Implementing a constitutive model is a long tedious and error-prone process, in particular for soils where a wide variety of phenomena must be taken into account. Moreover, the implementation must satisfy the interface requirements of the targeted solver.

While MFront greatly reduces the amount of work required to implement a new behaviour, existing legacy implementations are highly valuable and their re-implementation in MFront should only be considered with caution considering the trade-offs. In our experience, such a re-implementation increases the maintainability and portability, and generally the numerical performances, but requires significant development efforts.

In this work, we developed an alternative approach, which consists in using MFront as a wrapper to the legacy implementations written using the UMAT interface introduced by the Abaqus/Standard finite element solver.

Figure 1: Workflow for wrapping legacy model implementations in MFront

The MFront wrapper:

1 Description of the wrapped UMAT implementation and role of the wrapper

In this tutorial, we use a sightly modified version of the umat.f file delivered with the CalculiX finite element solver which implements an isotropic elastic behaviour in 3D. This implementation is reported in Listing 2 of Appendix 8.1.

This implementation is written in Fortran 77 which may lead to a portability issue as the name of the resulting function is implementation defined. We will discard this issue for the moment and come by to it later by rewritting this function in Fortran 95 using the BIND(C) attribute in Section 6.

This implementation has no state variables and requires two material properties: the Young’ modulus and the Poisson’ ratio.

The number of arguments effectively used by the subroutine is here very small compared to the total number of arguments:

It is important to note that this implementation does not make any check of its arguments. For example, the user may pass any number of material properties, which may lead to segmentation faults at best or to spurious results difficult to debug at worse. It is interesting to note that MFront will ensure the correct usage of the wrapped behaviour and automatically generate the correct checks.

The UMAT interface uses the so-called Voigt conventions to store symmetric tensors as vectors. MFront uses a different convention, as described in its documentation [3]. Conversion functions are thus required on input and output of the UMAT implementation.

Special care must also be taken regarding the consistent tangent operator. Not only shall the difference of conventions be taken into account, but also the fact that fortran uses a column-major convention to store matrices while the TFEL/Math library uses a row-major convention. Basically, this means that the consistent tangent operator must transposed. In the case of linear elasticity, the stiffness matrix is obviously symmetric, but this is not the general case.

In this case, the wrapper shall:

  1. convert the strain, the strain increment and stress tensors on input
  2. pass the material properties on input.
  3. convert the stress tensor and the stiffness matrix on output.

The conversion functions required by Steps 1 and 3 will be the same for all wrappers of UMAT implementations. Moreover, the same conversion functions could also be used when wrapping VUMAT behaviours used by Abaqus/Explicit. It is then convenient to implement them in a dedicated header file, called MFrontUmatWrapper.hxx in the following, using C++ template functions. This header is described in Section 2.

Step 2 is a bit more interesting to discuss as it exposes important design choices, as discussed in Section 3.

2 Description of the MFrontUmatWrapper.hxx header file

The MFrontUmatWrapper.hxx header file defines conversion functions that can be used by any UMAT and VUMAT wrappers to convert stress, strain and consistent tangent operators.

To avoid runtime checks, those functions use a the modelling hypothesis as a first template parameter. We use here the fact that MFront’ behaviours are also templated by the modelling hypothesis, which is then known at compile-time.

Since Abaqus/Explicit handles computations in simple and double precision, the conversion function takes the numeric type as a second template parameter.

All the convertion functions are declared in the mfront_umat_wrapper namespace.

Listing 1 provide an implementation, limited to the tridimensional case, of the convertStrainToAbaqus function.

Listing 1: Source code of the `convertStrainToAbaqus` function

  template <Hypothesis H, typename NumType>
  void convertStrainToAbaqus(AbaqusRealType *const e,
                             const NumType *const strain) {
    if constexpr (H == Hypothesis::TRIDIMENSIONAL) {
      constexpr auto cste = tfel::math::Cste<NumType>::sqrt2;
      e[0] = strain[0];
      e[1] = strain[1];
      e[2] = strain[2];
      e[3] = strain[3] * cste;
      e[4] = strain[4] * cste;
      e[5] = strain[5] * cste;
    } else {
      tfel::raise("Unsupported hypothesis");
  }  // end of convertStrainToAbaqus

3 Treatment of the material properties

The treatment of the material properties deserves a special discussion.

The first choice that one has to make is whether the final behaviour shall be specific to a given material and self-contained or be generic. You may refer to the front page of the project for a detailled discussion about those concepts.

Of course, in the case of the simple example treated in this document, this kind of considerations seems largely overkill. For the sake of the discussion, let us however pretend that we are considering an non trivial UMAT behaviour.

3.1 The generic behaviour case

Material properties, introduced by the @MaterialProperty keyword, imposes that the solver provides the required material coefficients.

For the sake of simplicity, we choose that the MFront behaviour require the same material properties than the UMAT implementation, i.e. the Young’ modulus and the Poisson’ ratio. But other choices could have been discussed and we could have chosen another pair of elastic properties, for example the Lamé’ coefficients: with such a choice, the wrapper then would need to compute the Young’ modulus and the Poisson’ ratio before calling the UMAT behaviour.

Another choice now have to be made: shall we declare an array of material properties or shall we declare two distinct material properties ? As usual, each solution have drawbacks and avantages, as now discussed.

