Version 3.2.2 is mainly a bug fix version of the 3.2 series.

This version was released along with Version 3.1.5 and inherits from all the fixes of this version.

New MFront Features

New algorithm to treat damage in the DDIF2 stress potential

Two improvements were made to the numerical treatment of the DDIF2 stress potential:

The DDIF2 stress potential (and thus the DDIF2 brick) has two new options:

Issues solved

Ticket #192: DSL ‘Implicit’ definition

The documentation of the Implicit DSL was wrong about the automatic definition of the elastic strain.

For more details, see:

Ticket #187: Conversions in Number::getCxxFormula is biased by rounding errors

Number::getCxxFormula did rely on std::to_string which only has 6 significant digits. As an example, the output of std::to_string(1e-14) is 0.000000.

To overcome this issue, the Number structure now holds the original string representation of the number, as given by the user.

For more details, see:

Ticket #186: “Less than” conditional is not correctly translated to C++ by tfel::math::Evaluator

The tfel::math::Evaluator class allows to translate a formula in C++ since Version 3.2.

Operators < and <= were not correctly implemented, so the following formula a<b ? 0 : 1 was translated a>b ? 0: 1 in C++.

For more details, see:

Ticket #182: Jacobian error in the SwiftIsotropicHardeningRule

For more details, see:

Ticket #174: Using formulae with the Voce hardening rule is broken

For more details, see:

Ticket #173: The axial component of the deformation gradient was not correctly updated in the generic interface in plane stress when using the GreenLagrange strain measure

For more details, see:

Ticket #157: Remove access members to the jacobian blocks associate with array of integration variables when a numerical jacobian is used

For more details, see:
