are optional and defaults to \(1\). Example

    kinematic_hardening : "DRS" {
      C : 150.e9,  // kinematic moduli
      D : 1e2,    // back-strain callback coefficient
      f : 10,
      m : 5,
      Ec : {0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 1, 1, 1},
      Rs : {0.33, 0.63, 0.33, 1, 1, 1},
      Rd : {0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 1, 1, 1}  //

9.8 Improvements to the RungeKutta domain specific language

9.8.1 Improvements to the rkCastem algorithm

The rkCastem algorithm compares the values of the stress computed by a predictor step and corrector step. The error between those values must be normalised. In previous versions, the existence of a variable named young was assumed.

The @StressErrorNormalizationFactor allows to specify this normalization factor more explicitely and consistenly.

For backward compatibility with previous versions, the young variable will be used, if an appropriate variable is defined and if the @StressErrorNormalizationFactor keyword was not used.

Note that if the @StressErrorNormalizationFactor keyword is not used and that the young variable is not defined, MFront will look:

  1. if the stiffnes matrix is defined and take its first component.
  2. if a material property, a parameter or a local variable is associated with the YoungModulus glossary name.

9.9 New domain specific language ImplicitCZMDSL

The domain specific language ImplicitCZMDSL allows to implement a cohesive zone model using an implicit scheme.

9.10 Support for for point-wise models in the Cast3M interface

The Cast3M interface has been extended to support point-wise models, i.e. generic behaviours without gradients, as generated by the DefaultModel DSL, the RungeKuttaModel DSL and the ImplicitModel DSL.

Proper support for models will land in Cast3M Version 2023. In the meantime, the generated models can be tested with MTest (See Section 10.9).

9.11 Cast3M interface for point-wise models implemented using the Model domain specific language

The Model domain specific language (DSL) is mostly superseeded by the domain specific languages introduced in Version 3.4.3 (namely the DefaultModel, RungeKuttaModel and ImplicitModel DSLs). However, backward-compatibility still requires to maintain the Model domain specific language.

The generated function has the same prototype as behaviours. From the Cast3M point of view, point-wise models implemented by the Model domain specific language are no different than the ones implemented by the DefaultModel, RungeKuttaModel and ImplicitModel DSLs.

Proper support for models will land in Cast3M Version 2023. In the meantime, the generated models can be tested with MTest (See Section 10.9).

9.12 generic interface for material properties

The generic interface for material properties generates functions matching the following prototype:

mfront_gmp_real (*)(mfront_gmp_OutputStatus* const,       // output status
                    const mfront_gmp_real* const,         // arguments
                    const mfront_gmp_size_type,           // number of arguments
                    const mfront_gmp_OutOfBoundsPolicy);  // out of bounds policy

The mfront_gmp_OutputStatus structure and the mfront_gmp_OutOfBoundsPolicy enumeration type are described in the next paragraphs.

The arguments are passed using a continuous array. The number of arguments is used to make some basic consistency checks. The list of arguments can be retrieved using the ExternalLibraryManager class (See Section @???).

If the material property declares parameters (and that the parameters_as_static_variables DSL option was not specified), their names and default values can be retrieved using the ExternalLibraryManager class. The value of those parameters can also be modified using the ExternalLibraryManager class (See Section @???).

Note: link with the cyrano interface for material properties

The generic interface for material properties is very similar to the cyrano interface. In pratice, both interfaces shares a common base class (called GenericMaterialPropertyInterfaceBase).

9.12.1 The mfront_gmp_OutputStatus structure

The mfront_gmp_OutputStatus structure describes the output status of the evaluation of a material property.

This data structure is defined as follows:

 * \brief this structure summarizes the exit status of a function conforming to
 * one of the `generic` material property interface.
typedef struct {
   * \brief exit status
   * The exit status is zero if the result has been correctly evaluated.
   * If the exit status is 1, a result has been computed, but it must be used
   * with caution. This is typically used to report that one argument was out of
   * its bounds.
   * All negative values indicates that the result is not usable. For a material
   * property, thereturned is `nan`.
   * For a material property, a negative value has the following meaning:
   * - If the exit status is -1, an argument was out of its physical bounds, or
   *   out of its bounds and a strict out of bounds policy is declared.
   * - If the exit status is -2, a C++ exception was thrown. If the exception
   *   was a child of `std::exception`, the content of the string returned by
   *   the `what` method is copyied in the `message` field. Otherwise, the
   *   message field contains the "unknown exception" string.
   * - If the exit status is -3, an error occured in the `C` library, i.e. the
   *   `errno` value was set to a non zero value during the computation.
   *   The value of `errno` corresponding to the error is stored to in the
   *   `c_error_number` field of this structure. The string returned by
   *   `strerrno` is returned. Note that the `errno` value is always reset to
   *   the  value it had before the call.
   * - If the exit status is -4, the computed value is invalid (either \nan`,
   *   `inf`, or `-inf`).
   * - If the exit status is -5, the number of arguments is invalid.
  int status;
  //! \brief error number reported by the C library.
  int c_error_number;
   * \brief bounds status
   * This status has the following meaning:
   * - zero means that no argument was outside its bounds or its physical
   * bounds.
   * - a negative values means that one argument went beyond its physical
   * bounds.
   *   The absolute value gives the rank of this argument (here the rank starts
   * at 1).
   * - a positive value means that one argument went beyond its bounds.
   *   The value gives the rank of this argument (here the rank starts at 1).
  int bounds_status;
  //! \brief error message
  char msg[512];
} mfront_gmp_OutputStatus;  // end of struct mfront_gmp_OutputStatus

9.12.2 The mfront_gmp_OutOfBoundsPolicy enumeration type

The mfront_gmp_OutOfBoundsPolicy enumeration type is defined as follows:

 * \brief available out of bounds policies
typedef enum {
                                            * With this policy, nothing is done if
                                            * the arguments are    out of their
                                            * bounds    (checks are not even
                                            * performed).
                                            * With this policy, checks on the
                                            * arguments are performed. If one
                                            * argument if out of its bounds,
                                            * this will be reported in the
                                            * output status and an
                                            * appropriate error message will be
                                            * reported. The computations are
                                            * however performed.
                                            * With this policy, checks on the
                                            * arguments are   performed. If one
                                            * argument   if out of its bounds,
                                            * this   will be reported in the
                                            * output   status and an   appropriate
                                            * error   message will be reported.
} mfront_gmp_OutOfBoundsPolicy;  // end of mfront_gmp_OutOfBoundsPolicy

9.13 generic interface for point-wise models implemented using the Model domain specific language

The Model domain specific language (DSL) is mostly superseeded by the domain specific languages introduced in Version 3.4.3 (namely the DefaultModel, RungeKuttaModel and ImplicitModel DSLs). However, backward-compatibility still requires to maintain the Model domain specific language.

