The page declares the new functionalities of the 3.1 version of the TFEL project.

The TFEL project is a collaborative development of CEA and EDF dedicated to material knowledge manangement with special focus on mechanical behaviours. It provides a set of libraries (including TFEL/Math and TFEL/Material) and several executables, in particular MFront and MTest.

TFEL is available on a wide variety of operating systems and compilers.

1 Highlights

The MFront gallery is meant to present well-written implementation of behaviours that will be updated to follow MFront latest evolutions. In each case, the integration algorithm is fully described.

The MFrontGallery project is a cmake project which builds material libraries for all the codes and/or languages supported by MFront based on the implementation described in the gallery. The purpose of this project is twofold:

The MFrontGallery project is available as a github repository:

1.1.1 Hyperelastic behaviours

The implementation of various hyperelastic behaviours can be found here:

1.1.2 Hyperviscoelastic behaviours

The following page describes how to implement standard hyperviscoelastic behaviours based on the development in Prony series:

1.1.3 Plasticity

1.1.4 Viscoplasticity

This following article shows how to implement an isotropic viscoplastic behaviour combining isotropic hardening and multiple kinematic hardenings following an Armstrong-Frederic evolution of the back stress:

1.2 Support for additional yield criteria

Comparison of the Hosford stress a=100,a=8 and the von Mises stress in plane stress

The TFEL/Material provides functions to handle advanced yield criteria, such as:

Following Scherzinger (see [3] for details), special care has been taken to avoid overflow in the evaluation of the yield stress.

Those two yield criteria are based on the eigenvalues and of the stress. The computation of the second derivative, required to build the jacobian of the implicit system, is thus quite involved.

1.3 Enhanced numerical reproducibility and stability

This release has seen lot of work in the overall numerical reproducibility and stability of TFEL algorithms and lead to duplicate most of tests, who are now run using different rounding modes.

Tests based on mtest are run \(5\) times, one for each of the four rounding modes defined in the IEEE754 norm, plus one time using a specific mode which randomly switches between those modes at various stages of the computations.

Although very crude with respect to advanced approaches such as the CADNA library (see [5]) or the verrou software, developped by EDF on top of valgrind (see [6]), those checks, combined with demanding convergence criteria, have proven to be helpful and led to several developments: see for example the section which compares various algorithms to find the eigen vectors of symmetric tensors.


Old versions of the libm library (such as the one package with Debian Wheezy and those found on some exotic systems, such as Haiku), do not support working in other rounding mode than the default one (rounding to the nearest) and can crash (segfaults !).

Disabling changing the rounding mode on those systems can be specified by passing -DTFEL_BROKEN_LIB_MATH=ON to cmake.

1.3.1 Enabling the -ffast-math with GCC an clang

One side effect of the work on the enhanced numerical stability is that the -ffast-math flag of GCC and clang can now be enabled more safely. This significantly improve the performances of the generated code by allowing optimizations that do not preserve strict IEEE compliance. For instance, the overall tests delivered with TFEL runs almost \(10\,\%\) faster with this option enabled.

Most of those optimizations are used by default by the Intel compiler.

There are two potential issues with this flags:

To build TFEL with the -ffast-math, just pass the -Denable-fast-math=ON option to cmake.


Even if TFEL is not built with the -ffast-math, this option can be used to compile MFront files, by specifying the --obuild=level2 option to MFront, as follows:

$ mfront --obuild=level2 --interface=....

1.4 Single crystal behaviours in MFront

Support for writting single crystal behaviours have been greatly improved thanks to the TFELNUMODIS library, which borrows code for the NUMODIS project.

The following new keywords are now available in MFront:

Those keywords are fully documented on this page. As most of the information relative to the slip system and the interaction matrix are automatically generated, the use of the mfront-query tool is strongly advised.

1.5 The DDIF2 brick

DDIF2 is the name of a description of damage which formulation is inspired by softening plasticity. This description is the basis of most mechanical behaviour used in CEA’ fuel performance.

The DDIF2 brick can be used in place of the StandardElasticity brick. Internally, the DDIF2 brick is derived from the StandardElasticity brick, so the definition of the elastic properties follows the same rules.

1.5.1 Local coordinate

This description is currently limited to initially isotropic behaviours, but the damage is described in three orthogonal directions. Those directions are currently fixed with respect to the global system. For \(2D\) and \(3D\) modelling hypotheses, those directions are determined by a material property, which external name is AngularCoordinate, giving the angular coordinate in a cylindrical system.

1.5.2 Material properties associated with damage

The description of damage is based on the following material properties:

In each case, a material property must be given as a value or as an external MFront file. Fracture energies

Following Hillerborg approach (see [7]), softening slopes can be related to fracture energies by the mesh size. Thus, rather than the softening slopes, the user can provide the fracture energies through one the fracture_energy or fracture_energies options. In this case, an array of three material properties, which external name is ElementSize, is automatically declared.

1.5.3 External pressure effect

The effect of external pressure on the crack surface can be taken into account using the option handle_pressure_on_crack_surface. If this option is true, an external state variable called pr, which external name is PressureOnCrackSurface, is automatically declared.

1.5.4 Example

Here is an example of a behaviour based on the DDIF2 brick:

@DSL Implicit;
@Author Thomas Helfer;
@Date 25/10/2017;
@Behaviour DDIF2_4;

@Brick DDIF2 {
 fracture_stresses : {150e6,150e6,1e11},
 softening_slope : -75e9,
 handle_pressure_on_crack_surface : true

Here, the fracture stresses are different in each direction. The softening slope is the same in each direction. When a crack is open, the external pressure is applied on the crack surface.

1.6 The @StrainMeasure keyword

In previous versions of TFEL, the user would write strain based behaviour. The definition of the strain, and by energetic duality the definition of the stress, were not part of the behaviour.

This is very important for a generic behaviour, which describe a physical phenomenon with no reference to a particular material, but it is not appropriate for a specific behaviour, identified for a specific material, because the definition of the strain is intrinsically part of the behaviour.

