Getting help

There are various ways of getting help, including this FAQ.

The main source is the TFEL website: In particular, one may want to read the pages dedicated to:

If none of the resources available is satisfying, one may want to use:

We recommend using the forums for general questions, as our answers can hopefully also be of any help to other users.


There are various kinds of documents available, covering a wide range of questions. This section describes some of them, but documentation about specific parts of the TFEL project, such as MFront, is described in the associated sections.


Documentation about operations on tensors

Available operations on tensors are described here. This page is not complete, so you may want to read the doxygen documentation of the project.


This section deals with installing MFront from sources. Consider using binary packages of your distribution, when available, if those versions were compiled with the appropriate interfaces for your specific needs.


The installation process is fully described in the following pages:

Which build systems shall I use (autotools or cmake)

We strongly recommend using the cmake build system, which is actively in the development process used for various reasons and which enables many tests that are not present when using autotools.

The autotools build system is barely maintained in a functional state under LinuX. This can be used when cmake is not available.

Portable build

By default, the compilation of mfront takes advantage of the specific CPU of the host system (using flags such as --march=native with clang and gcc, -xHost with the intel compiler). However, the binaries generated can not:

In both cases, the execution can fail with an illegal instruction message.

To solve this issue, the -Denable-portable-build=ON option (this option is valid for cmake, when using the autotools, consider the --enable-portable-build option) has been introduced.

With this option, the mfront binary and all the TFEL shared libraries will be “portable” (will not include CPU specific instructions).

However, most of the time, the shared libraries produced by MFront will be executed on the machine on which they will be used. For this reason, the default behaviour of mfront is to use flags like -march=native when compiling the libraries (This can be disabled by selecting --obuild=level0).

Thus, we test the availability of this flag whether -Denable-portable-build=ON is used. Thus, a message such as --enabling flag 'march=native' barely states that this option is supported by the compiler.

The best way to know if this option was taken into account is to check the flags used to compile TFEL, as follows:

# when using cmake
$ make VERBOSE=1
# when using autotools
$ make V=1

Without -Denable-portable-build=ON, you shall see the --march=native flag twice: one time as a compiler flag, one time as part of the definition of the OPTIMISATION_FLAGS macro. With -Denable-portable-build=ON, you will see it only once, in the definition of the OPTIMISATION_FLAGS macro.


General questions

What is a DSL (domain specific language)

MFront treats various kind of material knowledge:

For mechanical behaviours, various algorithms are available.

In all cases, MFront strives to provide the most natural way of implementing the material knowledge under consideration. In technical terms, MFront provides for each case a domain specific language which is meant to be simple and expressive.

Supporting new interfaces

MFront already supports many interfaces to:

Most solvers offers entry points to add user defined mechanical behaviours. The most common one is UMAT, which is part of the Abaqus/Standard solver. In this case, the process of supporting a new solver is fairly easy, and we are ready to help setting it up. However, extensive testing can be a long and tedious task: again, we are ready to help by providing advice, test cases and reference solutions.

If no such entry point exist, then one may need to modify the solver. Again, we can provide valuable advice of how to do add support for user defined behaviours and even provide tight integration with MFront (which can really ease user’s life).


Keywords available

To get the list of all the keywords associated with a given DSL, the Implicit keyword for example, just type:

$ mfront --help-keywords-list=Implicit

Help on a specific keyword

To get help on a specific keyword, the @StrainMeasure keyword from the Implicit DSL for example, just type:

$ mfront --help-keyword=Implicit:@StrainMeasure

The help is written using pandocmarkdown.

Getting the help on all keywords of a specific DSL

The following command will display the description of all the keywords provided by the Implicit DSL:

$ mfront --help-keywords=Implicit

Using pandoc, this can be turned into a webpage or a PDF document, as follows:

$ mfront --help-keywords=Implicit | pandoc -f markdown-markdown_in_html_blocks+tex_math_single_backslash --mathjax -o Implicit.html
$ mfront --help-keywords=Implicit | pandoc -f markdown-markdown_in_html_blocks+tex_math_single_backslash --mathjax -s --toc --toc-depth=1 -o Implicit.pdf

General questions about mechanical behaviours

Where can I find examples of well written behaviours ?

The gallery has been created for that purpose. Various implementations of mechanical behaviour are covered in depth, including the description of the algorithm used. See this page for details.

My newly implemented behaviour does not converge, what can I do ?

