The aim of this report is to describe briefly the implementation of a simple self-consistent polycrystalline model based on the use of the Berveiller-Zaoui concentration rule [1]. This model provides an explicit relationship between the local stress, inside a crystallographic phase, and the macroscopic applied stress. This model has been developed for microscopically isotropic elastic behaviour and macroscopically isotropic plastic behaviour.
After a quick recall of the equations involved, an explicit
implementation of a polycrystal behaviours based on this homogeneization
scheme is presented in Sections 2. This choice is justified by the huge
number of state variables involved which is a priori
incompatible with an implicit resolution. The main trouble with explicit
scheme is the lack of consistent tangent operator which degrades
considerably the performance of most mechanical solvers at the
structural scale, the Cast3M
solver being a noticeable
exception du to its specific resolution scheme [3, 4].
The implementation described here can be downloaded here.
In the framework of macroscopically isotropic elasto-plastic behaviors, Berveiller and Zaoui have derived a self-consistent polycrystalline model using a secant approximation for the linearization of the non-linear behavior of the material [1]. The grains of the polycrystal have equiaxed shape and the texture of the material is isotropic. The elasticity is assumed homogeneous and istropic In the case of monotonous radial loadings Berveiller and Zaoui have shown that the local stress \({\underline{\sigma}}^{(k)}\) applied in a crystallographic phase \((i)\) (all the grains with nearly the same orientation) can be expressed explicitly as a function of the local plastic strain \({\underline{\varepsilon}^{\mathrm{vp}}}^{(k)}\), the macroscopic stress \(\underline{\Sigma}\) and the macroscopic plastic strain \(\underline{E}^{\mathrm{vp}}\).
The macrosopic viscoplastic strain is linked to the microscopic local plastic strain \({\underline{\varepsilon}^{\mathrm{vp}}}^{(k)}\) by a simple mixing rule:
\[ \underline{E}^{\mathrm{vp}}=\sum_{k=1}^{N_{g}} {\phi}^{(k)}\,{\underline{\varepsilon}^{\mathrm{vp}}}^{(k)} \qquad{(1)}\]
where \({\phi}^{(k)}\) is the volume fraction of the k\(\mbox{}^{\text{th}}\) phase.
The local stress \({\underline{\sigma}}^{(k)}\) is given by the following relationship1:
\[ {\underline{\sigma}}^{(k)}=\underline{\Sigma}+2\,M\alpha{\left(\Sigma_{\mathrm{eq}},P\right)}\,{\left(1-\beta{\left(\nu\right)}\right)}\,{\left(\underline{E}^{\mathrm{vp}}-{\underline{\varepsilon}^{\mathrm{vp}}}^{(k)}\right)}\quad\text{with}\quad\beta{\left(\nu\right)}=\dfrac{2}{15}\,\dfrac{4-5\,\nu}{1-\nu} \qquad{(2)}\]
The function \(\alpha{\left(\Sigma_{\mathrm{eq}},P\right)}\) is called the accommodation function. It represents the plastic accommodation between the Homogeneous Equivalent Medium and the considered crystallographic phase (r) in inclusion (spherical inclusion). The expression of the accommodation function is as follows:
\[ \alpha{\left(\Sigma_{\mathrm{eq}},P\right)}=\dfrac{2\,\Sigma_{\mathrm{eq}}}{2\,\Sigma_{\mathrm{eq}}+3\,M\,P} \]
Using this explicit concentration rule, it is particularly simple to compute the overall response of a polycrystalline material, provided the intra-granular constitutive behaviour is known.
In this report, we assume that the local constitutive equations have the following form:
\[ {\underline{\dot{\varepsilon}}^{\mathrm{vp}}}^{(k)}={v}^{(k)}{\left({\underline{\sigma}}^{(k)}\right)} \qquad{(3)}\]
In this report, the microscopic plastic strain may results from the slips along the slip systems of the crystal following:
\[ {\underline{\dot{\varepsilon}}^{\mathrm{vp}}}^{(k)}=\sum_{i=1}^{N_{s}}{\dot{g}}^{(k,i)}\,{\mu}^{(k,i)}\quad\text{with}\quad{\dot{g}}^{(k,i)}=\left\langle\dfrac{{\sigma}^{(k)}\,\colon\,{\mu}^{(k,i)}-R_{0}}{K}\right\rangle^{n} \]
This constitutive equation is very simple, but extensions of the proposed integration scheme to more complex ones , such as i.e. the Méric-Cailletaud behaviour [5], is straightforward using the proposed explicit scheme.
For the example, we will follow the work of Onimus et al. with sightly modified material coefficients [2].
The first explicit implementation of a polycrystal based on the
Berveiller and Zaoui homogeneization scheme and the Méric-Cailletaud
single crystal behaviour at the grain scale [5] is due to Jean-Michel Proix (EDF) and
is available in the sources of MFront
Other implementations based on more complex local behaviours inspired by
results from the Dislocation Dynamics are also available [6].
