The AxialDeformationGradient entry

This entry describes the axial component of the deformation gradient.


This quantity is only meaningful under on of the plane stress modelling hypotheses.

The AxialGrowth entry

This entry describes axial growth under irradiation.

The AxialStrain entry

This entry describes the axial strain.


This quantity is only meaningful under on of the plane stress modelling hypotheses.

The AxialStress entry

This entry describes the axial stress.


This quantity is only meaningful under the axisymmetrical generalized plane stress modelling hypothesis.

The B10BurnUp entry

This entry describes the burn-up of an absorant material containing \(\mbox{}^{10}B\).

The Broken entry

This entry describes a material failure indicator.

The BulkModulus entry

This entry describes the bulk modulus of an isotropic material.

The BurnUp_AtPercent entry

This entry describes the burn-up in at.%.

The BurnUp_MWJperTm entry

This entry describes the burn-up in MegaWattJour per tons of metals.

The CohesiveForce entry

This entry describes cohesive force for cohesize zone models.

The ConvectiveHeatTransferCoefficient entry

This entry describes the heat transfer coefficient by convection.

The CrossSectionArea entry

This entry describes ??.

The CylindricalStress entry

This entry describes the stress in the cylindrical frame.

The Damage entry

This entry describes the damage, generally between 0 (sound material) and 1 (broken material).

The DeformationGradient entry

This entry describes gradient of the transformation.

The Displacement entry

This entry describes the displacement.

The DualStress entry

This entry describes the dual stress of the strain measure.

The ElasticStrain entry

This entry describes The elastic strain.

The Emissivity entry

This entry describes the emissivity of the surface of a material is its effectiveness in emitting energy as thermal radiation.

The EquivalentPlasticStrain entry

This entry describes the equivalent plastic strain.

The EquivalentStrain entry

This entry describes the sum of all plastic and viscoplastic equivalent strains.


This quantity has no direct physical meaning.

The EquivalentViscoplasticStrain entry

This entry describes the equivalent viscoplastic strain.

The FastNeutronFluence_01MeV entry

This entry describes the fast neutron fluence, where the limit for fast neutron is 0.1 MeV.

The FastNeutronFluence_1MeV entry

This entry describes the fast neutron fluence, where the limit for fast neutron is 1 MeV.

The FastNeutronFlux_01MeV entry

This entry describes the fast neutron fluence.

The FastNeutronFlux_1MeV entry

This entry describes the fast neutron fluence.

The FirstAxisSecondMomentArea entry

This entry describes ??.

The FirstLameCoefficient entry

This entry describes the first Lamé’s coefficient of an isotropic material.

The FissionDensity entry

This entry describes the fission density.

The GaseousSwelling entry

This entry describes swelling du to gazeous fission products.

The GrainSize entry

This entry describes the grain size.

The HeatFlux entry

This entry describes the heat flux, generally in the current configuration..

The HeatTransferCoefficient entry

This entry describes the heat transfer coefficient is the proportionality constant between the heat flux and the temperature difference.

The HillStress entry

This entry describes the Hill equivalent stress.

The HydrostaticPressure entry

This entry describes the hydrostatic pressure, defined as the third of the trace of the stress tensor.

The IrradiationDamage entry

This entry describes the irradiation damage, measure by the mean number of displacements of each atoms.

The IrradiationInducedSwelling entry

This entry describes swelling du to irradiation damage.

The IrradiationSwelling entry

This entry describes swelling du to irradiation damage.

The IrradiationTemperature entry

This entry describes the mean temperature (in time) of the temperature during the irradiation.


This temperature is defined as follows: \[ {\displaystyle \left\langle T\right\rangle}{\displaystyle \left(t,\vec{r}\right)} = {\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle t-t_{0}}}\int_{t_{0}}^{t}T{\displaystyle \left(u,\vec{r}\right)}\,\mathrm{d}\, u \] where

In practice, this integral is computed incrementally as follows: \[ {\displaystyle \left\langle T\right\rangle}{\displaystyle \left(t+dt,\vec{r}\right)} \approx {\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle t+dt-t_{0}}}\left[{\displaystyle \left(t-t_{0}\right)}\,{\displaystyle \left\langle T\right\rangle}{\displaystyle \left(t,\vec{r}\right)}+{\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle dt}{\displaystyle 2}}\left[T{\displaystyle \left(t,\vec{r}\right)}+T{\displaystyle \left(t+dt,\vec{r}\right)}\right]\right] \]


The approximation made when computing the time integral may lead to (small) numerical errors.