It is also interesting to use of the existing point-wise models in solvers based on the MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport. This is the main motivation of the development for generic interface for point-wise models implemented using the Model domain specific language.

An interesting consequence of this development is those point-wise models can now be tested in MTest.

9.13.1 Example of usage

$ mfront --obuild --interface=generic UO2_Shrinkage_RAPHAEL2008.mfront
Treating target : all
The following libraries have been built :
- :  UO2_Shrinkage_RAPHAEL2008_AxisymmetricalGeneralisedPlaneStrain UO2_Shrinkage_RAPHAEL2008_AxisymmetricalGeneralisedPlaneStress UO2_Shrinkage_RAPHAEL2008_Axisymmetrical UO2_Shrinkage_RAPHAEL2008_PlaneStress UO2_Shrinkage_RAPHAEL2008_PlaneStrain UO2_Shrinkage_RAPHAEL2008_GeneralisedPlaneStrain UO2_Shrinkage_RAPHAEL2008_Tridimensional

This can be tested in MTest. As an exemple, the following test computes the swelling of uranium dioxide for a constant temperature for a burn-up increasing from \(0\) to \(5\, at.%\) (time has no physical meaning here):

@ModellingHypothesis 'Tridimensional';
@Behaviour<generic> 'src/' 'UO2_Shrinkage_RAPHAEL2008';

@ExternalStateVariable 'BurnUp_AtPercent' {0 : 0, 1 : 5};
@ExternalStateVariable 'Temperature' 800;

@Times{0, 1 in 100};

9.14 Improvements to the MaterialProperty DSL

9.14.1 Dedicated tutorial

A new tutorial dedicated to the MaterialProperty DSL is available on this page.

9.14.2 Physical constants

The physical constants defined in the TFEL/PhysicalConstants library are available through the PhysicalConstants type alias. This alias is defined by taking the numeric type and the usage of quantity. Example of usage

constexpr auto R = PhysicalConstants::R;

9.15 Improvements to the Model DSL

9.15.1 New keywords @StateVariable and @ExternalStateVariable

The keywords @StateVariable and @ExternalStateVariable are synomymous of the @Output and @Input keywords respectively. Those aliases were introduced for consistency with behaviours.

9.15.2 Defining types for parameters, inputs and outputs

The keywords @StateVariable, @ExternalStateVariable, @Output, @Input and @Parameters now allow to specify the type of the variables they define. See this page for details on types supported by MFront.

Note that only scalar types are supported by models.

9.15.3 Support for quantities

Quantities are now fully supported in the Model DSL.

9.15.4 Physical constants

The physical constants defined in the TFEL/PhysicalConstants library are available through the PhysicalConstants type alias. This alias is defined by taking the numeric type and the usage of quantity. Example of usage

constexpr auto R = PhysicalConstants::R;

9.16 Miscellaneous improvements

9.16.1 Extension of the derivative_type metafunction to higher order derivatives

In variable declaration, the derivative_type metafunction now accepts multiple arguments defining the variable types with respect to which the function type is derived. Example

The following declarations

// declaration valid in Version 4.0 and 4.1
@LocalVariable derivative_type<derivative_type<stress, temperature>, temperature> d2E_dT2;


// declaration valid in Version 4.1
@LocalVariable derivative_type<stress, temperature, temperature> d2E_dT2;

are now equivalent.

9.16.2 Pedantic check

The --pedantic option of MFront now allows to check several criteria to ensure a good quality assurance of the .mfront file.

9.16.3 Example of usage

$ mfront --pedantic MFrontFileName.mfront

9.16.4 Support for the DTAU_DDF tangent operator for the generic interface

The generic interface for finite strain behaviour can now return the derivative of the Kirchhoff stress with respect to the spatial increment of the deformation gradient \({\left.{\underset{\tilde{}}{\mathbf{F}}}\right|_{t+\Delta\,t}}\,\cdot\,{\left.{\underset{\tilde{}}{\mathbf{F}}}\right|_{t}}^{-1}\).

9.17 Generation of climb tensors

For a given slip system of normal \(\vec{n}\), the climb tensor is defined as \(\vec{n}\,\otimes\vec{n}\).

If sliding systems are declared, MFront generates a class containing the definition of all normals, slip directions, orientation tensors (see this page for details).

This class now contains the climb tensors:


In previous versions of MFront, climb tensors could have been computed using the normals using buildFromVectorDiadicProduct method from the stensor class.

10 MTest improvements

10.1 Support for madnex file

10.1.1 Exporting an MTest test to a madnex file

The TFELMTest library exposes a data structure named TestDescription which describes an MTest file and two functions called respectively loadMTestFileContent and write.

This data structure and functions are exported in python, as described in Section 12.4. Section 12.4.1 provides an example of use. The TestDescription data structure

The TestDescription data structure exposes the following data members: The loadMTestFileContent function

The loadMTestFileContent function loads the content of an MTest file and stores it in the content data member of a TestDescription data structure. The write function

The write function exports an MTest test, described by a TestDescription data structure, to a file.

The file format is deduced from the extension of the file.