This section presents the successive steps to implement the
polycrystalline model in MFront
using an explicit
’ ImplementationDomain specific languages (DSL) are of the main concept of
. It specifies a kind of material knowledge and a
kind of numerical scheme . It also introduces a specific syntax for the
implementation to be both efficient and explicit.
For a small strain behaviour integrated using an explicit scheme, the
appropriate domain specific language is called RungeKutta
By convention, the declaration of the domain specific language is placed
at the beginning of the MFront
@DSL RungeKutta;
The @Behaviour
keyword allows defining the name of the
behaviour, as follows:
@Behaviour PolycrystalHCP_BZ;
@Author F. Onimus, C. Gicquel, T. Helfer;
@Date 05/2020;
Implementation of a polycrystal of behaviour using the Berveiller-Zaoui
zirconium alloys . The presented behaviour
homegeneization scheme2009 which modified
is inspired from Onimus .
material coefficients
"Onimus, Fabien and Béchade, Jean-Luc."
"A polycrystalline modeling of the mechanical behavior of"
"neutron irradiated zirconium alloys."
"Journal of Nuclear Materials. 15 February 2009."
"Vol. 384, no. 2, p. 163-174."
The material considered will be isotropic on the macroscopic scale. However, due to restrictions to the keywords defining slips systems (see Section 2.1.7), the behaviour must be declared orthotropic.
The class defining the slips systems declares \(3D\) orientation tensors (see Section 2.1.7
and 2.1.8). To avoid conversions, we restrict the behaviour to be only
valid in 3D
@ModellingHypothesis Tridimensional;
Note that such a restriction, when applicable, notably reduces the compilation times.
Among the different schemes available the choice is made to use the Runge-Kutta 5/4 algorithm (which is the default):
@Algorithm rk54;
The considered material as an hexagonal close packed crystallographic structure and four families of slip systems:
Those slip systems are declared in a straightforward manner using the
functionalities provided by the NUMODIS
@CrystalStructure HCP;
@SlidingSystems{<1, 1, -2, 0>{1, -1, 0, 0},
<-2, 1, 1, 3>{1, -1, 0, 1},
<-2, 1, 1, 0>{0, 0, 0, 1},
<1, 1, -2, 0>{1, -1, 0, 1}};
Those keywords are fully described on this page:
They generate a class called
which contains the orientation
tensors of the all the slip systems.
Altough, the PolycrystalHCP_BZSlipSystems
class contains
all the information for a single crystal, a polycrystaline behaviour
must handle the texture of the material, i.e. the orientation and the
volume fraction of each phase. It is not relevant to hard-code such
information, so we rely on an external text file. For efficiency
reasons, the external file must be read and processed only once at the
beginning of the computation.
To do this, we rely on an external class called
which implements the
singleton pattern 3 [7].
This class is declared in an external header file which is included as follows:
#include "TFEL/Material/ExtendedPolyCrystalsSlidingSystems.hxx"
The description of the implementation of this class is out of the scope of the present report, so we will only focus on the main points of interest for the rest of this report.
The ExtendedPolyCrystalsSlidingSystems
class has tree
template arguments:
class defined
previously.This class provides the getPolyCrystalsSlidingSystems
static method as the unique way to retrieve the unique instance of this
class. This method takes the name of a external text file. Each line of
this file describe a phase by three Euler angles (in degree) and a
volume fraction.
The unique instance of the
has two data members of
: the tensors of directional senses, sorted by
phases. Those orientation tensors are expressed in the material frame,
not in frame associated with the given phase.volume_fractions
: the volume fractions per phases.We then need to indicate the number of phases (i.e. groups of grains with identical orientation).
@IntegerConstant Np = 240;
This number must be consistent with the number of phases read in the
external file given as argument to the
The material is assumed to be isotropic. The
is used here to compute the
stiffness tensor using the macroscopic Young modulus and the macroscopic
@ComputeStiffnessTensor {
80000., 0.4
This keywords automatically declares and initializes a fourth order tensor named \(\underline{\underline{\mathbf{D}}}\).
Using the keyword @Parameters
one can then define some
useful parameters such as the critical resolved shear stresses of the
gliding systems or the other coefficients involved in the intra-granular
constitutive laws:
//! Norton exponents per slip system family
@Parameter real m[4] = {10., 10., 10., 10.};
//! Norton stress normalisation factor
@Parameter stress K = 5.0;
//! critical resolved shear stress per slip system family
@Parameter stress τᶜ[4] = {43.0, 135.0, 75.0, 65.0};
We now need to define the internal variables such as macroscopic and
microscopic plastic strain and its norm. This is done using the keyword
. Those quantities are meant to evolve during
the calculation :
//! macroscopic plastic strain
@StateVariable StrainStensor epsp;
//! microscopic plastic strain
@StateVariable StrainStensor epsg[Np];
//! plastic strain’s norm
@StateVariable real pg;
The macroscopic stress is computed from the macroscopic elastic strain and the macroscopic stiffness tensor as follows:
= D * eel;
sig }
This code is used to compute the stress before each evaluation of the rate of the internal state variables and and the end of the time step to compute the final stress.
