The @AccelerationAlgorithm keyword

The @AccelerationAlgorithm keyword is used to give the name of the acceleration algorithm used to accelerate the convergence toward equilibrium.

The following algorithm are available:


@AccelerationAlgorithm 'Secant';

The @AccelerationAlgorithmParameter keyword

The @AccelerationAlgorithmParameter keyword allows the user to fine-tune the acceleration algorithm used to reach equilibrium. The parameter that can be defined depends on the acceleration algorithm used.

This keyword is followed by a string giving the name of the parameter and a string giving the value of this parameter.


@AccelerationAlgorithmParameter 'AccelerationTrigger' '3'; 

The @Author keyword

The @Author keyword is used give the name of the person who wrote the mtest file.

All the following words are appended to the author’s name up to a final semicolon.


@Author Éric Brunon;

The @Behaviour keyword

The @Behaviour keyword declares the behaviour used for the test. This keyword must be followed by an option specifying the interface used by the behaviour. The castem, cyrano and aster interfaces are supported.

Two strings are then expected:


@Behaviour<castem> '' 'umatnorton';

The @CastemAccelerationPeriod keyword

The keyword @CastemAccelerationPeriod specifies the number of iterations between two calls to the acceleration algorithm.

This keyword is followed by a positive number.


@CastemAccelerationPeriod 3;

The @CastemAccelerationTrigger keyword

The keyword @CastemAccelerationTrigger specifies the number of iterations before the first call to the acceleration algorithm.

This keyword is followed by a positive number.


@CastemAccelerationTrigger 4;

The @CohesiveForce keyword

The @CohesiveForce let the user specify the initial value of the cohesive forces.

This keyword is followed by an array. The size of this array must be equal to the number of components of symmetric tensors for the modelling hypothesis considered (see the @ModellingHypothesis keyword).


@CohesiveForce {'T0,,0.,0.};

The @CohesiveForceEpsilon keyword

The global algorithm uses two criteria to check if a satisfying equilibrium has been found: one on opening displacements, the other on cohesive forces.

This criterion on cohesive forces checks that the residual of the Newton algorithm is low enough. By default, this value is equal to 1.e-3, which is a convenient value if cohesive force are expressed in Newton.

The @CohesiveEpsilon let the user specify the criterion value used for the criterion on cohesive force.

It is followed by the criterion value.


@CohesiveForce 1.e2;

The @CompareToNumericalTangentOperator keyword

If the @CompareToNumericalTangentOperator is followed by true, a comparison of the tangent operator given by the behaviour to a numerical approximation computed by a centered finite difference is performed.

The value of the perturbation used to compute this numerical approximation can be adjusted by the @NumericalTangentOperatorPerturbationValue.

The value used for to compare the tangent operator given by the behaviour to a numerical approximation can be adjusted by the @TangentOperatorComparisoncriterion.


@CompareToNumericalTangentOperator true;

The @Date keyword

The @Date keyword allows the user to precise when the mtest file was written.

All the following words are appended to the date up to a final semicolon.


@Date 2008-11-17;

The @DeformationGradient keyword

The @DeformationGradient let the user specify the initial value of the deformation gradient.

This keyword is followed by an array. The size of this array must be equal to the number of components of (non-symmetric) tensors for the modelling hypothesis considered (see the @ModellingHypothesis keyword).


@DeformationGradient {1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0};

The @DeformationGradientEpsilon keyword

The global algorithm uses two criteria to check if a satisfying equilibrium has been found: one on deformation gradient, the other on stresses.

This criterion on the deformation gradient checks if two successive estimate of the strains are close enough. By default, the criterion value used is 1.e-12;

The @SDeformationGradient let the user specify the criterion value used for the criterion on strains.

It is followed by the criterion value.


@DeformationGradient 1.e-12;

The @Description keyword

The @Description keywords describes the test which is implemented in a mtest file.

This keyword is followed by a block containing all the relevant piece of information.


  "Modélisation d'un tube sous pression"

The @DrivingVariable keyword

The keyword @DrivingVariable is not documented yet

The @DrivingVariableEpsilon keyword

The keyword @DrivingVariableEpsilon is not documented yet

The @Evolution keyword

The @Evolution specifies a function of time.

This keyword may have one option, which is the way the evolution will be defined. Two values are accepted: evolution and function. If no option is specified, the evolution option is chosen.

After the option, the name of evolution, which shall be given as string, is expected.

If the evolution option has been selected, the user may specify a constant evolution by simply giving its value. Otherwise, complex evolutions can be build using an associative array where the key is the time and the value of the evolution. Between two times, the values will be interpolated linearly. Prior to the first declared time given, the value corresponding to this first time is used. After the last time given, the value corresponding this last time is used.

If the function option has been selected, a string is expected which wil be interpreted as a function of time. The time is represented by the variable t.

Example (constant evolution):

@Evolution 'Pressure' 1.e5;

Example (linear evolution):

@Evolution 'Pressure' {0:0.,1.:1.e5};

Example (function):

@Real P0 2.e5
@Real P1 4.e5
@Evolution<function> 'Pressure' 'P0+(P1-P0)*t**2';

The @ExternalStateVariable keyword

The @ExternalStateVariable keyword let the user specify the evolution of an external state variables, including the temperature which is generally defined by default by behaviour interfaces.

This keyword may have one option, which is the way the evolution will be defined. Two values are accepted: evolution and function. If no option is specified, the evolution option is chosen.

After the option, the name of the external state variable, which shall be given as string, is expected.

If the evolution option has been selected, the user may specify a constant evolution by simply giving its value. Otherwise, complex evolutions can be build using an associative array where the key is the time and the value of the evolution. Between two times, the values will be interpolated linearly. Prior to the first declared time given, the value corresponding to this first time is used. After the last time given, the value corresponding this last time is used.

If the function option has been selected, a string is expected which wil be interpreted as a function of time. The time is represented by the variable t.

Example (constant evolution)

@ExternalStateVariable 'Temperature' 293.15;

Example (linear evolution)

@ExternalStateVariable 'Temperature' {0:293.15,1.:800};

Example (function)

@Real T0 293.15
@Real T1 400.15
@ExternalStateVariable<function> 'Temperature' 'T0+(T1-T0)*t**2';

The @HandleThermalExpansion keyword

The keyword @HandleThermalExpansion is not documented yet

The @ImposedCohesiveForce keyword

The keyword @ImposedCohesiveForce is not documented yet

The @ImposedDeformationGradient keyword

The keyword @ImposedDeformationGradient is not documented yet

The @ImposedDrivingVariable keyword

The keyword @ImposedDrivingVariable is not documented yet

The @ImposedOpeningDisplacement keyword

The keyword @ImposedOpeningDisplacement is not documented yet

The @ImposedStrain keyword

The @ImposedStrain keyword allows the user to impose the evolution of a component of the strains.

This keyword may have one option, which is the way the evolution will be defined. Two values are accepted: evolution and function. If no option is specified, the evolution option is chosen.

After the option, the name of the component of the strains, which shall be given as string, is expected.

According to the modelling hypothesis selected (see the @ModellingHypothesis keyword), the following components names are accepted:

If the evolution option has been selected, the user may specify a constant evolution by simply giving its value. Otherwise, complex evolutions can be build using an associative array where the key is the time and the value of the evolution. Between two times, the values will be interpolated linearly. Prior to the first declared time given, the value corresponding to this first time is used. After the last time given, the value corresponding this last time is used.

If the function option has been selected, a string is expected which is interpreted as a function of time. The current time is represented by the variable t.

