This is mainly a bug fix version of the 3.1 series. All tickets solved are described below.

New functionalities


Requesting the C++ standard version used to compile TFEL

The --cxx-standard option returns the version of the C++ standard used to compile TFEL, as follows:

$ tfel-config --cxx-standard

Tickets fixed

Ticket #112: Documentation of the @HillTensor keyword

The @HillTensor keyword is now documented.

For more details, see:

Ticket #113: Use the external name to define the default value of real parameters

The variable name was used to form the symbol which defines the default value of a real parameter. One should have used the external name has this was already the case for integer and unsigned short parameters.

For more details, see:

Ticket #111: Have a flag stating if the implicit system is called for the evaluation of the jacobian by perturbation

In some cases, it is convenient to update auxiliary state variables in the @Integrator code block, rather than computing them in the @UpdateAuxiliaryStateVariables code block which is only called once the convergence is reached.

However, if the jacobian matrix is computed numerically (at least partially), such updates could be wrong, because they can be based on the perturbated values of the unknowns.

In TFEL 3.1, this can be circumvented by testing the value of the perturbatedSystemEvaluation boolean value as follows:

// let av be an auxiliary state variable
@AuxiliaryStateVariable StrainStensor av;

  // put updated value of av in a temporary variable
  const auto av_ = eval(...);  
  definition of the implicit system
    // update auxiliary state variables
    av = av_;
} // end of @Integrator

In many cases, rather than updating auxiliary variables during the Newton iterations, it can be more pratical to compute its increment, defined in by local variable and to update the auxiliary variable in the @UpdateAuxiliaryStateVariables code block. The previous trick can be used in this case in a straightforward manner.

For more details, see:

Ticket #110: Numerically computed parts of the jacobian shall not be updated after convergence

In previous versions, the numerically computed parts of the jacobian were updated after the convergence has been reached to ensure that a proper jacobian is available for the computation of the consistent tangent operator.

In TFEL-3.1.1, those parts of the jacobian are no more updated after convergence if the consistent tangent operator is not requested.

For more details, see:

Ticket #108: Imcompatibility between @StrainMeasure Hencky and @ModellingHypothesis AxisymmetricalGeneralisedPlaneStrain

This is a mistake in the Cast3M interface which happens when:

Because of some ill-formed test in CastemInterface.cxx, the interface tried to access to the BehaviourData associated with the GeneralisedPlaneStrain hypothesis … which may be not available. Hence the error.

For more details, see:

Ticket #107: The ZMAT interface does not support array of parameters

For more details, see:

Ticket #106: Compilation of MFront 3.1 fails for Intel Compiler

Compilation of MFront 3.1 fails for Intel Compiler (version icc/2016.0.047) with this message:

mfm/src/mfm.cxx(232): error: invalid type conversion: "const tfel::utilities::Argument" to "const std::string &" const auto& l = static_cast<const std::string&="">(a);

This problem is limited to this version of the Intel Compiler. The solution is to change this line with:

const auto& l = a.as_string();

For more details, see:

Ticket #105: Getting version number of MFront

In order to check the MFront usage with CYRANO3, its would be usefull to retrieve the version of MFront:

Metadata in MFront generated libraries

A specific symbol is now generated for every generated entry points (functions or classes) defined in MFront libraries.

This symbol’ name is composed by the entry point name followed by _tfel_version.

For example, if we are testing the version used to generated the cyranonorton function, one have to retrieve the cyranonorton_tfel_version symbol.

This can be done:

The tfel_version member has been added to the ExternalBehaviourDescription class which is used by Cyrano. Beware that this can lead to inconsistencies if a previous version of TFEL is used.

Retrieving the TFEL version at runtime

The TFEL version can be retrived by calling the getTFELVersion function defined in the TFELConfig shared library.

For more details, see:

Ticket #104: Checks of material properties’ bounds are not generated anymore

The checks for material properties are not generated any more. This is due to an ill-formed test in BehaviourDSLCommon.cxx in the writeMaterialPropertyCheckBoundsEvaluation method of the BehaviourDSLCommon class.

For more details, see:

Ticket #103: The temperature is updated twice in updateExternalStateVariables

The temperature is updated twice in updateExternalStateVariables. This is due to the fact that the temperature has been explicitly integrated in the external state variables in the 3.1 release (in previous releases, the temperature was treated independently, which led to lots of code duplication and special cases).

This bug affects behaviours relying on local sub-stepping, a feature provided by the Cast3M and Cyrano interfaces. The other interfaces are not affected.

For more details, see:

Ticket #102: The usage of the constants defined in the PhysicalConstants class is broken in debug mode

The various constants defined in the PhysicalConstants class are declared as constexpr static variables.

In release mode, those variables are inlined (which is what was intented). However, in debug mode, those static variables break the one definition rule of C++, leading to undefined symbols in libraries or executables using them. This is a aknowledged flaw in the C++-11 standard which has been solved in C++-17 which introduces inline variables.

Thus the code of the PhysicalConstants class is only valid in C++-17. In C++-11, the solution to this issue in is to remove the constexpr keyword in front of constant declaration and introduce a library called TFELPhysicalConstants in which the constants are defined.

In C++-17, this library is empty.

For more details, see:

Ticket #100: The name of the parameter for the reference temperature of the geometry is badly choosen

When using the @ComputeThermalExpansion keyword, the thermal expansion is computed as follows:

\[ \frac{\Delta\,l}{l_{T^{i}}} = \frac{1}{1+\alpha\left(T^{i}\right)\,\left(T^{i}-T^{\alpha}\right)}\,\left[\alpha\left(T\right)\,\left(T-T^{\alpha}\right)-\alpha\left(T^{i}\right)\,\left(T^{i}-T^{\alpha}\right)\right] \]


In previous versions of TFEL and MFront, the reference temperature for the geometry \(T^{i}\) could be specified as a parameter named ReferenceTemperature. This name was badly choosen and can be confusing as it is more intuitively associated with \(T^{\alpha}\).

Since this version of TFEL and MFront, this parameter has been renamed ReferenceTemperatureForInitialGeometry.

For more details, see:

Ticket #99: Functions defined in Barlat.ixx and Hosford.ixx does not work for floats

In this case, the functions defined in Barlat.ixx and Hosford.ixx can make extensive use of std::pow(float,int) when the exponent is an int: this function returns a double and not a float. Thus the result of those functions must be recasted in float.

For more details, see:

Ticket #98: Test calculixelasticity3 shall not be run if the castem interface is not enabled

For more details, see:

Ticket #16: Change error management in Aster interface

For each behaviour generated by MFront using the aster interface, a function called <aster_behaviour_name>_getIntegrationErrorMessage() is now also created. This function returns a buffer containing the last error encountered. This buffer has a per thread storage (so it is thread safe). Its size is 128 characters (arbitrary choice).

Since this function is available, the default option for reporting integration errors on the standard error output has been changed from true to false. The previous option can be recovered by using the @AsterErrorReport keyword in MFront as follows:

@AsterErrorReport true;

or, even better, by passing --@AsterErrorReport=true when calling MFront, as follows:

$ mfront --obuild --@AsterErrorReport=true ....

For more details, see:

Known incompatibilities

The name of the parameter used to define the reference temperature of the geometry has changed

The name of the parameter used to define the reference temperature of the geometry has been changed to ReferenceTemperatureForInitialGeometry. See Ticket #100 for details.

Default value for error reporting in the aster interface

The default option for reporting integration errors on the standard error output has been changed from true to false. The previous option can be recovered by using the @AsterErrorReport keyword in MFront as follows:

@AsterErrorReport true;

See Ticket #16 for details.