Three strain measure are currently supported:

The two first strain measures are suitable for use in finite strain analyses (including finite rotation), whereas the latter is limited to infinitesimal strain analyses (no rotation, small strain).

For the two first strain measures, the definition of the strain is done at a pre-processing stage, before calling the behaviour integration. The interpretation of the dual stress and its conversion to the stress measure expected by the solver is done after the behaviour integration, at a post-processing stage. During this post-processing stage, the consistent tangent operator is also converted to the one expected by the solver.

Those pre- and post-processing stages can be performed:

Each case was quite error-prone and could lead to an improper usage of the behaviour.

To circumvent this issue, the @StrainMeasure keyword was introduced. This keyword has two distinct effect, depending on the interface:

1.7 Improved installation options

1.7.1 Appending the version number

The TFEL_APPEND_VERSION option will append the version number to the names of:

This allows multiple executables to be installed in the same directory. This option is available since TFEL version \(3.0.2\)

1.7.2 Specifying a version flavour

The TFEL_VERSION_FLAVOUR let the user define a string that will be used to modify the names of executables, libraries and so on (see the previous paragraph for details).

For example, using -DTFEL_VERSION_FLAVOUR=dbg at the cmake invocation, will generate an executable called mfront-dbg.

This option can be combined with the TFEL_APPEND_VERSION option.

1.8 Better support of the Windows operating system

There are various ways of getting TFEL and MFront working on the the Windows operating system:

1.8.1 Visual Studio support

Support of the Visual Studio has been greatly improved. TFEL versions 3.0.x could be compiled and tested with Visual Studio 2015 and later, but the resulting executables were not really usable by an end user. Indeed, those versions of mfront could not generate a build system compatible with Visual Studio.

For this reason, the cmake generator, described below in section 3.1, has been introduced.

1.9 New interfaces

Two new interfaces were introduced in MFront:

1.10 Travis CI and Appveyor continous integration services

As an open-source project available on (github](, one have free access to the Travis CI and Appveyor continous integration services:

Since builds are limited a one hour, one can only test a subset of the TFEL/MFront functionalities.

2 Updates in TFEL libraries

The TFEL project provides several libraries. This paragraph is about updates made in those libraries.

2.1 TFEL/Utilities

2.1.1 String algorithms The starts_with string algorithm

The starts_with string algorithm is an helper function used to determine if a given string starts with another. The ends_with string algorithm

The ends_with string algorithm is an helper function used to determine if a given string ends with another.

2.2 TFEL/System The LibraryInformation class

This release introduces the LibraryInformation class that allow querying a library about exported symbols.

Note This class has been adapted from the boost/dll library version 1.63 and has been originally written by Antony Polukhin, Renato Tegon Forti and Antony Polukhin. Improvements to the ExternalLibraryManager class Completion of libraries names

If a library is not found, the ExternalLibraryManager class will try the following combinaisons:

The standard library suffix is: Retrieving the path of a library

The getLibraryPath method returns the path to a shared library: Better handling of behaviour parameters

The ExternalLibraryManager class has several new methods for better handling of behaviours’ parameters: Retrieving bounds values

The ExternalLibraryManager class has several new methods for better handling of a behaviour’ variable bounds: Retrieving physical bounds values

The ExternalLibraryManager class has several new methods for better handling of a behaviour’ variable bounds: Retrieving all mfront generated entry points and associated information

The getEntryPoints method returns a list containing all mfront generated entry points. Those can be functions or classes depending on the interface’s needs.

The getMaterialKnowledgeType allows retrieving the material knowledge type associated with and entry point. The returned value has the following meaning:

The getInterface method allows retrieving the interface of used to generate an entry point. The value returned is defined by MFront following Table 1.

Table 1: MFront interface name associated to finite element solvers
Finite element solver MFront interface name
Cast3M Castem
Code_Aster Aster
Cyrano Cyrano
Europlexus Europlexus
Abaqus/Standard Abaqus
Abaqus/Explicit AbaqusExplicit
Ansys APDL Ansys
CalculiX CalculiX

The following code retrieves all the behaviours generated with the aster interface in the library:

auto ab = std::vector<std::string>{};
const auto l = "AsterBehaviour";
auto& elm = ExternalLibraryManager::getExternalLibraryManager();
for(const auto& e : elm.getEntryPoints(l)){

Note that we did not mention the prefix and the suffix of the library. The library path is searched through the getLibraryPath method.

The equivalent python code is the following:

ab  = []
l   = 'AsterBehaviour';
elm = ExternalLibraryManager.getExternalLibraryManager();
for e in elm.getEntryPoints(l):
    if ((elm.getMaterialKnowledgeType(l,e)==1) and

The getMaterial method allows retrieving the material to which an entry point is associated. If no material is defined, this method returns an empty string.

2.2.1 Improvements the ThreadPool class

The ThreadPool class is used to handle a pool of threads that are given tasks. This class now has a wait method which blocks the main thread up to tasks completion.

std::atomic<int> res(0);
auto task = [&res](const int i){
  // update the res variable
  return [&res,i]{
// create a pool of two threads
tfel::system::ThreadPool p(2);
// Create two tasks that can be executed
// using one or two threads.
// Waiting for the tasks to end
// At this point, res is equal to 1.
// The 2 threads in the pool are *not* joined
// and are waiting for new tasks.

2.3 TFEL/Math

2.3.1 Symmetric tensor eigen values and eigen vectors

The computation of the eigen values and eigen vectors of a symmetric tensor has been improved in various ways: New overloaded versions of the computeEigenValues, computeEigenVectors and computeEigenTensors methods Return by value

Various overloaded versions of the computeEigenValues, computeEigenVectors and computeEigenTensors methods have been introduced for more readable usage and compatibility with structured bindings construct introduced in C++17: the results of the computations are returned by value.

For example:

tmatrix<3u,3u,real> m2;
tvector<3u,real>    vp2;

Thanks to C++17 structured bindings construct, the previous code will be equivalent to this much shorter and more readable code:

auto [vp,m] = s.computeEigenVectors();

Even better, we could write:

const auto [vp,m] = s.computeEigenVectors(); Eigen values sorting

The computeEigenValues and computeEigenVectors methods now have an optional argument which specify if we want the eigen values to be sorted. Three options are available:

Here is how to use it:

tmatrix<3u,3u,real> m2;
tvector<3u,real>    vp2;
std::tie(vp,m)=s.computeEigenVectors(Stensor::ASCENDING); New eigen solvers

The default eigen solver for symmetric tensors used in TFEL is based on analytical computations of the eigen values and eigen vectors. Such computations are more efficient but less accurate than the iterative Jacobi algorithm (see [9, 10]).

With the courtesy of Joachim Kopp, we have created a C++11 compliant version of his routines that we gathered in header-only library called FSES (Fast Symmetric Eigen Solver). This library is included with TFEL and provides the following algorithms:

We have also introduced the Jacobi implementation of the Geometric Tools library (see [11, 12]).

Those algorithms are available in 3D. For 2D symmetric tensors, we fall back to some default algorithm as described below.

Table 2: List of available eigen solvers.
Name Algorithm in 3D Algorithm in 2D
TFELEIGENSOLVER Analytical (TFEL) Analytical (TFEL)
FSESQLEIGENSOLVER QL with implicit shifts Analytical (FSES)
FSESCUPPENEIGENSOLVER Cuppen’s Divide & Conquer Analytical (FSES)

The various eigen solvers available are enumerated in Table 2.

The eigen solver is passed as a template argument of the computeEigenValues or the computeEigenVectors methods as illustrated in the code below:

tmatrix<3u,3u,real> m2;
tvector<3u,real>    vp2;
Table 3: Test on \(10^{6}\) random symmetric tensors in single precision (float).
Algorithm Failure ratio \(\Delta_{\infty}\) Times (ns) Time ratio
TFELEIGENSOLVER 0.000642 3.29e-05 250174564 1
GTESYMMETRICQREIGENSOLVER 0 1.10e-06 359854550 1.44
FSESJACOBIEIGENSOLVER 0 5.62e-07 473263841 1.89
FSESQLEIGENSOLVER 0.000397 1.69e-06 259080052 1.04
FSESCUPPENEIGENSOLVER 0.019469 3.49e-06 274547371 1.10
FSESHYBRIDEIGENSOLVER 0.076451 5.56e-03 126689850 0.51
FSESANALYTICALEIGENSOLVER 0.108877 1.58e-01 127236908 0.51
Table 4: Test on \(10^{6}\) random symmetric tensors in double precision (double).
Algorithm Failure ratio \(\Delta_{\infty}\) Times (ns) Time ratio
TFELEIGENSOLVER 0.000632 7.75e-14 252663338 1
GTESYMMETRICQREIGENSOLVER 0 2.06e-15 525845499 2.08
FSESJACOBIEIGENSOLVER 0 1.05e-15 489507133 1.94
FSESQLEIGENSOLVER 0.000422 3.30e-15 367599140 1.45
FSESCUPPENEIGENSOLVER 0.020174 5.79e-15 374190684 1.48
FSESHYBRIDEIGENSOLVER 0.090065 3.53e-10 154911762 0.61
FSESANALYTICALEIGENSOLVER 0.110399 1.09e-09 157613994 0.62
Table 5: Test on \(10^{6}\) random symmetric tensors in extended precision (long double).
Algorithm Failure ratio \(\Delta_{\infty}\) Times (ns) Time ratio
TFELEIGENSOLVER 0.000575 2.06e-17 428333721 1
GTESYMMETRICQREIGENSOLVER 0 1.00e-18 814990447 1.90
FSESJACOBIEIGENSOLVER 0 5.11e-19 748476926 1.75
FSESQLEIGENSOLVER 0.00045 1.83e-18 548604588 1.28
FSESCUPPENEIGENSOLVER 0.009134 3.23e-18 734707748 1.71
FSESHYBRIDEIGENSOLVER 0.99959 4.01e-10 272701749 0.64
FSESANALYTICALEIGENSOLVER 0.999669 1.36e-11 315243286 0.74 Some benchmarks

We have compared the available algorithm on \(10^{6}\) random symmetric tensors whose components are in \([-1:1]\).

For a given symmetric tensor, we consider that the computation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors failed if: \[ \Delta_{\infty}=\max_{i\in[1,2,3]}\left\|\underline{s}\,\cdot\,\vec{v}_{i}-\lambda_{i}\,\vec{v}_{i}\right\|>10\,\varepsilon \] where \(\varepsilon\) is the accuracy of the floatting point considered.

The results of those tests are reported on Tables 3, 4 and 5:

2.3.2 Isotropic functions and Isotropic function derivatives of symmetric tensors

Given a scalar valuated function \(f\), one can define an associated isotropic function for symmetric tensors as: \[ f\left(\underline{s}\right)=\sum_{i=1}^{3}f\left(\lambda_{i}\right)\underline{n}_{i} \]

where \(\left.\lambda_{i}\right|_{i\in[1,2,3]}\) are the eigen values of the symmetric tensor \(\underline{s}\) and \(\left.\underline{n}_{i}\right|_{i\in[1,2,3]}\) the associated eigen tensors.

If \(f\) is \(\mathcal{C}^{1}\), then \(f\) is a differentiable function of \(\underline{s}\).

\(f\) can be computed with the computeIsotropicFunction method of the stensor class. \(\displaystyle\frac{\displaystyle \partial f}{\displaystyle \partial \underline{s}}\) can be computed with computeIsotropicFunctionDerivative. One can also compute \(f\) and \(\displaystyle\frac{\displaystyle \partial f}{\displaystyle \partial \underline{s}}\) all at once by the computeIsotropicFunctionAndDerivative method. All those methods are templated by the name of the eigen solver (if no template parameter is given, the TFELEIGENSOLVER is used).