The KelvinTemperature entry

This entry describes the temperature.


This entry has been introduced by compatibility with implantation choices made by the Germinal fuel performance code

The MassDensity entry

This entry describes the mass density.

The MeanBurnUp_AtPercent entry

This entry describes the spatial average of the burn-up in at.%.

The MeanBurnUp_MWJperTm entry

This entry describes the spatial average of the burn-up in MegaWattJour per tons of metals.

The MeanIrradiationTemperature entry

This entry describes The mean temperature in time over a given domain \(\Omega\).


This temperature is defined as follows:\[{\displaystyle \left\langle T\right\rangle}{\displaystyle \left(t\right)} ={\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle t-t_{0}}}{\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle \int_{\Omega}\mathrm{d}\,V}}\int_{t_{0}}^{t}{\displaystyle \left(\int_{\Omega}T{\displaystyle \left(u,\vec{r}\right)}\,\mathrm{d}\,V\right)}\]where \(T{\displaystyle \left(t,\vec{r}\right)}\) is the value of the temperature at time \(t\) and at position \(\vec{r}\).


In practice, the computation of the spatial integral is done using standard finite element operations and the time integral is performed incrementally using a trapezoidal rule.

The MeanTemperature entry

This entry describes The mean temperature over a given domain \(\Omega\).


This temperature is defined as follows:\[{\displaystyle \left\langle T\right\rangle}{\displaystyle \left(t\right)} = {\displaystyle \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle \int_{\Omega}\mathrm{d}\,V}}\int_{\Omega}T{\displaystyle \left(t,\vec{r}\right)}\,\mathrm{d}\, V\]where \(T{\displaystyle \left(t,\vec{r}\right)}\) is the value of the temperature at time \(t\) and at position \(\vec{r}\).


In practice, the computation of this integral is done using standard finite element operations.

The NeutronFluence entry

This entry describes the neutron fluence.

The NeutronFlux entry

This entry describes the neutron flux.

The NormalStiffness entry

This entry describes the normal elastic stiffness for a cohesive zone model.

The NumberOfMoles entry

This entry describes the amount of substance.

The OpeningDisplacement entry

This entry describes opening displacement in cohesive zone models.

The OrthotropicAxisX1 entry

This entry describes the first coordinate of the vector giving the first axis of orthotropy.


This quantity is defined internally by the Licos fuel performance code

The OrthotropicAxisX2 entry

This entry describes the first coordinate of the vector giving the second axis of orthotropy.


This quantity is defined internally by the Licos fuel performance code

The OrthotropicAxisY1 entry

This entry describes the second coordinate of the vector giving the first axis of orthotropy.


This quantity is defined internally by the Licos fuel performance code

The OrthotropicAxisY2 entry

This entry describes the second coordinate of the vector giving the second axis of orthotropy.


This quantity is defined internally by the Licos fuel performance code

The OrthotropicAxisZ1 entry

This entry describes the third coordinate of the vector giving the first axis of orthotropy.


This quantity is defined internally by the Licos fuel performance code

The OrthotropicAxisZ2 entry

This entry describes the third coordinate of the vector giving the second axis of orthotropy.


This quantity is defined internally by the Licos fuel performance code

The PlasticStrain entry

This entry describes The plastic strain.

The PlateWidth entry

This entry describes ??.

The PoissonRatio entry

This entry describes the Poisson ratio of an isotropic material.

The PoissonRatio12 entry

This entry describes the Poisson’s coefficient between the first and second directions of orthotropy.

The PoissonRatio13 entry

This entry describes the Poisson’s coefficient between the first and third directions of orthotropy.