Currently, only extensions associated with the madnex file format are supported if TFEL is compiled with support of this file format. Those extensions are: mdnx, madnex (deprecated) or edf (experimental data file, deprecated). Note that the behaviour member of the metadata must be specified for export in the madnex file format. Best practices

We highly recommend to use the following substitution variables when defining the test:

10.1.2 Executing a test stored in a madnex file

To execute a test stored in a madnex file, the user must specify:

Note that the --test (or -t) command line argument can accept regular expressions to select as set of tests.

Example of usage

The following example executes the UniaxialTensileTest test associated with the Plasticity behaviour (and not attached to any material) using the behaviour cyranoplasticity compiled with the cyrano interface in a shared library located in the src subdirectory and stored in the Plasticity.mdnx file:

$ mtest  --behaviour=Plasticity --test=UniaxialTensileTest        \
         --@interface@=cyrano --@behaviour@="'cyranoplasticity'"  \
         --@library@="'src/'"               \

10.1.3 Execution all tests associated with a behaviour stored in a madnex file

The user can execute all tests associated with a behaviour using the --all-tests command line arguments. The user must specify the name of the behaviour (using the --behaviour (or -b) command line argument) and optionally the name of the material (using the --material (or -m) command line argument).

$ mtest  --behaviour=Plasticity --@interface@=cyrano \
         --@behaviour@="'cyranoplasticity'"          \
         --@library@="'src/'"  \ 
         --all-tests Plasticity.mdnx                 \

The --all-tests command line argument is equivalent to --test=".+".

10.1.4 Alternative way to select a single test in a madnex file

mtest allows to select a test inside a madnex file using the following path syntax:



10.2 Support for a boundary condition modelling the effect of a mandrel in pipe modelling

The effect of a non-deformable mandrel located inside the pipe can be modelled by defining the evolution of its radius \(R_{m}\) using the @MandrelRadiusEvolution keyword. The inner radius \(R_{i}\) will then satisfy the following unilateral boundary condition:

\[ R_{i} - R_{m} \geq 0 \]

This boundary condition is imposed by using a Lagrange multiplier. Its value is given by the contact pressure in the output file. The total pressure applied to the inner surface of the pipe is given by the sum of the imposed pressure (if any) and the contact pressure. Only the imposed inner pressure is used to compute the end cap effect.

This boundary condition is not compatible with:

10.2.1 Axial binding

If the evolution of the axial growth of the mandrel is defined using the @MandrelAxialGrowthEvolution keyword, an axial binding between the mandrel and the pipe is assumed, i.e. the difference between the axial growth of the pipe \(\varepsilon^{p}_{zz}\) and the axial growth of the mandrel \(\varepsilon^{p}_{zz}\) is assumed to be constant to its value when the contact between the mandrel and the pipe is detected:

\[ \varepsilon^{p}_{zz}-\varepsilon^{m}_{zz}=\textrm{Cste} \]

This axial boundary condition is not compatible with the boundary condition imposing the evolution of the axial growth of the pipe.

10.3 Wrappers around 3D behaviours

The SmallStrainTridimensionalBehaviourWrapper class allows to wrap a tridimensional behaviour into a behaviour usable in one of the following modelling hypotheses:

Shear components of the strain tensor which are not meaningful for the targeted modelling hypothesis are set to zero.

After the behaviour integration, only the meaningful components of the stress tensor and stiffness matrix are retained.

10.3.1 Treatment of the internal state variables

The internal state variables are all declared as scalars.

For instance, let us assume that the 3D behaviour declares an internal state variable called s. In this case, the wrapped behaviour will then declared 6 internal state variables associated with s named respectively sXX, sYY, sZZ, sXY, sXZ, sYZ.

10.3.2 Usage in MTest

The following code shows how to wrap a tridimensional behaviour to be used under the axisymmetrical plane strain modelling hypothesis:

// Choice of the modelling hypothesis
@ModellingHypothesis "AxisymmetricalGeneralisedPlaneStrain";
// Declaration of the behaviour
    generic,                                   // interface name
    SmallStrainTridimensionalBehaviourWrapper> // wrapper
    "src/" "ImplicitNorton";

10.3.3 Usage in the mtest python module

The following code shows how to load a tridimensional behaviour and how to wrap this behaviour to be used in plane strain:

import mtest
import tfel.material
h = tfel.material.ModellingHypothesis.TRIDIMENSIONAL
b1 = mtest.Behaviour('generic', 'src/',
                     'ImplicitNorton', h)
# ['ElasticStrain', 'p']
b2 = mtest.Behaviour(wrapper = 'SmallStrainTridimensionalBehaviourWrapper',
                     library = 'src/',
                     function = 'ImplicitNorton',
                     hypothesis = 'PlaneStrain')
# ['ElasticStrainXX', 'ElasticStrainYY', 'ElasticStrainZZ',
#  'ElasticStrainXY', 'ElasticStrainXZ', 'ElasticStrainYZ', 'p']

10.4 A more flexible declaration of the rotation matrix

The @RotationMatrix keyword now has a Direction option which now let the user specify:

The given vectors are not required to be normalised. In the \(3D\) case, the second vector is not required to be orthogonal to the first one. If not, the second direction of orthotropy is deduced from the second vector by removing its projection along the first one.

10.4.1 Usage

// using direction in 2D
@RotationMatrix<Direction> {0,1};
// using directions in 3D
@RotationMatrix<Direction> {{0,1,0},{1,0,0}};

10.5 Wrapper around behaviours written in the logarithmic strain framework generated with the aster interface

Behaviours written in the logarithmic strain framework and generated with the aster interface were not handled by MTest because the logarithmic strain framework is treated by code_aster and not by the aster interface.

However, this is an issue for users using MTest for the identification of the behaviour, as described in Issue #55.

MTest now automatically wraps the behaviour to handle those behaviours. The wrapper handles the pre and post-processing steps around the behaviour integration.