Various new overloaded versions of those methods have been introduced in TFEL-3.1. Those overloaded methods are meant to:

To illustrate this new features, assuming that the structured bindings feature of the C++17 standard is available, one can now efficiently evaluate the exponential of a symmetric tensor and its derivative as follows:

const auto [vp,m] = s.computeEigenVectors();
const auto evp    = map([](const auto x){return exp(x)},vp);
const auto [f,df] = Stensor::computeIsotropicFunctionAndDerivative(evp,evp,vp,m,1.e-12);

2.3.3 Portable implementation of the fpclassify, isnan, isfinite functions

The C99 standard defines the fpclassify, isnan, isfinite functions to query some information about double precision floatting-point numbers (double):

The C++11 provides a set of overload for single precision (float) and extended precision (long double) floatting-point numbers.

Those functions are very handy to check the validity of a computation. However, those functions are not compatible with the use of the -ffast-math option of the GNU compiler which also implies the -ffinite-math-only option. This latter option allows optimizations for floating-point arithmetic that assume that arguments and results are finite numbers. As a consequence, when this option is enabled, the previous functions does not behave as expected. For example, isnan always returns false, whatever the value of its argument.

To overcome this issue, we have introduced in TFEL/Math the implementation of these functions provided by the musl library (see [13]). Those implementations are compatible with the -ffast-math option of the GNU compiler. Those implementations are defined in the TFEL/Math/General/IEEE754.hxx header file in the tfel::math::ieee754 namespace.

2.4 TFEL/Material

2.4.1 Hosford equivalent stress

The header TFEL/Material/Hosford.hxx introduces three functions which are meant to compute the Hosford equivalent stress and its first and second derivatives. This header is automatically included by MFront

The Hosford equivalent stress is defined by: \[ \sigma_{\mathrm{eq}}^{H}=\sqrt[a]{\displaystyle\frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle 2}\left({\left|\sigma_{1}-\sigma_{2}\right|}^{a}+{\left|\sigma_{1}-\sigma_{3}\right|}^{a}+{\left|\sigma_{2}-\sigma_{3}\right|}^{a}\right)} \] where \(s_{1}\), \(s_{2}\) and \(s_{3}\) are the eigenvalues of the stress.

Therefore, when \(a\) goes to infinity, the Hosford stress reduces to the Tresca stress. When \(n = 2\) the Hosford stress reduces to the von Mises stress.

The following functions has been implemented: Example

The following example computes the Hosford equivalent stress, its normal and second derivative:

stress seq;
Stensor  n;
Stensor4 dn;
std::tie(seq,n,dn) = computeHosfordStressSecondDerivative(s,a,seps);

In this example, s is the stress tensor, a is the Hosford exponent, seps is a numerical parameter used to detect when two eigenvalues are equal.

If C++-17 is available, the previous code can be made much more readable:

const auto [seq,n,dn] = computeHosfordStressSecondDerivative(s,a,seps);

2.4.2 Barlat equivalent stress

The header TFEL/Material/Barlat.hxx introduces various functions which are meant to compute the Barlat equivalent stress and its first and second derivatives. This header is automatically included by MFront for orthotropic behaviours.

The Barlat equivalent stress is defined as follows (see [2]): \[ \sigma_{\mathrm{eq}}^{B}= \sqrt[a]{ \frac{1}{4}\left( \sum_{i=0}^{3} \sum_{j=0}^{3} {\left|s'_{i}-s''_{j}\right|}^{a} \right) } \]

where \(s'_{i}\) and \(s''_{i}\) are the eigenvalues of two transformed stresses \(\underline{s}'\) and \(\underline{s}''\) by two linear transformation \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{L}}}'\) and \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{L}}}''\): \[ \left\{ \begin{aligned} \underline{s}' &= \underline{\underline{\mathbf{L'}}} \,\colon\,\underline{\sigma}\\ \underline{s}'' &= \underline{\underline{\mathbf{L''}}}\,\colon\,\underline{\sigma}\\ \end{aligned} \right. \]

The linear transformations \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{L}}}'\) and \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{L}}}''\) are defined by \(9\) coefficients (each) which describe the material orthotropy. There are defined through auxiliary linear transformations \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{C}}}'\) and \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{C}}}''\) as follows: \[ \begin{aligned} \underline{\underline{\mathbf{L}}}' &=\underline{\underline{\mathbf{C}}}'\,\colon\,\underline{\underline{\mathbf{M}}} \\ \underline{\underline{\mathbf{L}}}''&=\underline{\underline{\mathbf{C}}}''\,\colon\,\underline{\underline{\mathbf{M}}} \end{aligned} \] where \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{M}}}\) is the transformation of the stress to its deviator: \[ \underline{\underline{\mathbf{M}}}=\underline{\underline{\mathbf{I}}}-\displaystyle\frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle 3}\underline{I}\,\otimes\,\underline{I} \]

The linear transformations \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{C}}}'\) and \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{C}}}''\) of the deviator stress are defined as follows: \[ \underline{\underline{\mathbf{C}}}'= \displaystyle\frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle 3}\, \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -c'_{12} & -c'_{13} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -c'_{21} & 0 & -c'_{23} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -c'_{31} & -c'_{32} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & c'_{44} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & c'_{55} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & c'_{66} \\ \end{pmatrix} \quad \text{and} \quad \underline{\underline{\mathbf{C}}}''= \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -c''_{12} & -c''_{13} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -c''_{21} & 0 & -c''_{23} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -c''_{31} & -c''_{32} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & c''_{44} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & c''_{55} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & c''_{66} \\ \end{pmatrix} \]

The following functions have been implemented: Linear transformations

To define the linear transformations, the makeBarlatLinearTransformation function has been introduced. This function takes two template parameter:

This functions takes the \(9\) coefficients as arguments, as follows:

const auto l1 = makeBarlatLinearTransformation<3>(c_12,c_21,c_13,c_31,

Note In his paper, Barlat and coworkers uses the following convention for storing symmetric tensors:

\[ \begin{pmatrix} xx & yy & zz & yz & zx & xy \end{pmatrix} \]

which is not consistent with the TFEL/Cast3M/Abaqus/Ansys conventions:

\[ \begin{pmatrix} xx & yy & zz & xy & xz & yz \end{pmatrix} \]

Therefore, if one wants to uses coeficients \(c^{B}\) given by Barlat, one shall call this function as follows:

const auto l1 = makeBarlatLinearTransformation<3>(cB_12,cB_21,cB_13,cB_31,

The TFEL/Material library also provide an overload of the makeBarlatLinearTransformation which template parameters are the modelling hypothesis and the orthotropic axis conventions. The purpose of this overload is to swap appriopriate coefficients to get a consistent definition of the linear transforamtions for all the modelling hypotheses.