Example (constant evolution)

@ImposedStrain<evolution> 'EXX' 1e-3;

Example (linear evolution)

@ImposedStrain<evolution> 'EXX' {0.:0.,1:1e-3};

Example (function)

@ImposedStrain<function> 'EXX' 'e0*sin(t/900.)';


The off-diagonal terms shall be multiplied by a factor \(\sqrt(2)\) with respect to standard conventions.

The @ImposedStress keyword

The @ImposedStress keyword allows the user to impose the evolution of a component of the stresses.

This keyword may have one option, which is the way the evolution will be defined. Two values are accepted: evolution and function. If no option is specified, the evolution option is chosen.

After the option, the name of the component of the stresses, which shall be given as string, is expected.

According to the modelling hypothesis selected (see the @ModellingHypothesis keyword), the following components names are accepted:

If the evolution option has been selected, the user may specify a constant evolution by simply giving its value. Otherwise, complex evolutions can be build using an associative array where the key is the time and the value of the evolution. Between two times, the values will be interpolated linearly. Prior to the first declared time given, the value corresponding to this first time is used. After the last time given, the value corresponding this last time is used.

If the function option has been selected, a string is expected which is interpreted as a function of time. The current time is represented by the variable t.

Example (constant evolution)

@ImposedStress 'SXX' 50.e6;

Example (linear evolution)

@ImposedStress<evolution> 'SXX' {0.:0.,1:50e6};

Example (function)

@ImposedStress<function>  'SXX' 's0*sin(t/900.)';


The off-diagonal terms shall be multiplied by a factor \(\sqrt(2)\).

The @ImposedThermodynamicForce keyword

The keyword @ImposedThermodynamicForce is not documented yet

The @IntegerParameter keyword

The @IntegerParameter keyword specifies the value of an integer parameter of the behaviour.


@IntegerParameter 'iter' 12;

The @InternalStateVariable keyword

The @InternalStateVariable keyword defines the initial value of a state variable.

This keyword must be followed by the name of the internal state variable considered, given as a string.

If this internal state variable is scalar, a real value is then expected.

If this internal state variable is a symmetric tensor, an array of real values of the appropriate size is expected. A symmetric tensor has 3 components in 1D, 4 components in 2D and 6 components in 3D (see the @ModellingHypothesis keyword). The off-diagonals components shall be declared with a \(\sqrt(2)\) factor.


@InternalStateVariable 'ElasticStrain' {'EELRR0','EELZZ0','EELZZ0',0.};

The @MaterialProperty keyword

The @MaterialProperty keyword defines a material property. Only the mechanical properties defined by the behaviour for the modelling hypothesis considered may be used with the noticeable exception of the thermal expansions:

This keyword takes the type of the material property as an option. Three types of material properties are supported, constant or castem or function.

The name of the material property shall then be given.

If the material property is constant, its value is expected.

If the material property is of the castem type, the name of the library and the name of the function implementing the material property are expected.

If the material property is a function, the function definition is expected.

Example (constant)

@MaterialProperty<constant> 'YoungModulus' 150.e9;

Example (castem)

@MaterialProperty<castem> 'YoungModulus' '' 'Inconel600_YoungModulus';

The @MaximumNumberOfIterations keyword

The @MaximumNumberOfIterations keyword let the user specify the maximum number of iterations of the global algorithm to reach the equilibrium.

This keyword is followed by an integer.

If the number of iterations reaches the maximal authorized value, the time step is divided by two. The maximum number of sub-steps can be specified using the @MaximumNumberOfSubSteps keyword.


@MaximumNumberOfIterations 10;

The @MaximumNumberOfSubSteps keyword

The @MaximumNumberOfSubSteps keyword let the user specify the maximum number of sub steps allowed.

This keyword is followed by an integer.

When the global algorithm fails to reach equilibrium (see the @MaximumNumberOfIterations keyword), the time step can be divided by two. The maximal number of times the time step is reduced if given by maximum number of sub steps.