10.6 Support for material properties built using the generic interface

MTest support material properties built using the generic interface:

10.6.1 Example of usage

@MaterialProperty<generic> 'YoungModulus' 'src/' 'Inconel600_YoungModulus';

10.7 Adding computeIntegralValue and computeMeanValue post-processings for tests on pipes

Added two PipeTest functions to calculate the integral and the average of a scalar value in the thickness of the tube for a ptest problem. Each function allows to calculate the corresponding quantities in the current or initial configurations

10.7.1 Example of usage

@AdditionalOutputs {'mean_value_initial_configuration':'SRR',
                    'mean_value_current_configuration':'SRR'}; // compute mean values of SRR
@AdditionalOutputs {'integral_value_initial_configuration':'SRR',
                    'integral_value_current_configuration':'SRR'}; // compute integral values of SRR

10.8 Support of material properties generated with the generic interface

The @MaterialProperty keyword now have a generic option allowing to load material properties generated with the generic interface.

10.8.1 Example of usage

@MaterialProperty<generic> 'YoungModulus' 'src/' 'Inconel600_YoungModulus';

10.9 Support of point-wise models generated with the Cast3M interface

Point-wise models generated with the Cast3M interface are now supported (see Sections 9.10 and 9.11).

10.9.1 Example of usage

@Model 'src/' 'umatm5_deziroxoxidationmodel_srma2020';

10.10 Support for failure criteria for pipes

Failure criteria can be added to pipe modelling using the @FailureCriterion keyword. Note that no failure criterion is currently shipped with MTest. The failure criteria must be provided by external librairies.

A failure criterion is called at the end of each time step to detect failure of the pipe.

Each failure criterion adds a column to the output file giving the status of the criterion:

In case of failure, three policies can be selected using the @FailurePolicy keyword:

10.10.1 Example of usage

@FailurePolicy 'FreezeState';
@FailureCriterion 'ElongationAtBreak' {maximum_value : 1e-4};

Note This example assumes that a failure criterion named ElongationAtBreak has been loaded from an external library.

10.11 Support for oxidation models for pipes

The @OxidationModel keyword introduces a model which computes an oxidation length at either the inner boundary or the outer boundary of the pipe. This keyword must be followed by a data map with the following entries:

An oxidation model must define an internal state variable named OxidationLength. The values of the material properties and external state variables passed to an oxidation model are computed on the boundary on which the model is defined.

The definition of a least one oxidation model automatically defines an evolution named OxidationStatus which states if an integration point is inside an oxidation layer.

10.11.1 Example of usage

  model : 'umatm5deziroxoxidationmodel_srma2020b',
  library : 'src/',
  boundary : 'outer_boundary'

10.12 Support for the DTAU_DDF tangent operator in the GenericBehaviour class

The finite strain behaviours, generated by the generic interface and supported by the GenericBehaviour class, can now use the derivative of the Kirchoff stress with respect to the spatial increment of the deformation gradient as tangent operator (See Section 9.16.4 for details).

11 mfm-test-generator improvements

11.1 Support for madnex file

11.1.1 Exporting an mfm-test-generator test to a madnex file

The MFMTestGenerator library exposes a data structure named TestDescription which describes an mfm-test-generator file and two functions called respectively loadMFMTestGeneratorFileContent and write.

This data structure and functions are exported in python, as described in Section 12.6.1. Section provides an example of use. The TestDescription data structure

The TestDescription data structure exposes the following data members: The loadMFMTestGeneratorFileContent function

The loadMFMTestGeneratorFileContent function loads the content of an mfm_test_generator file and stores it in the content data member of a TestDescription data structure. The write function

The write function exports an mfm_test_generator test, described by a TestDescription data structure, to a file.

The file format is deduced from the extension of the file.

Currently, only extensions associated with the madnex file format are supported if TFEL is compiled with support of this file format. Those extensions are: mdnx, madnex (deprecated) or edf (experimental data file, deprecated). Note that the behaviour member of the metadata must be specified for export in the madnex file format. Best practices

We highly recommend to use the following substitution variables when defining the test:

12 Improvements to the python bindings

12.1 Improvements to the TFEL/System python module

12.1.1 Retrieving the unit system of an entry point

The ExternalLibraryManager class now exposes the getUnitSystem to retrieve the unit system associated with an entry point (material property, behaviour, model).

12.1.2 Retrieving information about behaviours’ post-processings generated by the generic interface

The generic interface generates a function dedicated for each initialize function and each modelling hypothesis supported (see Section 9.3 for details about initialize functions).

The ExternalLibraryManager class now exposes the following methods:

12.1.3 Retrieving information about behaviours’ post-processings generated by the generic interface

The generic interface generates a function dedicated for each post-processing and each modelling hypothesis supported (see Section 9.4 for details about post-processings).

The ExternalLibraryManager class now exposes the following methods:

12.2 Improvements to the mtest python module

The following PipeTest methods are now available:

12.2.1 Example of usage

import std
from mtest import PipeTest, StudyCurrentState, SolverWorkSpace, \
     PipeTestConfiguration as ptc

t = PipeTest()
# geometry and meshing

# modelling hypothesis




s  = StudyCurrentState()
wk = SolverWorkSpace()


mean_ic     = t.computeMeanValue(s,'SRR',ptc.INTIAL_CONFIGURATION)
mean_cc     = t.computeMeanValue(s,'SRR',ptc.CURRENT_CONFIGURATION)
integral_ic = t.computeIntegralValue(s,'SRR',ptc.INTIAL_CONFIGURATION)
integral_cc = t.computeIntegralValue(s,'SRR',ptc.CURRENT_CONFIGURATION)

12.3 Support of named arguments in the constructor of the Behaviour class

Named arguments are now supported in the Behaviour constructor. The following arguments can be specified:

12.3.1 Example of usage

The following piece of code loads a behaviour implemented in the src/ shared library by the ImplicitNorton function for the PlaneStrain modelling hypothesis:

b = mtest.Behaviour(library = 'src/',
                    function = 'ImplicitNorton',
                    hypothesis = 'PlaneStrain')

12.4 Exporting an MTesttest to a madnex file

The TestDescription data structure (see Section and the loadMTestFileContent and write functions (see Sections and are exposed in the mtest python module.