2.4.3 The SlipSystemsDescription class

3 New functionalities of the MFront code generator

3.1 cmake Generator

For Visual Studio users, who do not have access to the GNU make utility, a cmake generator was introduced.

This generator is the default with Visual Studio. In other development environment, the default generator is the Makefile generator.

One can switch from a generator to another using the --generator (-G) option of mfront, as follows:

$ mfront -G cmake --obuild --interface=python YoungModulusTest.mfront

In this case, MFront will perform the following operations:

The output of the previous command is, on LinuX:

Treating target : all
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- tfel-config         : /home/th202608/codes/tfel/trunk/install/bin/tfel-config
-- tfel oflags         : -fvisibility-inlines-hidden;-fvisibility=hidden;-fno-fast-math;-DNO_RUNTIME_CHECK_BOUNDS;-O2;-DNDEBUG;-ftree-vectorize;-march=native
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/src
Scanning dependencies of target materiallaw
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/materiallaw.dir/YoungModulusTest-python.o
[100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/materiallaw.dir/materiallawwrapper.o
Linking CXX shared library
[100%] Built target materiallaw
The following library has been built :
- :  YoungModulusTest

3.1.1 Changing the build system targeted used by cmake

By default, cmake generates configuration files for a default build system which is determined as follows:

This can be changed by the user using the CMAKE_GENERATOR environment variable. For example, one my select the Ninja build system as follows:

$ CMAKE_GENERATOR="Ninja" mfront --obuild --interface=aster -G cmake Norton.mfront 
Treating target : all
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Ninja
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Ninja -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- tfel-config         : /home/th202608/codes/tfel/trunk/install-python-3.4/bin/tfel-config
-- tfel oflags         : -fvisibility-inlines-hidden;-fvisibility=hidden;-fno-fast-math;-DNO_RUNTIME_CHECK_BOUNDS;-O2;-DNDEBUG;-ftree-vectorize;-march=native
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/src
[3/3] Linking CXX shared library
The following library has been built :
- :  asternorton

3.1.2 Environment variables affecting the build system generated by cmake

The build system generated by cmake can be affected by various environment variables. For example, with the Ninja and Unix Makefiles build systems, one can select the C++ compiler using the CXX environment variable, as follows:

$ CC=clang CXX=clang++ CMAKE_GENERATOR="Ninja" mfront --obuild --interface=aster -G cmake Norton.mfront 
Treating target : all
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 3.5.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 3.5.0
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Ninja
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Ninja -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- tfel-config         : /home/th202608/codes/tfel/trunk/install-python-3.4/bin/tfel-config
-- tfel oflags         : -fvisibility-inlines-hidden;-fvisibility=hidden;-fno-fast-math;-DNO_RUNTIME_CHECK_BOUNDS;-O2;-DNDEBUG;-ftree-vectorize;-march=native
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/src
[3/3] Linking CXX shared library
The following library has been built :
- :  asternorton

3.2 Implicit DSL

3.2.1 @NumericallyComputedJacobianBlocks

Computing the jacobian of the implicit system is the most difficult part of implementing a behaviour. Computing the jacobian by finite difference is interesting but significantly decreases the performances of the behaviour and can be (very) sensitive to the choice of the numerical perturbation.

The @NumericallyComputedJacobianBlocks keyword is used select a list of jacobian blocks that have to be computed numerically. This is more efficient than computing the whole jacobian numerically. Combined with the ability to compare the jacobian to a numerical approximation, the user now has the ability to build the jacobian incrementally, block by block and checks at each steps that their analytical expressions are correct.

This keyword can optionnaly be followed by a list of modelling hypotheses. The list of jacobian blocks is given as an array. Notes Example

@NumericallyComputedJacobianBlocks {dfp_ddeel,dfeel_ddeel};

3.3 Behaviours interfaces

3.3.1 Native CalculiX interface

A native interface for the CalculiX solver has been added.

Calling external libraries from CalculiX for the native interface requires a patch in version 2.12 that can be downloaded here.

3.3.2 The Cast3M interface The MieheApelLambrechtLogarithmic finite strain strategy

The pre- and post-computations performed by the MieheApelLambrechtLogarithmic finite strain strategy , which require the computation of the eigen values and eigen vectors of the right Cauchy strecth tensor, are now based the Jacobi algorithm from the FSES library for improved accuracy.

3.3.3 The Code_Aster interface Support for the GROT_GDEP finite strain formulation

GROT_GDEP is the name in Code_Aster of a finite strain formulation based on the principle of virtual work in the reference configuration expressed in term of the Green-Lagrange strain and the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress. Such a formulation is also called Total Lagrangian in the litterature (see [14]) and in other finite element solvers.

Prior to this version, MFront behaviours were meant to be used with the SIMO_MIEHE finite strain formulation and could not be used with the GROT_GDEP finite strain formulation.

From the behaviour point of view, using SIMO_MIEHE or GROT_GDEP differs from the choice of the output stress and the definition of the consistent tangent operator. The @AsterFiniteStrainFormulation keyword

The @AsterFiniteStrainFormulation keyword can now be used to choose one of these finite strain formulation.