Using the @Derivative
code block, the evolution of the
internal variables can now be implemented.
As described earlier, the orientation tensors of all the phases is
handled by the ExtendedPolyCrystalsSlidingSystems
. This
class being a template, its use is tedious. For the sake of simplicity,
we declare an alias PCSlidingSystems
which hides some of
the details associated with the use of the
using PCSlidingSystems =
<Np, PolycrystalHCP_BZSlipSystems<real>, real>; ExtendedPolyCrystalsSlidingSystems
The following line retrieves the unique instance of the
class and give the name
of the file containing the description of the phases.
const auto& gs = PCSlidingSystems::getPolyCrystalsSlidingSystems("isotrope_240_normalise.csv");
// macroscopic equivalent stress
const auto σᵉ = sigmaeq(σ);
The macroscopic strain rate is then initialised to zero:
// initialisation of the macroscopic strain rate
= Stensor(strainrate(0)); ∂ₜεᵛᵖ
Then, the loop over the phases is started, as follows:
// loop over the phases
for (unsigned short k = 0; k != Np; ++k) {
// volume fraction of the phase
const auto φ = gs.volume_fractions[k];
The local stress is computed following the Berveiller-Zaoui scheme (Equation (2)):
// local stress following the Berveiller-Zaoui scheme
auto σᵍ = StressStensor(stress(0));
if (2 ⋅ σᵉ + 3 ⋅ Mu ⋅ p > 0) {
const auto α = 2 ⋅ σᵉ / (2 ⋅ σᵉ + 3 ⋅ Mu ⋅ p);
= σ + 2 ⋅ (1 - β) ⋅ Mu ⋅ α ⋅ (εᵛᵖ - εᵛᵖᵍ[k]);
σᵍ }
We then initialise the microscopic strain rate:
// initialisation of the microscopic strain rate
[k] = Stensor(strainrate(0)); ∂ₜεᵛᵖᵍ
We now start the loop over the slip system of the considered phase and evaluate the contribution to the microscopic strain rate:
for (unsigned short i = 0; i != Nss; ++i) {
const auto idx = [&i] {
if (i <= 2) {
return 0;
} else if (i >= 3 && i <= 14) {
return 1;
} else if (i >= 15 && i <= 17) {
return 2;
return 3;
}(); // return the family number
// orientation tensors in the material frame
const auto& μⁱᵏ = gs.mus[k][i];
// resolved shear stress
const auto τ = μⁱᵏ | σᵍ;
const auto rτ = (abs(τ) - τᶜ[idx]) / K;
if (rτ > 0) {
const auto sgn = τ > 0 ? 1 : -1;
const auto ∂ₜg = sgn ⋅ pow(rτ, m[idx]);
[k] += ∂ₜg ⋅ μⁱᵏ;
} // end of the loop over the slip systems
The macroscopic strain rate is then updated by the contribution of the considered phase:
+= ∂ₜεᵛᵖᵍ[k] ⋅ φ;
∂ₜεᵛᵖ } // end of the loop over the phases
After the loop over the phases, one can update the rate of the macroscopic equivalent plastic strain and the macroscopic elastic strain rate:
// rate of the macroscopic equivalent plastic strain
= sqrt((2 ⋅ (∂ₜεᵛᵖ | ∂ₜεᵛᵖ)) / 3);
∂ₜp // elastic strain rate
= ∂ₜεᵗᵒ - ∂ₜεᵛᵖ; ∂ₜεᵉˡ
The only tangent operator available is the elastic operator. This
leads to this simple implementation of the @TangentOperator
code block:
@TangentOperator {
= D;
Dt }
The following MTest
file imposes a tensile test with a
constant strain rate of \(2\,10^{-4}\,
s^{-1}\) in the tensile direction:
@AccelerationAlgorithm 'Cast3M';
@StiffnessMatrixType 'Elastic' ;
@Behaviour 'src/' 'PolycrystalHCP_BZ';
@ExternalStateVariable 'Temperature' 293.15;
@Real 'tmax' 75 ;
@ImposedStrain 'EXX' {0.: 0., 75 : 0.015 };
@Times {0.,'tmax' in 1000};
Note that since the explicit behaviour does not provide a consistent
tangent operator, we rely on an elastic search operator. The equilibrium
iterations are accelerated using the Cast3M
scheme which mimics the algorithm used by this code [3, 4].
Specifying the temperature is required, although not used by the behaviour.
The stress-strain curve obtained with the polycrystal behaviour on a simple tensile test is reported in Figure 1.
Extensions to the proposed implicit scheme to other well-known homogeneizations schemes are straightforward, including the work of Taylor-Lin, Kröner, Cailletaud-Pilvin (\(\beta\)-model) and their extension by Besson et al.