12.4.1 Example of usage

import mtest

d = mtest.TestDescription() = 'John Doe' = '01/03/2022' = 'UniaxialTensileTest'
d.scheme = 'mtest'
d.behaviour = 'Plasticity'
mtest.loadMTestFileContent(d, 'Plasticity.mtest')


12.5 The mtest python module

12.5.1 Support for material properties generated with the generic interface

Material properties generated with the generic interface are supported by the mtest.MaterialProperty class. Example of usage

import mtest
mp = mtest.MaterialProperty('src/', 'Inconel600_YoungModulus')

12.5.2 Definition of oxidation models in the PipeTest class

The addOxidationModel allows to define a new oxidation model. It accepts three named arguments: Example of usage

p.addOxidationModel(library = 'src/',
                    model = 'umatm5deziroxoxidationmodel_srma2020b',
                    boundary = 'outer_boundary')

12.6 The mfm_test_generator python module

12.6.1 Exporting an mfm-test-generator test to a madnex file

The TestDescription data structure (see Section and the loadMFMTestGeneratorFileContent and write functions (see Sections and are exposed in the mfm_test_generator python module. Example of usage

import mfm_test_generator

d = mfm_test_generator.TestDescription() = 'John Doe' = '01/03/2022' = 'UniaxialTensileTest'
d.behaviour = 'Plasticity'
mfm_test_generator.loadMFMTestGeneratorFileContent(d, 'Plasticity.mfmtg')


12.7 Support for failure criteria

The PipeTest class have two methods related to failure criteria:

13 mfront-query improvements

13.1 General queries

13.1.1 List of dependencies of an MFront file

The --list-dependencies query lists all the dependencies of an MFront file.

If a dependency is encoded in a madnex file, an internal representation of the path to this dependency is returned (see example below).

Example of usage

$ mfront-query --list-dependencies --search-path=generate   \
               --madnex-search-path=MaterialProperties.mdnx \

13.2 New queries on material properties

13.2.1 Output of a material property

The --output query displays information about the output of a material property.

Example of usage

$ mfront-query --output Inconel600_YoungModulus.mfront 
- YoungModulus (E): The Young modulus of an isotropic material

13.2.2 Inputs of a material property

The --inputs query displays information about the inputs of a material property. The --state-variables query is equivalent to --inputs.

Example of usage

$ mfront-query --inputs Inconel600_YoungModulus.mfront 
- Temperature (TK): The temperature

13.2.3 Bounds and physical bounds

The following queries have been implemented:

Those queries expects the external name of a variable as argument. The variable may be the output of the material property, any of the input or a parameter.

13.2.4 Example of usage

$ mfront-query --has-physical-bounds=Temperature Inconel600_YoungModulus.mfront 
- true
$ $ mfront-query --physical-bounds-type=Temperature Inconel600_YoungModulus.mfront
$ mfront-query --physical-bounds-value=Temperature Inconel600_YoungModulus.mfront

13.2.5 Unit system

The --unit-system query allows to retrieve the unit system. If no unit system is declared, an empty string is returned.

13.3 New queries on behaviours

13.3.1 List of initialize functions

The list of initialize functions defined by a behaviour can be retrieved using the --initialize functions query, as follows:

 mfront-query --initialize-functions Plasticity.mfront 
- ElasticStrainFromInitialStress: no description available.

13.3.2 List of initialize function variables

The list of initialize function’ variables defined by a behaviour can be retrieved using the --initialize function-variables query.

13.3.3 List of post-processings

The list of post-processings defined by a behaviour can be retrieved using the --post-processings query, as follows:

$ mfront-query --post-processings Elasticity.mfront 
- PrincipalStrain: compute the principal strain. Modified post-processing variables are:
  - PrincipalStrain (εᵖ)

13.3.4 List of post-processing variables

The list of post-processing’ variables defined by a behaviour can be retrieved using the --post-processing-variables query, as follows:

$ mfront-query --post-processing-variables Elasticity.mfront 
- PrincipalStrain (εᵖ)

13.3.5 List of MTest tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file

The --list-behaviour-mtest-tests command line argument can be used to display the list of tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file.

Optionnally, this command line argument accept the options sorted-by-behaviours or unsorted (see the examples below). Examples of usage

$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mtest-tests --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx
- tests associated with behaviour Plasticity
    - UniaxialTensileTest
$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mtest-tests=unsorted --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx

13.3.6 List of mfm-test-generator tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file

The --list-behaviour-mfm-test-generator-tests command line argument can be used to display the list of tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file.

Optionnally, this command line argument accept the options sorted-by-behaviours or unsorted (see the examples below). Examples of usage

$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mfm-test-generator-tests --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx
$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mfm-test-generator-tests=unsorted --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx

13.3.7 Getting information about the climb tensors

The following queries are available to retrieve information about climb tensors:

13.3.8 Display information about a code block

The query --code-block returns the information about code block. Example of usage

$ mfront-query --code-block=Integrator UserDefinedViscoplasticityTest.mfront
- Integrator: 
  - code:
  feel -= this->deto;
  const auto& s = this->sig;
  const auto seq = sigmaeq(s);
  const auto iseq = 1/max(seq,(this->relative_value_for_the_equivalent_stress_lower_bound) * this->young);
  const auto dseq_ds = 3*deviator(s)*(iseq/2);
  const auto d2seq_dsds = (Stensor4::M()-(dseq_ds^dseq_ds))*iseq;
  const auto& n = dseq_ds;
  const auto& dn_ds = d2seq_dsds;
  feel += this->dp* n;
  dfeel_ddp = n;
  dfeel_ddeel += (2 * this->mu)*(this->theta) * ((this->dp) * dn_ds);
  const auto mfront_udvf_f = seq;
  const auto vp = [this, mfront_udvf_f] {
    if(mfront_udvf_f >= stress{0}){
     return strainrate{(this->A)*(std::pow(mfront_udvf_f,this->E))};
    return strainrate{0};
  const auto dvp_dseqe = [this, mfront_udvf_f] {
    if(mfront_udvf_f >= stress{0}){
  return derivative_type<strainrate, stress>{(this->A)*((this->E)*(std::pow(mfront_udvf_f,(this->E)-(1))))};
    return derivative_type<strainrate, stress>{0};
  fp -= (this->dt) * vp;
  dfp_ddeel += (2 * this->mu)*(this->theta) * (-(this->dt) * dvp_dseqe * dseq_ds);

14 tfel-check improvements

14.1 Automatic declaration of substitutions for TFEL executables and python interpreter

The following substitutions are automatically declared: @mfront@, @mfront-query@, @mtest@, @mfront-doc@, @mfm-test-generator@.

In python bindings are enabled, the @python substitution is also automatically declared.

Those substitutions are declared after reading the configuration files and after parsing the command line arguments, so those default substitutions can be overriden by the user.

14.2 Test for failure

The shall_fail option allows to specify if a given command is expected to fail (or succeed).

14.3 Testing the output of commands

14.3.1 The expected_output option

The expected_output option to @Command allows to specifiy the output of a command. This option may be a string (single line output) or an array of strings (multiple lines output).

Note that the output lines of commands are always trimmed on the end.

14.3.2 The expected_numerical_output option

The expected_numerical_output option to @Command allows to test the numerical output of a command. This option must be defined as a map with two entries:

14.3.3 The output_validation_regex option

The output_validation_regex allows to specifiy a regular expression which shall validate the output of the command. The output of the command is concatenated in a single string for the test.

15 Issues fixed

15.1 Issue 351: Add support of DTAU_DDF in generic interface

This feature is described in Sections 9.16.4 and 10.12.

For more details, see

15.2 Issue 323: [mfront-query] display the code in a code block

This feature is described in Section 13.3.8.

For more details, see

15.3 Issue 317: [mfront] Automatic declaration of climb tensors

This feature is described in Sections 9.17 and 13.3.7.

For more details, see

15.4 Issue 314: [tfel-material] Implement the inverse Langevin function

This feature is described in Section sec:tfel_4.1:tfel_material:inverse_langevin_function.

For more details, see

15.5 Issue 302: [mfront] mfront interface for material properties shall generate overloaded functions for every numerical type supported

For more details, see

  ## Issue 301: [mfront] mfront interface for material properties shall generate a version of supporting quantites

For more details, see

15.6 Issue 300: [mfront] Add a new castem interface for point-wise models handled by the Model DSL

This feature is described in Section 9.10. See also Section 10.9.

For more details, see

15.7 Issue 299: [mfront] Add support for models in the castem interface for behaviours

This feature is described in Section 9.11. See also Section 10.9.

For more details, see

15.8 Issue 298: Add the @MaterialProperty keyword for models described by the Model DSL

The @MaterialProperty and @Coef keywords have been added for consistency with DSLs related to behaviours and in particular the @DefaultModel, @RungeKuttaModel and @ImplicitModel DSLs. They are equivalent to the @ConstantMaterialProperty keyword.

For more details, see

15.9 Issue 297: [mfront] Automatically include the <iostream> header in models

For more details, see

15.10 Issue 296: [mfront] Allow bidirectional convertion between the IntegrationResult enumeration and boolean values

Some code blocks return boolean values and others return instances of the IntegrationResult enumeration. This is inconsistent from the user point of view. Allowing bidirectional convertion between the IntegrationResult enumeration and boolean values mitigates this issue.

For more details, see

15.11 Issue 295: [mfront] Allow failure of the behaviour initialisation

This feature is described in Section 9.1.2.

For more details, see

15.12 Issue 282: [mfront] Allow models based generic behaviours to define tangent operator blocks associated with the derivatives of state variables with respect to external state variables

For more details, see

15.13 Issue 276: [mfront] Add unicode support the Model DSL

For more details, see

15.14 Issue 266: [tfel-math] Add constexpr evaluation of spline and derivative

This feature is described in Section 5.3.2.

For more details, see

15.15 Issue 265: [mfront] Add MTest file generation capability for generic behaviours

For more details, see

15.16 Issue 264: Add support to compute linear intepolation

This feature is described in Section 5.3.1.

For more details, see

15.17 Issue 263: [tfel-math] Add an empty method to TFEL’ array

For more details, see

15.18 Issue 262: Installation issue of the master branch (future version 4.1) with gcc-8.1.0

The issue is related to MFront tests using quantities such tests fails to build with old compilers, i.e. gcc 8.1.0.

The enable-mfront-quantity-tests option can be optionnaly specified to enable or disable tests of behaviours using quantities. This option is ON by default.

For more details, see

15.19 Issue 256: [tfel-math] Add support to clamp TFEL/Math arrays

This feature is described in Section 5.3.4.

For more details, see

15.20 Issue 255: [tfel-gossary] add physical bounds to entries of the glossary when appropriate

For more details, see

This feature is described in Section 13.2.3.

For more details, see

15.22 Issue 249: [mfront] The C++ interface for material properties is broken when declaring parameters with complex types

For more details, see

15.23 Issue 248: [mtest] Document the @AdditionalOutputs keyword

For more details, see

15.24 Issue 245: [mtest] add a getOutputName for MaterialProperty class

For more details, see

15.25 Issue 244: [mfront] Support for PhysicalConstants in the Model DSL

This feature is described in Section 9.15.4.

For more details, see

15.26 Issue 243: [mfront] Support for PhysicalConstants in the MaterialProperty DSL

This feature is described in Section 9.14.2

For more details, see

15.27 Issue 242: [mfront] Quantity support in the Model DSL

This feature is described in Section 9.15.3.

For more details, see

15.28 Issue 241: [mfront] Allow to specify types in the Model DSL

This feature is described in Section 9.15.2.