This keyword must be followed by one of the following choice:

The choice SIMO_MIEHE remains the default for backward compatibility.

3.3.4 The Europlexus interface The MieheApelLambrechtLogarithmic finite strain strategy

The pre- and post-computations performed by the MieheApelLambrechtLogarithmic finite strain strategy, which require the computation of the eigen values and eigen vectors of the right Cauchy strecth tensor, are now based the Jacobi algorithm from the FSES library for improved accuracy.

3.3.5 The Abaqus-Explicit interface The MieheApelLambrechtLogarithmic finite strain strategy

The pre- and post-computations performed by the MieheApelLambrechtLogarithmic finite strain strategy, which require the computation of the eigen values and eigen vectors of the right Cauchy strecth tensor, are now based the Jacobi algorithm from the FSES library for improved accuracy.

4 New functionalities of MTest solver

4.1 Choice of the rounding mode from the command line

\(4\) rounding mode are defined in the IEEE754 standard. Changing the rounding mode is a gross way to check the numerical stability of the computations performed with MTest and MFront.

The rounding mode can be set using the --rounding-direction-mode option. Valid values for this option are:

Most unit-tests based on MTest are now executed five times, one for each available choice of the rounding mode.

4.2 Abritrary non linear constraints

Abritrary non linear constraints on driving variables and thermodynamic forces can now be added using the @NonLinearConstraint keyword.


This keyword can also be used to define linear constraints, although the numerical treatment of such a constraint will be sub-optimal. A special treatment of such a constraint is planned.


This development of this functionality highlighted the issue reported in Ticket #39. For more details, see:

4.2.1 Normalisation policy

This keyword must be followed by an option giving the normalisation policy. The normalisation policy can have one of the following values:

4.2.2 Examples

// ensure that the loading is isochoric in 1D
@NonLinearConstraint<Strain> 'FRR*FTT*FZZ-1';
// impose the first piola kirchoff stress
// in an uniaxial compression test
@Real 'Pi0' -40e6
@NonLinearConstraint<Stress> 'SXX*FYY*FZZ-Pi0';

4.3 The @Print and @Message keywords

The @Print keyword, or its alias named @Message, is used to display some informative message on the standard output.

This keyword is followed by floatting point values and/or strings.

Strings are first interpreted as formula. If the interpretation is successfull, the result is printed. Otherwise, the string is display witout interpretation.

All the following tokens are appended to the message up to a final semi-colon.

4.3.1 Example:

@Print "Complex computation result: " "12*5";

In this example, the first string can’t be interpreted as a formula, so its contents is printed. The second part can be interpreted, so its result (\(60\)) is displayed. The message printed is thus:

Complex computation result: 60

4.4 The @Import keyword

Depending of the option used (given between ‘<’ and ‘>’), the @Import keyword is meant to have various meanings.

In this version, the only option available is the castem option.

4.4.1 The castem option

The castem (or Castem or Cast3M) option let you import a function generated by MFront with the castem interface. This function can be used in every formula.

The keyword is followed by the library an function names. Example

@Import<castem> 'CastemW' 'W_ThermalExpansion';
// height at 20°C
@Real 'h0' 16e-3;
// height at 1500°C
@Real 'h' 'h0*(1+W_ThermalExpansion(1723.15)*(1723.25-293.15))';

4.5 python bindings

4.5.1 The Behaviour class

The Behaviour class has been introduced in the mtest modules. This class can be used to determine at runtime time the material properties, internal state variables, parameters and external state variables required by a specific implementation.

Contrary the tfel.system.ExternalBehaviourDescription class, the information given by the Behaviour class takes into account the variables that are implicitly declared by the interface to match its specific (internal) requirements. For example:

4.5.2 The MTest class

In the python bindings, the setNonLinearConstraint method has been added to the MTest class.

This method takes two named arguments:

5 New functionalities of the mfront-query tool

5.1 New behaviours queries

5.1.1 Queries associated with the strain measure

5.1.2 Queries associated with the crystal structure

6 New functionalities of the tfel-config tool

tfel-config provides new options for better integration with build systems, such as cmake:

$ tfel-config --library-dependency --material

7 Introduction of the mfm tool

mfm is a tool that allow querying a library about the entry points defined by MFront. Depending on the interface, an entry point can be a class name, a function, a name of an entity that will be registered in an abstract factory when the library is loaded, etc…

$ mfront --obuild --interface=aster ImplicitNorton.mfront 
Treating target : all
The following library has been built :
- :  asterimplicitnorton
th202608@pleiades098:/tmp$ mfm src/ 
- asterimplicitnorton

The entry points can be filtered. The following filters are available:

Filters are based on case-insensitive regular expressions.

Apart from filters, mfm also have the following options:

For example:

$ mfm --filter-by-material='M5' --filter-by-type=material_property --filter-by-name='.*YoungModulus.*' --filter-by-interface=castem --show-libs  $(find . -type f)
- ./lib/ M5_YoungModulus
- ./lib/ M5_YoungModulus_Crocodile2015
- ./lib/ M5_YoungModulus_MATPRO2001

8 Tickets fixed

This release also takes into account the tickets fixed for tfel-3.0.1, tfel-3.0.2, tfel-3.0.3. For a detailed list, see:

8.1 Ticket #37: Add the ability to compute part of the jacobian numerically

The @NumericallyComputedJacobianBlocks keyword can be used for that purpose.

For more details, see:

8.2 Ticket #40: ImplicitDSL: Detect non finite values during resolution

During the resolution of the implicit system, invalid results may occur. In previous versions, no check were made leading to a propagation of those values and finally the failure of integration.

A test to check that the residual of the implicit system is finite have been added. If this test is not satisfied after the first iteration, the last increment of the unknowns is divided by two and the resolution is restarted with this guess. If this test is not satisfied at the first iteration, the behaviour integration can not be performed.

8.3 Ticket #41: MTest: check if the residual is finite and not NaN

In previous versions, if the behaviour integration returned a not-a-number value (NaN ), this value propagated throughout the computation.