@MaximumNumberOfSubSteps 10;

The @ModellingHypothesis keyword

The @ModellingHypothesis keyword allows the user to choose the modelling hypothesis to use. The keywords shall be one of the first keyword of the file: if not, some keywords, which requires the modelling hypothesis to be defined, may force the default modelling hypothesis to be used (Tridimensional).

This keyword is followed by the desired modelling hypothesis given as a string. The following values are currently supported:

The modelling hypothesis changes the name of the components of symmetric tensors and their numbers. For example, the components of the strains are:

The @NumericalTangentOperatorPerturbationValue keyword

The @NumericalTangentOperatorPerturbationValue keyword can be used to adjust the value use to perform a numerical approximation of the tangent operator. This keyword followed by the value to be used.


@NumericalTangentOperatorPerturbationValue 1.e-9;

The @OpeningDisplacement keyword

The keyword @OpeningDisplacement is not documented yet

The @OpeningDisplacementEpsilon keyword

The keyword @OpeningDisplacementEpsilon is not documented yet

The @OutputFile keyword

The @OutputFile keywords specifies the name of the output file. By default, the name of output file is egal to the name of the input file, minus the .mtest extension if present, plus .res.


@OutputFile 'results.txt';

The @OutputFilePrecision keyword

The @OutputFilePrecision specify the number of digits used to print the results in the output file.

This keyword is followed by the number of digits wanted.


@OutputFilePrecision 15;

The @Parameter keyword

The @Parameter keyword specifies the value of a parameter of the behaviour.


@Parameter 'espilon' 1.e-8;

The @PredictionPolicy keyword

The @PredictionPolicy keyword let the user how the initial estimate of the solution shall be obtained.

This keyword is followed by a string. The following values are allowed:


@PredictionPolicy 'ElasticPrediction';


The ElasticPredictionFromMaterialProperties policy is only supported by the castem interface as the Cast3M finite element solver requires the stiffness matrix to be defined.

The @Real keyword

The @Real keyword let the user define a constant.

This keyword is followed by the name of the constant, as a string and by the value of the constant.


@Real 'SXX0' 20.6;

The @ResidualFile keyword

The keyword @ResidualFile is not documented yet

The @ResidualFilePrecision keyword

The keyword @ResidualFilePrecision is not documented yet

The @RotationMatrix keyword

The @RotationMatrix let the user specify a rotation matrix, so that the principal directions of the material are different from those used for the resolution and the boundary conditions.

This keyword is followed by an array of array reprensentig a 3x3 matrix.


@RotationMatrix {{0,1,0},

The @StiffnessMatrixType keyword

The @StiffnessMatrixType keyword let the user specify choose type of stiffness matrix that shall be given by the mechanical behaviour and that will be used by the resolution algorithm.

This keyword is followed by a string. The following values are allowed:


@StiffnessMatrixType 'Elastic';

The @StiffnessUpdatePolicy keyword

This keyword is not yet implemented.

The @Strain keyword

The @Strain let the user specify the initial value of the strains.

This keyword is followed by an array. The size of this array must be equal to the number of components of symmetric tensors for the modelling hypothesis considered (see the @ModellingHypothesis keyword).


The values must follow the TFEL conventions. In \(3D\), strains are stored in the following order: \[ \left( varepsilon_{xx},\varepsilon_{yy},\varepsilon_{zz},\sqrt{2}\,\varepsilon_{xy},\sqrt{2}\,\varepsilon_{xz},\sqrt{2}\,\varepsilon_{yz} \right) \]


@Strain {0.000239466253465591,

The @StrainEpsilon keyword

The global algorithm uses two criteria to check if a satisfying equilibrium has been found: one on strains, the other on stresses.

This criterion on strains checks if two successive estimate of the strains are close enough. By default, the criterion value used is 1.e-12;

The @StrainEpsilon let the user specify the criterion value used for the criterion on strains.

It is followed by the criterion value.