For more details, see

15.29 Issue 239: [mfront] Add support for defining an unit system enhancement mfront

This feature is described in Section 9.1.

For more details, see

15.30 Issue 238: [tfel-glossary] Translate all the description in english

For more details, see

15.31 Issue 237: [mfront] Add physical bounds declaration in the glossary. Automatically use those bounds in MFront

This feature is described in Section 9.1.

For more details, see

15.32 Issue 236: [mtest] Allow to use oxidation models in ptest

This feature is described in Sections 10.11 and 12.5.2.

For more details, see

15.33 Issue 235: [mfront] Document the variable affecting the compilation of shared libraries

The compilation process used by MFront is now documented on this page:

For more details, see

15.34 Issue 233: Add the ability to define failure criteria in ptest

This feature is described in Sections 10.10 and 12.7.

For more details, see

15.35 Issue 231:[tfel-check] Allow to compare the result of a command to a regular expression

This feature is described in Section 14.3.

 For more details, see

15.36 Issue 230: [tfel-check] All to compare commands output to numerical values

This feature is described in Section 14.3.

 For more details, see

 ## Issue 229:[tfel-check] Allow to specify that a command shall fail

This feature is described in Section 14.2.

For more details, see

15.37 Issue 225: [mfront] Separate file generation from DSLs

For more details, see

15.38 Issue 224: [mfront] add DSL options to override parameters in material properties and point-wise models

For more details, see

15.39 Issue 223: [mfront] Allow to define dsl options from a file

This feature is described in depth in Section 9.2.10.

For more details, see

15.40 Issue 222: [mfront] Add a behaviour DSL option to define the modelling hypotheses to be treated

This feature is described in depth in Section 9.2.8.

For more details, see

15.41 Issue 219: [mfront] Allow to override “overriden” parameters

For more details, see

15.42 Issue 216: [mfront] Add behaviour DSL options to override material properties, external state variables and parameters

This feature is described in Section 9.2.7.

For more details, see

15.43 Issue 215: [mfront] Allow to override external state variables as parameters

Scalar external state variables can be overriden by parameters. Note that if an external state variable is overriden, the increment of this variable must also be overriden. If no overriding parameter is specified for this increment, MFront will automatically define such a parameter with a null default value.

For more details, see

15.44 Issue 210: [tfel-check] Allow to split command in multiple strings

For more details, see

15.45 Issue 209: [tfel-utilities] Convertion from Data to std::vector and std::map shall work if the object is empty

 For more details, see

 ## Issue 208: [tfel-check] Automatic declaration of substitutions for TFEL executables and python interpreter

This feature is described in Section 14.1.

For more details, see

15.46 Issue 207: [tfel-check] allow comments in config files

For more details, see

15.47 Issue 200: [mfront] Generate a setParameter function for material properties generated with the python interface

For more details, see

15.48 Issue 199: [mfront-query] Add the --parameters-file query for material properties

For more details, see

15.49 Issue 197: [mfront] Extension of the derivative_type metafunction to higher order derivatives

For more details, see

15.50 Issue 192: [TFEL/System] Access to default values of parameters of a material property through the ExternalMaterialPropertyDescription class

This feature is described in Section

For more details, see

15.51 Issue 191: [TFEL/System] Ability to request bounds of variables (inputs, outputs) of a material property in the ExternalMaterialPropertyDescription class

Those features are described in Section

For more details, see

15.52 Issue 187: [mfront] Get @Output from compiled file through python bindings

This feature is described in Section 4.1.9.

For more details, see

15.53 Issue 186: [mfront] Get @Material, @Law, @Author, @Date, @Description from compiled file through Python binding

Those features are described in Sections 4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.1.7 and 4.1.8.

For more details, see

15.54 Issue 183: [mfront] The rkCastem algorithm assumes that a variable young is defined

This feature is described in Section 9.8.1.

For more details, see

15.55 Issue 181: [mfront-query] add query about the output of a material property

This feature is described in Section 13.2.1.

For more details, see

15.56 Issue 180: [mfront-query] add query about the inputs of a material property

This feature is described in Section 13.2.2.

For more details, see

15.57 Issue 177: [mtest] Support of material properties generated with the generic interface

The feature is described in Section 10.6.

For more details, see :

15.58 Issue 175: Add support for post-processing to mean-value and the integral value of a state variable

The feature is described in Section sec:tfel:4.1:ptest:integral_value.

For more details, see :

15.59 Issue 172: [tfel-math-parser] Add the ability to derive the power function enhancement

Previous versions of TFEL/Math did not implement the evaluation the derivative of the formula power<N>(x). This is now implemented properly.

For more details, see :

15.60 Issue 171: [tfel-math-parser] Correct derivative of exponents bug

The computation of the derivative of power functions lead to the following issues in previous versions of TFEL. The derivative of a(x)**b(x) with respect to x was computed as (b(x)*a(x)**b(x)/a(x))*da(x)+log(a(x))*a(x)**b(x)*db(x) where da(x) and db(x) denote the deriative of a and with respect to x.

  1. The first term b(x)*a(x)**b(x)/a(x)*da(x) is singular if a(x) is null. This term is now computed as b(x)*a(x)**(b(x)-1)*da(x).
  2. The second term log(a(x))*a(x)**b(x)*db(x) is singular if a(x) is null although log(a(x))*a(x)**b(x) has a well defined limit as a tends to zero. The new implementation takes this case into account.

For more details, see :

15.61 Issue 170: [tfel-math-parser] Add support for integer exponent

In previous versions, the formula x**N was evaluated using std::pow(x,N) even if N was an integer.

This formula is now evaluated as:

See also Issue 172.

For more details, see :

15.62 Issue 169: [tfel-math-parser] Add feature to simplify formula

15.62.1 More efficient evaluation of derivatives

In previous versions, the evaluation of derivatives of a formula could lead to inefficient evaluation tree. For example, the derivative of the formula x+exp(y) with respect to x was computed as 1+exp(y)*0, which required a useless evaluation of exp(y). Version 4.1 evaluates this derivative as 1.

