
mfront-query is a command line tool used to retrieve information from an MFront file.


mfront-query can be used as follows:

$ mfront-query [queries] [input-files]

madnex files

The support of madnex files is treated in depth in Section [msec:mfront_query:madnex_support?].

The list of available queries depends on the kind of material knowledge described by the input files. The list of available queries can be displayed using one the following command line arguments:

Section 2 describes queries valid for all MFront files.

General queries

List of dependencies of an MFront file

The --list-dependencies query lists all the dependencies of an MFront file.

If a dependency is encoded in a madnex file, an internal representation of the path to this dependency is returned (see example below).

Example of usage

$ mfront-query --list-dependencies --search-path=generate   \
               --madnex-search-path=MaterialProperties.mdnx \

Querying information about parameters in mfront-query

List of parameters

The list of parameters in an mfront file can be retrieved as follows:

$ mfront-query --parameters Rousselier.mfront
- safety_factor_for_the_upper_bound_of_the_porosity: a safety factor for the porosity upper bound
- safety_factor_for_the_upper_bound_of_the_porosity_for_fracture_detection: a safety factor for the porosity upper bound
- staggered_scheme_porosity_criterion: stopping criterion value of the staggered scheme
- staggered_scheme_maximum_number_of_iterations: maximum number of iterations of the staggered scheme allowed
- minimal_time_step_scaling_factor: minimal value for the time step scaling factor
- maximal_time_step_scaling_factor: maximal value for the time step scaling factor
- numerical_jacobian_epsilon: perturbation value used to compute a numerical approximation of the jacobian
- iterMax: maximum number of iterations allowed

Querying the default value of a parameter

The default value of a parameter can be retrieved using the --parameter-default-value query, as follows:

$ mfront-query --parameter-default-value=epsilon Rousselier.mfront 
$ mfront-query --parameter-default-value=iterMax Rousselier.mfront

Querying the type of a parameter

The type of a parameter can be retrieved through the --parameter-type query, as follows:

$ mfront-query --parameter-type=iterMax Rousselier.mfront

Here ushort means that the iterMax parameter is stored as unsigned short integer.

Querying the name of the parameters’ file through mfront-query

The name of the file which can be used to modify the parameters’ values (see Section ¿sec:mfront:parameters:parameters_file?) can be retrieved with the --parameters-file query:

$ mfront-query --parameters-file Rousselier.mfront 

The --generated-sources query

The --generated-sources query can now have an option:

This option may be used in conjunction with the --nomelt option.

Retrieve the sources associated with specific targets

mfront-query has two queries associated to specific targets:

By default, all sources associated with libraries dependencies of the specific targets are also displayed, unless the --nomelt command line argument is used.

The --list-implementation-paths query

The --list-implementation-paths query returns explicit paths to material knowledge in a madnex file. This query has two options:

$ mfront-query --list-implementation-paths=unsorted --all-behaviours Plasticity.mdnx

Behaviour queries

List of initialize functions

The list of initialize functions defined by a behaviour can be retrieved using the --initialize functions query, as follows:

 mfront-query --initialize-functions Plasticity.mfront 
- ElasticStrainFromInitialStress: no description available.

List of initialize function variables

The list of initialize function’ variables defined by a behaviour can be retrieved using the --initialize function-variables query.

List of post-processings

The list of post-processings defined by a behaviour can be retrieved using the --post-processings query, as follows:

$ mfront-query --post-processings Elasticity.mfront 
- PrincipalStrain: compute the principal strain. Modified post-processing variables are:
  - PrincipalStrain (εᵖ)

List of post-processing variables

The list of post-processing’ variables defined by a behaviour can be retrieved using the --post-processing-variables query, as follows:

$ mfront-query --post-processing-variables Elasticity.mfront 
- PrincipalStrain (εᵖ)

Getting information about the climb tensors

The following queries are available to retrieve information about climb tensors:

Display information about a code block

The query --code-block returns the information about code block.