@StrainEpsilon 1.e-12;

The @Stress keyword

The @Stress let the user specify the initial value of the stresses.

This keyword is followed by an array. The size of this array must be equal to the number of components of symmetric tensors for the modelling hypothesis considered (see the @ModellingHypothesis keyword).


@Stress {'YoungModulus*EXX0',

The @StressEpsilon keyword

The global algorithm uses two criteria to check if a satisfying equilibrium has been found: one on strains, the other on stresses.

This criterion on stresses checks that the residual of the Newton Algorithm is low enough. By default, this value is equal to 1.e-3, which is a convenient value if stresses are expressed in Pa.

The @StressEpsilon keyword let the user specify the criterion value used for the criterion on stresses.

It is followed by the criterion value.


@StressEpsilon 1.e2;

The @TangentOperatorComparisoncriterion keyword

The keyword @TangentOperatorComparisoncriterion is not documented yet

The @Test keyword

The @Test keyword allows the user to add a test on the results. Two types of tests are supported, function or file. The tests are executed at the end of each time step.

This keyword is followed by the type of the test.

If the type of the test is function, two syntaxes are allowed. In the first one, three arguments are expected: the name of the tested variable, a function of time given the expected value, a criterion value used for the comparison. In the second syntax, two arguments are expected: a map which associates the name of a tested variable to a function of time given the expected value of this variable and a criterion value used for the comparison. The functions may explicitly depend on time through the variable t.

If the type of the test is file, the expected values are read in the columns of a text file. The name of the text file shall be given and then two syntaxes are allowed. In the first one, three arguments are expected: the name of the tested variable, a column number and a criterion value used for the comparison. In the second syntax, two arguments are expected: a map which associates the name of a tested variable to a column number and a criterion value used for the comparison. In each case, the values given by the n+1 line shall correspond to the values expected after the n period.

The comparisons are made using an absolute criterion. The names of the components of the strains begins with E. The name of the components of the stresses begins with S. The name of the components of symmetric tensor internal state variables begins with the name of the internal state variables. The name of the components of symmetric tensors are obtained by suffixing their name according to the modelling hypothesis used (see the @ModellingHypothesis keyword). For example, the components of the strains are:

Off-diagonals terms are affected by a factor \(\sqrt(2)\).

Example (function)

@Test<function> 'EXY' '0.' 1.e-12;

Example (function)

@Test<function> {'EXX':'SXX/YoungModulus',
                 'EXY':'0.','EXZ':'0.','EYZ':'0.'} 1.e-12;

Example (file)

@Test<file> 'reference.txt' 'EXY' 1 1.e-12;

The @ThermodynamicForce keyword

The keyword @ThermodynamicForce is not documented yet

The @ThermodynamicForceEpsilon keyword

The keyword @ThermodynamicForceEpsilon is not documented yet

The @Times keyword

The @Times keywords let the user specify a list of times used for the computations.

This keyword is followed by an array describing intervals of times. By default, one time step is used to go from a given time to the next one. The keyword ‘in’ allows the user to divide an interval into a given number of smaller intervals.


The loadings and the external state variables evolutions are described in a totally independent manner (see the @ImposedStrain, the @ImposedStress and the @ExternalStateVariable keywords).


In case of non convergence, the algorithm handles time sub stepping. See the @MaximumNumberOfSubSteps for details.


@Times {0.,3600.};         // 1  time step of  3600. seconds


@Times {0.,3600. in 10};   // 10 time steps of 360   seconds

The @UnsignedIntegerParameter keyword

The @UnsignedIntegerParameter keyword specifies the value of a parameter of the behaviour.


@UnsignedIntegerParameter 'iterMax' 12;

The @UseCastemAccelerationAlgorithm keyword

The @UseCastemAccelerationAlgorithm specifies if the acceleration algorithm introduced by the resolution procedures of the castem finite element shall be used.

This keyword is followed by true or false.


@UseCastemAccelerationAlgorithm true;