The PoissonRatio23 entry

This entry describes the Poisson’s coefficient between the second and third directions of orthotropy.

The Porosity entry

This entry describes Porosity of the material.

The PorosityIncreaseDueToInelasticFlow entry

This entry describes Part of the porosity increase du to inelastic flow.

The PorosityIncreaseDueToNucleation entry

This entry describes Part of the porosity increase du to nucleation.

The PowerDensity entry

This entry describes the power density, generally in the current configuration.

The Pressure entry

This entry describes the pressure of a gaz.

The PrincipalStress1 entry

This entry describes the first principal stress.

The PrincipalStress2 entry

This entry describes the third principal stress.

The PrincipalStress3 entry

This entry describes the third principal stress.

The SecondAxisSecondMomentArea entry

This entry describes ??.

The ShearModulus entry

This entry describes the shear modulus of an isotropic material.

The ShearModulus12 entry

This entry describes the shear moduls between the first and second directions of orthotropy.

The ShearModulus13 entry

This entry describes the shear moduls between the first and third directions of orthotropy.

The ShearModulus23 entry

This entry describes the shear moduls between the second and third directions of orthotropy.

The SolidSwelling entry

This entry describes swelling du to solid fission products.

The SpecificHeat entry

This entry describes the specific heat.

The SphericalStress entry

This entry describes the stress in a spherical frame.

The Strain entry

This entry describes the strain tensor.

The StrainMeasure entry

This entry describes a generic entry for a strain measure (for instance, the Henky strain or the Green-Lagrange strain).

The Stress entry

This entry describes the stress tensor.

The Swelling entry

This entry describes an imposed swelling.

The TangentialStiffness entry

This entry describes the tangential elastic stiffness for a cohesive zone model.

The Temperature entry

This entry describes the temperature.

The TemperatureGradient entry

This entry describes the temperature gradient, generally in the current configuration.

The ThermalConductivity entry

This entry describes the thermal conductivity of an isotropic material.

The ThermalConductivity1 entry

This entry describes the thermal conductivity of an orthotropic material along the first axis of orthotropy.

The ThermalConductivity2 entry

This entry describes the thermal conductivity of an orthotropic material along the second axis of orthotropy.

The ThermalConductivity3 entry

This entry describes the thermal conductivity of an orthotropic material along the third axis of orthotropy.

The ThermalExpansion entry

This entry describes the mean thermal expansion coefficient.


This entry shall have be named MeanThermalExpansionCoefficient.

The ThermalExpansion1 entry

This entry describes the mean thermal expansion coefficient along the first orthotropy direction.


This entry shall have be named MeanThermalExpansionCoefficient1.

The ThermalExpansion2 entry

This entry describes the mean thermal expansion coefficient along the second orthotropy direction.


This entry shall have be named MeanThermalExpansionCoefficient2.

The ThermalExpansion3 entry

This entry describes the mean thermal expansion coefficient along the third orthotropy direction.


This entry shall have be named MeanThermalExpansionCoefficient3.

The TorsionConstant entry

This entry describes ??.

The TrescaStress entry

This entry describes the Tresca equivalent stress.

The UltimateTensileStrength entry

This entry describes the maximum stress that a material can withstand while being stretched or pulled before breaking.

The ViscoplasticStrain entry

This entry describes The viscoplatic strain.

The VolumetricStrain entry

This entry describes the volumetric strain, defined as the trace of the strain tensor.

The VonMisesStress entry

This entry describes the von Mises equivalent stress.

The YieldStrength entry

This entry describes the stress corresponding to the yield point at which the material begins to deform plastically.


When this limit is difficult to identify experimentally, the offset yield point is taken as the stress at which 0.2% plastic deformation occurs

The YoungModulus entry

This entry describes the Young’s modulus of an isotropic material.

The YoungModulus1 entry

This entry describes the Young’s modulus of an isotropic material along the first direction of orthotropy.

The YoungModulus2 entry

This entry describes the Young’s modulus of an isotropic material along the second direction of orthotropy.

The YoungModulus3 entry

This entry describes the Young’s modulus of an isotropic material along the third direction of orthotropy.