Example of usage

$ mfront-query --code-block=Integrator UserDefinedViscoplasticityTest.mfront
- Integrator: 
  - code:
  feel -= this->deto;
  const auto& s = this->sig;
  const auto seq = sigmaeq(s);
  const auto iseq = 1/max(seq,(this->relative_value_for_the_equivalent_stress_lower_bound) * this->young);
  const auto dseq_ds = 3*deviator(s)*(iseq/2);
  const auto d2seq_dsds = (Stensor4::M()-(dseq_ds^dseq_ds))*iseq;
  const auto& n = dseq_ds;
  const auto& dn_ds = d2seq_dsds;
  feel += this->dp* n;
  dfeel_ddp = n;
  dfeel_ddeel += (2 * this->mu)*(this->theta) * ((this->dp) * dn_ds);
  const auto mfront_udvf_f = seq;
  const auto vp = [this, mfront_udvf_f] {
    if(mfront_udvf_f >= stress{0}){
     return strainrate{(this->A)*(std::pow(mfront_udvf_f,this->E))};
    return strainrate{0};
  const auto dvp_dseqe = [this, mfront_udvf_f] {
    if(mfront_udvf_f >= stress{0}){
  return derivative_type<strainrate, stress>{(this->A)*((this->E)*(std::pow(mfront_udvf_f,(this->E)-(1))))};
    return derivative_type<strainrate, stress>{0};
  fp -= (this->dt) * vp;
  dfp_ddeel += (2 * this->mu)*(this->theta) * (-(this->dt) * dvp_dseqe * dseq_ds);

List of MTest tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file

The --list-behaviour-mtest-tests command line argument can be used to display the list of tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file.

Optionnally, this command line argument accept the options sorted-by-behaviours or unsorted (see the examples below).

Examples of usage

$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mtest-tests --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx
- tests associated with behaviour Plasticity
    - UniaxialTensileTest
$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mtest-tests=unsorted --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx

List of mfm-test-generator tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file

The --list-behaviour-mfm-test-generator-tests command line argument can be used to display the list of tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file.

Optionnally, this command line argument accept the options sorted-by-behaviours or unsorted (see the examples below).

Examples of usage

$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mfm-test-generator-tests --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx
$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mfm-test-generator-tests=unsorted --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx

madnex files support

Options specific to madnex files

Several options has been added to the mfront-query specifically for madnex files.

Queries of the file itself (list of materials, behaviours, etc…) are also provided by the madnex-query tool.

Listing all material a madnex file

The --list-materials returns the list of all materials in a MFront file:

$ mfront-query --list-materials file.madnex

Listing of all material properties, all behaviours or all models

The following options are available:

A typical call is as follows:

$ mfront-query --list-behaviours file.madnex

The previous options are affected by the the definition of a material, as follows:

$ mfront-query --material=<material_id> --list-behaviours file.madnex

Querying information about implementation, options specific to madnex files

For a behaviour, the selection of an implementation on which the queries are made is done through the --material and --behaviour options. For example:

$ mfront-query --obuild --interface=generic --material=<material_id> --behaviour=<behaviour_id> file.madnex --state-variables

Here, behaviour_id can be a regular expression.

For material properties and models, the --material-property and --model options have a similar role than the --behaviour option for behaviours.

List of MTest tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file

The --list-behaviour-mtest-tests command line argument can be used to display the list of tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file.

Optionnally, this command line argument accept the options sorted-by-behaviours or unsorted (see the examples below).

Examples of usage

$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mtest-tests --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx
- tests associated with behaviour Plasticity
    - UniaxialTensileTest
$ mfront-query --list-behaviour-mtest-tests=unsorted --test=".+Tensile.+" Plasticity.mdnx

List of mfm-test-generator tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file

The --list-behaviour-mfm-test-generator-tests command line argument can be used to display the list of tests associated with a behaviour in a madnex file.

Optionnally, this command line argument accept the options sorted-by-behaviours or unsorted (see the examples below).