Let us point that, there are no general guidelines, most troubles are behaviour specific. However, here are some advises that may help you. Note that those advises are worth considering during the behaviour implementation, before “real-world tests”.

The first thing to do is to identify the trouble.

If your computations are very CPU intensive and if the divergence appends after a noticeable amount of time, it is worth enabling the generation of a MTest file on failure. This feature is for example supported by the castem (Cast3M), aster and cyrano interfaces.

I thus assume that you are using MTest.

You can use --debug command line option when compiling the MFront file. This will print some information about convergence at runtime. For example, it may show:

Large values of the residual

In this case, you may want to print some of your variables to see what is happening. If the large values appears due to unrealistic prediction of the stresses, in particular at the second iteration, the Implicit scheme allows you to limit the Newton steps or use more robust algorithms (PowellDogLeg, LevenbergMarquardt). Otherwise, you must check your units.

Divergence spurious oscillations in the residual

In the second case, the trouble may be related to your implementation of the Jacobian matrix (assuming you are using an Implicit scheme with analytical jacobian). In this case, it is worth comparing your jacobian to a numerical one (see @CompareToNumericalJaobian). As this comparison is CPU intensive, please consider specifying this keyword in the command line rather than in your implementation to avoid forgetting removing it in your real-world tests:

$ mfront --obuild --interface=castem --@CompareToNumericalJacobian=true norton.mfront

Spurious oscillations may also be caused by an ill-conditioned system, see the setNormalisationFactor method.

NaN propagation

In this case, you may want to build your MFront libraries with debugging symbols. This can be done by defining the CXXFLAGS environment variable before the behaviour compilation. For example:

$ export CXXFLAGS="-g"
$ mfront --obuild --interface=castem norton.mfront

or even better

$ CXXFLAGS="-g" mfront --obuild --interface=castem norton.mfront

In c-shell, you must use the following lines:

$ setenv CXXFLAGS "-g"
$ mfront --obuild --interface=castem norton.mfront

You can then launch MTest in the gdb debugger like this:

$ gdb --args mtest -fpe norton.mtest

You must type r in gdb to start the computations. The -fpe command line option will cause the program to fail at the invalid operation and gdb will show you which line causes the trouble. Beware that this line may be in the generated code. In this case, this information will not be useful, and you shall return to manual search of the problem.

What are the variable types available in MFront

For all domain specific languages, MFront defines the real typedef which is used to abstract to floating-point type used by the calling solver. For example, if the calling solver works in double precision, real will be a typedef to double. If the calling solver works in quadruple precision, real will be a typedef to long double.

Thus, we do recommend not to use the numerical types defined by the C++ language directly.

For scalar values, MFront introduces many different aliases to be able to express the nature of the variable:

For vector values, MFront introduces these typedef:

For symmetric tensor values, MFront also introduces many different typedef:

Finally, for tensor values, MFront introduces these typedef:

An up-to-date list of all aliases automatically defined by MFront is available on the following page.

You can also directly use the types provided by the TFEL library. The most interesting ones for the end user are:

where N is the size for vectors, the number of rows for matrices and the spatial dimension for the other types. M is the number of columns for the matrices. Type is the underlying numeric type.

What are the differences between the Stensor, StressStensor and StrainStensor

The difference between those types is currently purely informative: the user can use these types to improve the readability of their code which is strongly encouraged.

The TFEL library has support for quantities (number associated with units) which allows to checks for the consistency of operations at compile-time (no cost at runtime). However, support for this feature has not been enabled in MFront yet: for the moment, we only have introduced the associated types.

Orthotropic axes convention

Most finite element solver can’t have a unique definition of the orthotropic axes for all the modelling hypotheses.

For example, one can define a pipe using the following axes definition:

The Pipe orthotropic axes convention for 3D, 2D axysymmetric, 1D axisymmetric generalised plane strain or generalised plane stress (left) and 2D plane stress, strain, generalized plane strain (right)

With those conventions, the axial direction is either the second or the third material axis, a fact that must be taken into account when defining the stiffness tensor, the Hill tensor(s), the thermal expansion, etc.

This convention is valid for all modelling hypotheses.

The Plate orthotropic axes convention

If we were to model plates, an appropriate convention is the following:

By definition, this convention is only valid for \(3D\), \(2D\) plane stress, strain and generalized plane strain modelling hypotheses.

Implementing mechanical behaviours using the Implicit DSL

In which order are the blocks given by the user evaluated ?

The following figure shows how the various blocks defined by the user may be used when using the Implicit domain specific language:

Use order of the code blocks defined by the user