This situation can be detected by checking that the convergence criteria are finite as defined by the IEEE754 standard.

For more details, see:

8.4 Ticket #42: Check for infinite and NaN values in material properties

In the previous versions of MFront, generated sources for material properties checked that the errno value to determine is something had gone wrong, but this check does not appear to portable nor reliable with the INTEL compiler or when the -ffast-math option of the GNU compiler is activated.

The current version now check that the return value is finite.

For more details, see:

8.5 Ticket #43: Add the list of parameters’ names and types to generated library for the UMAT++ interface

In previous versions of MFront, the list of parameters’ names and types were not exported to the generated library for the UMAT++ interface, i.e. the additional symbols defined in the generated shared libraries that can be read through the ExternalLibraryManager class.

For more details, see:

8.6 Ticket #45: Support for bounds on parameters

For more details, see:

8.7 Ticket #46: Improvements to the mfront python module

The following improvements to the mfront python module have been made:

For more details, see:

8.8 Ticket #47: Add python bindings for the mtest::Behaviour class

The mtest module now contains bindings for the mtest::Behaviour class. This class allow querying information about how to use a behaviour in a specific context (interface and modelling hypothesis): for example, if a behaviour has the requireStiffnessTensor attribute, the list of material properties is updated appropriately if required by the interface for the considered modelling hypothesis. The Behaviour class has the following useful methods:

For more details, see:

Here is an example of the usage of the Behaviour class in python:

import mtest
b= mtest.Behaviour('AsterBehaviour','asternorton','Tridimensional');
for p in b.getParametersNames():
    print('- '+p+': '+str(b.getRealParameterDefaultValue(p)))
for p in b.getIntegerParametersNames():
    print('- '+p+': '+str(b.getIntegerParameterDefaultValue(p)))
for p in b.getUnsignedShortParametersNames():
    print('- '+p+': '+str(b.getUnsignedShortParameterDefaultValue(p)))

8.9 Ticket #46: Improved python bindings for the mfront::BehaviourDescription class

The python bindings of the mfront::BehaviourDescription now gives access to the parameters default values, and information about a variable standard or physical bounds (type, range).

Here is an example of its usage:

from tfel.material import ModellingHypothesis
import mfront

def printBounds(n,b):
    print('Bounds of variable \''+n+'\':')
    if((b.boundsType==mfront.VariableBoundsTypes.LOWER) or
        print('- lower bound: '+str(b.lowerBound))
    if((b.boundsType==mfront.VariableBoundsTypes.UPPER) or
        print('- upper bound: '+str(b.upperBound))

dsl = mfront.getDSL('Norton.mfront')

# behaviour description
bd = dsl.getBehaviourDescription()

    print 'Isotropic behaviour\n'
    print 'Orthropic behaviour\n'

    print 'Isotropic elasticity\n'
    print 'Orthropic elasticity\n'

# a deeper look at the 3D case
d = bd.getBehaviourData(ModellingHypothesis.TRIDIMENSIONAL)
for p in d.getParameters():
        for i in range(p.arraySize):

8.10 Ticket #48: Add the ability to retrieve bounds for material properties and parameters from the mtest::Behaviour class

The following methods were added to the mtest.Behaviour class: - The hasBounds method returns true if the given variable has bounds. - The hasLowerBound method returns true if the given variable has a lower bound. - The hasUpperBound method hasUpperBound returns true if the given variable has an upper bound. - The getLowerBound method returns the lower bound of the given variable. - The getUpperBound method returns the uppert bound of the given variable. - The hasPhysicalBounds methodreturns true if the given variable has physical bounds. - The hasLowerPhysicalBound method returns true if the given variable has a physical lower bound. - The hasUpperPhysicalBound method returns true if the given variable has a physical upper bound. - The getLowerPhysicalBound method returns the lower bound of the given variable. - The getUpperPhysicalBound method returns the upper bound of the given variable.

Here is an example:

from mtest import Behaviour

b = Behaviour('AsterBehaviour','asternorton','Tridimensional')

for p in b.getParametersNames():
    if b.hasLowerBound(p):
        print(p+" lower bound: "+str(b.getLowerBound(p)))
    if b.hasUpperBound(p):
        print(p+" lower bound: "+str(b.getUpperBound(p)))

For more details, see:

8.11 Ticket #49: Add the ability to retrieve the symmetry of the behaviour and the symmetry of the elastic behaviour from mfront-query

The following queries are now available:

For more details, see:

8.12 Ticket #50: Add the ability to retrieve bounds values from mfront-query

The following queries are now available:

For more details, see:

8.13 Ticket #55: New functionnalities for multi-yield-surfaces plasticity

The @AdditionalConvergenceChecks keyword is meant to introduce a code block returning stating if convergence has been reached. More precisely, this code block is meant to modify a boolean variable called converged. This boolean is true if the standard convergence criterion has been reached, false otherwise.

One possible usage of this code block is multi-surfaces’ plasticity treated by activating or desactivating statuses.

8.13.1 Example

Consider a two surfaces plastic behaviour. To handle it, we will need two arrays of boolean:

@Brick StandardElasticity; // to have computeElasticPrediction

@LocalVariable bool status[2];

  // initial status based of the elastic prediction
  auto sigel = computeElasticPrediction();
  for(unsigned short i=0;i!=2;++i){
    status[i] = ...
} // end of @Prediction

  for(unsigned short i=0;i!=2;++i){
} // end of @Integrator

  // initial status based of the elastic prediction
  for(unsigned short i=0;i!=2;++i){
    // change the status if needed. If a status a changed,
    //set `converged` to `false`

8.14 Ticket #60: Compute the consistent tangent operator for the MieheApelLambrechtLogarithmicStrain finite strain strategy

The LogarithmicStrainHandler class has been introduced to gather the implementations of MieheApelLambrechtLogarithmicStrain finite strain strategy in all interfaces. The computation of the consistent tangent operator has been implemented in this class.

This feature is available in the Cast3M, Abaqus/Standard and CalculiX interfaces.

8.15 Ticket #61: Introduce a general @FiniteStrainStrategy keyword. Deprecate definition of the finite strain strategies in the interfaces.

The StrainMeasure keyword has been introduced. This keyword is followed by the name of a strain measure:

The stress tensor computed by the behaviour is interpreted as the dual of the strain measure chosen.

The definition of the finite strain strategies in interfaces has not been deprecated, as this allows to define general purpose behaviours available in various “flavours”.

The StrainMeasure keyword has been introduced. This keyword is followed by the name of a strain measure:

The stress tensor computed by the behaviour is interpreted as the dual of the strain measure chosen.

The definition of the finite strain strategies in interfaces has not been deprecated, as this allows to define general purpose behaviours available in various “flavours”.

For more details, see:

8.16 Ticket #65: @ElasticMaterialProperties does not work for DSL describing isotropics behaviours

The @ElasticMaterialProperties is now available for domain specific languages (DSL) describing isotropics behaviours.

@DSL IsotropicStrainHardeningMisesCreep;
@Behaviour StrainHardeningCreep2;
@Author    Helfer Thomas;
@Date      23/11/06;

@ElasticMaterialProperties {"Inconel600_YoungModulus.mfront",0.3};

@MaterialProperty real A;
@MaterialProperty real Ns;
@MaterialProperty real Np;

  const real p0  = 1.e-6;
  const real tmp = A*pow(seq,Ns-1.)*pow(p+p0,-Np-1);
  f       = tmp*seq*(p+p0);
  df_dseq =  Ns*tmp*(p+p0);
  df_dp   = -Np*tmp*seq;

For more details, see:

8.17 Ticket 74: mfront-query: handle static variables

mfront-query now has the following options:

For more details, see:

8.18 Ticket 76: Add python bindings for the SearchPathsHandler class in the mfront module

The SearchPathsHandler class is used in MFront to search additional files. Bindings for this class has been added to the mfront module. The following methods are available:

For more details, see:

9 Know regressions

9.1 Stricter rules on variable declarations

All variables, to the very exception of local variables, must be declared before the first user defined code block to allow appropriate analysis of those code blocks.

Some variables are automatically declared by keywords. For instance, the @Epsilon keyword defines implicitly a parameter named epsilon.

In previous versions of MFront, those rules were only partially enforced: it may happen that some keywords or variable declaration shall now be moved before the first user defined code block.

10 Portability

Portability is a convincing sign of software quality and maintainability:

TFEL has been tested successfully on a various flavours of LinuX and BSD systems (including FreeBSD and OpenBSD). The first ones are mostly built on gcc, libstdc++ and the glibc. The second ones are built on clang and libc++.

TFEL can be built on Windows in a wide variety of configurations and compilers:

TFEL have reported to build successfully in the Windows Subsystem for LinuX (WSL) environment.

Although not officially supported, more exotic systems, such as OpenSolaris and Haiku, have also been tested successfully. The Minix operating systems provides a pre-release of clang 3.4 that fails to compile TFEL.

10.1 Supported compilers

Version 3.1 has been tested using the following compilers:

10.2 Benchmarcks

A comparison of various compilers and specific options
Compiler and options Success ratio Test time
gcc 4.9.2 100% tests passed 681.19 sec
gcc 4.9.2+fast-math 100% tests passed 572.48 sec
clang 3.5 100% tests passed 662.50 sec
clang 3.5+libstcxx 99% tests passed 572.18 sec
clang 5.0 100% tests passed 662.50 sec
icpc 2018 100% tests passed 511.08 sec
PGI 17.10 99% tests passed 662.61 sec

Concerning the PGI compilers, performances may be affected by the fact that this compiler generates huge shared libraries (three to ten times larger than other compilers).

11 References

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Barlat, F., Aretz, H., Yoon, J. W., Karabin, M. E., Brem, J. C. and Dick, R. E. Linear transfomation-based anisotropic yield functions. International Journal of Plasticity. 1 May 2005. Vol. 21, no. 5, p. 1009–1039. DOI 10.1016/j.ijplas.2004.06.004. Available from:
Scherzinger, W. M. A return mapping algorithm for isotropic and anisotropic plasticity models using a line search method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 15 April 2017. Vol. 317, p. 526–553. DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2016.11.026. Available from:
Lamotte, J.-L., Chesneaux, J.-M. and Jézéquel, F. CADNA_c: A version of CADNA for use with c or c++ programs. Computer Physics Communications. 2010. Vol. 181, no. 11, p. 1925–1926.
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France, Paris. CADNA: Control of accuracy and debugging for numerical applications. 2017. Available from:
Févotte, François and Lathuilière, Bruno. VERROU: Assessing floating-point accuracy without recompiling. 2016. Available from:
Hillerborg, A., Modéer, M. and Perterson, P.-E. Analysis of crack formation and crack growth in concrete by means of fracture mechanics and finite elements. Cement and Concrete Research. 1976. Vol. 6, p. 779–782.
Miehe, C., Apel, N. and Lambrecht, M. Anisotropic additive plasticity in the logarithmic strain space: Modular kinematic formulation and implementation based on incremental minimization principles for standard materials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. November 2002. Vol. 191, no. 47–48, p. 5383–5425. DOI 10.1016/S0045-7825(02)00438-3. Available from:
Kopp, Joachim. Efficient numerical diagonalization of hermitian 3x3 matrices. International Journal of Modern Physics C. March 2008. Vol. 19, no. 3, p. 523–548. DOI 10.1142/S0129183108012303. Available from:
Kopp, Joachim. Numerical diagonalization of 3x3 matrices. 2017. Available from:
Eberly, David. A robust eigensolver for 3 × 3 symmetric matrices. September 2016. Available from:
Eberly, David. Geometric tools. 2017. Available from:
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Belytschko, Ted. Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures. Chichester ; New York : Wiley-Blackwell, 2000. ISBN 9780471987741.