For more details, see :

15.63 Issue 157: Disable reportContractViolation on GPUs

See Section 3.1.

For more details, see :

15.64 Issue 150: [TFEL/Material] Add device specification

See Sections 2.1 and 7.2.

For more details, see :

15.65 Issue 148: [TFEL/Material] constexpr all the things

See Section 7.1.

For more details, see :

15.66 Issue 146: [mfront] Export dependencies of MFront files in madnex files

For more details, see :

15.67 Issue 145: [mfront] Automatically add a madnex input file to the search paths

This feature is described in Section 9.6.

For more details, see :

15.68 Issue 144: [mfront-query] List dependencies of a mfront file

This feature is described in Section 13.1.1.

For more details, see :

15.69 Issue 143: [mfront] Add the ability to append a madnex paths to the search paths

This feature is described in Section 9.5.

For more details, see :

15.70 Issue 125: [mfront] Remove behaviour sources if not needed

For more details, see :

15.71 Issue 124: [mfront] Add DSL option to disable runtime change of the out of bound policy

This feature is described in Section 9.2.6.

For more details, see :

15.72 Issue 123: [mfront] Add DSL option to change the default out of bounds policy

This feature is described in Section 9.2.5.

For more details, see :

15.73 Issue 122: [mfront] remove usage of exceptions in the computeTangentOperator method generated by the Implicit DSL

For more details, see :

15.74 Issue 111: [mtest] Support for madnex file

This feature is described in depth in Section 10.1.

For more details, see :

15.75 Issue 108: [mtest] Support for extended types in MTest

For more details, see :

15.76 Issue 94: [mfront] Add option to disable initialization of parameters from text file

This feature is described in Section 9.2.4.

For more details, see :

15.77 Issue 92: [mfront] create a generic interface for point wise models

This feature is described in Section 9.13.

For more details, see :

15.78 Issue 91: [mfront] define build identifier using options

This feature is described in Section 9.2.2.

For more details, see :

15.79 Issue 90: [mfront] create a generic interface for material properties

This feature is described in Section 9.12.

For more details, see :

15.80 Issue 83: [mfront] Add a command line argument to retrieve the list of options associated with a domain specific language

This feature is described in Section 9.2.11.

For more details, see :

15.81 Issue 82: [mfront] Ability to define DSL options on the command line

This feature is described in Section 9.2.9.

For more details, see :

15.82 Issue 55: [mtest] Creation of a wrapper around behaviours written in the logarithmic strain framework generated with the aster interface

The wrapper is described in Section 10.5.

For more details, see :

For more details, see :

15.84 Issue 50: [mfront] Options to avoid the automatic declaration of the temperature as an external state variable

This option is described in depth in Section 9.2.3.

For more details, see :

15.85 Issue 44: [mtest] Add support for a boundary condition modelling the effet of a mandrel in pipe modelling

The feature is described in Section 10.2.

For more details, see :

15.86 Issue 39: [tfel-config] Add query associated with python bindings support

tfel-config now supports an command line option named --python-bindings-support which displays true if python bindings are available, false otherwise.

For more details, see :

15.87 Issue 38: [tfel-config] Add query associated with madnex support

tfel-config now supports an command line option named --madnex-support which displays true if madnex files are supported, false otherwise.

For more details, see :

15.88 Issue 36: [mfront] Improved support for MTest file generation (all kind of state variables)

In previous versions, only scalar and symmetric tensors state variables were supported when generation MTest file on integration failure.

All kind of state variables are now supported.

For more details, see :

15.89 Issue 28: [mtest] Support of tensorial external state variables

The Behaviour class has new methods:

The @ExternalStateVariable now allows to define tensorial external state variables components by components or an array as follows:

// Definition of an symmetric tensor external state variable
@ExternalStateVariable<function> "g" {"0", "1", "2", "3 * t", "4", "5 * t"};
// Definition of an symmetric tensor external state variable components by components
@ExternalStateVariable<function> "g2XX"  "0";
@ExternalStateVariable<function> "g2YY"  "2";
@ExternalStateVariable<function> "g2ZZ"  "t";
@ExternalStateVariable<function> "g2XY"  "3";
@ExternalStateVariable<function> "g2XZ"  "4";
@ExternalStateVariable<function> "g2YZ"  "5*t";

For more details, see :

15.90 Issue 28: [mtest] Support of tensorial external state variables

For more details, see :

15.91 Issue 27: [mfront] Better support of tensorial external state variables

The type of the external state variables are now exported.

Generation of MTest file also supports tensor external state variables.

For more details, see :

15.92 Issue 26: Don’t use explicit instanciation for static variables

For more details, see :

15.93 Issue 25: [mfront] Add ability to define initialisation functions

This feature is described in Section 9.3.

For more details, see :

15.94 Issue 24: [mfront] Add ability to define post-processings

This feature is described in Section 9.4.

For more details, see :

15.95 Issue 23: [mfront] Remove usage of C++ reserved variables names

Some exported variables used to contain a double underscore in their names. Such names are reserved by the C++ standard for internal use by the compilers.

For more details, see :

15.96 Issue 22 : [mfront] Option to treat parameters as static variables

This option is described in depth in Section 9.2.1.

For more details, see :

15.97 Issue 20: [mtest] Declaration of a behaviour wrapper in python module

As described in Section 12.3, named parameters are now supported in the constructor of the Behaviour class. The (optional) wrapper argument can now be used to specify a behaviour wrapper.

Currently, two behaviours wrappers are available:

For more details, see :

15.98 Issue 18: [mtest] Usage of a 3D behaviour in ptest

Thanks the SmallStrainTridimensionalBehaviourWrapper class detailled in Section 10.3, tridimensional behaviours can be used under the following modelling hypotheses: generalised plane strain, plane strain, axisymmetrical generalised plane strain.

For more details, see :

15.99 Issue 15: [mtest] New option for the declaration of the rotation matrix in MTest

This option is described in depth in Section 10.4.

For more details, see :


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