3.1.1 Declaring an array of material properties

Declaring an array of material properties has one pratical advantage as it already meets the requirements that the material properties shall be stored in a continuous array.

This array of material properties could be declared as follows:

//! elastic material properties
@MaterialProperty real emps[2];

Before calling the UMAT implementation, a pointer to the beginning of the array can be retrieved as follows:

const auto* const props =;

From the point of view of the developper of the MFront wrapper, this may seem very convenient and straightforward.

However, from the end-user point of view, this solution may seem less attractive. In particular, if the solver that he uses relies on the metadata exported by MFront, it will require the end-user to define two material properties named respectively ElasticProperties[0] and ElasticProperties[1]. One may agree that those names are not very explicit.

Of course, this seems articifial when considering only two material properties, but this may not be as evident for complex behaviours requiring several dozen of material properties as the amount of work required to develop the wrapper increases. This remark can be directly transposed to internal state variables, if any.

3.1.2 Declaring two distinct material properties

The Young’ modulus and the Poisson’ ratio can be declared as follows:

@MaterialProperty stress E;
@MaterialProperty real nu;

This is more explicit and potentially more attractive for the end-user if the solver that he uses relies on the metadata exported by MFront.

Before calling the UMAT implementation, one shall create an array of floating-point values and initialize its values as follows:

const real props[2] = {E,nu};

Again, this is straightforward when only two material properties are considered, but the effort grows significantly as the number of material properties increases.

About the usage of quantities

One may notice that we have declared the Young’ modulus as a variable of type stress. This is only informative as long as support for quantities has not been enabled (using the @UseQt keyword).

It is highly discouraged to enable support for quantities when creating a wrapper as it generates an extra layer of complexity for an a priori doubtful gain.

3.2 The self-contained case

Various approaches may be followed to implement a self-contained behaviour. The most standard is to use parameters. Again, one have the choice between using an array of parameters or two distinct parameters with similar advantages and drawbacks.

4 Implementation of the UMAT wrapper in MFront

4.1 A quick overview of fortran 77/C++ interoperability

The umat function has the following prototype in fortran (see Appendix 8.1):

     subroutine umat(stress,statev,ddsdde,sse,spd,scd,
     &  rpl,ddsddt,drplde,drpldt,
     &  stran,dstran,time,dtime,temp,dtemp,predef,dpred,cmname,
     &  ndi,nshr,ntens,nstatv,props,nprops,coords,drot,pnewdt,
     &  celent,dfgrd0,dfgrd1,noel,npt,layer,kspt,kstep,kinc)
      implicit none
      character*80 cmname
      integer ndi,nshr,ntens,nstatv,nprops,noel,npt,layer,kspt,
     &  kstep,kinc
      real*8 stress(ntens),statev(nstatv),
     &  ddsdde(ntens,ntens),ddsddt(ntens),drplde(ntens),
     &  stran(ntens),dstran(ntens),time(2),celent,
     &  props(nprops),coords(3),drot(3,3),dfgrd0(3,3),dfgrd1(3,3),
     &  sse,spd,scd,rpl,drpldt,dtime,temp,dtemp,predef,dpred,
     &  pnewdt

This prototype is equivalent to the following C declaration:

void umat_(
    double *const,       /*< STRESS, stress                   */
    double *const,       /*< STATEV, internal state variables */
    double *const,       /*< DDSDDE, tangent operator         */
    double *const,       /*< SSE */
    double *const,       /*< SPD */
    double *const,       /*< SCD */
    double *const,       /*< RPL */
    double *const,       /*< DDSDDT */
    double *const,       /*< DRPLDE */
    double *const,       /*< DRPLDT */
    const double *const, /*< STRAN, strain tensor    */
    const double *const, /*< DSTRAN, strain increment */
    const double *const, /*< TIME */
    const double *const, /*< DTIME, time increment   */
    const double *const, /*< TEMP, temperature      */
    const double *const, /*< DTEMP, temperature increment    */
    const double *const, /*< PREDEF, external state variables */
    const double *const, /*< DPRED, external state variables increments   */
    const char *const,   /*< CMNAME */
    const int *const,    /*< NDI */
    const int *const,    /*< NSHR */
    const int *const,    /*< NTENS, number of components of tensors */
    const int *const,    /*< NSTATV, number of internal state variables */
    const double *const, /*< PROPS, material properties */
    const int *const,    /*< NPROPS, number of material properties */
    const double *const, /*< COORDS */
    const double *const, /*< DROT, incremental rotation matrix */
    const double *const, /*< PNEWDT, estimation of the next time increment */
    const double *const, /*< CELENT */
    const double *const, /*< DFGRD0 */
    const double *const, /*< DFGRD1 */
    const int *const,    /*< NOEL */
    const int *const,    /*< NPT */
    const int *const,    /*< LAYER */
    const int *const,    /*< KSPT */
    const int *const,    /*< KSTEP */
    int *const,          /*< KINC */
    const int /* hidden fortran parameter */);

Note that the name chosen for this function follows gfortan’ mangling scheme for fortran functions, i.e. the fortran umat function is exported as umat_. This is not portable. So is the type of the hidden parameter holding the size of the CMNAME parameter.

For real world use, we strongly advice to either:

In both cases, we also stronly advice to remove useless parameters.

We do not do this in this tutorial at this stage for the sake of generality and will show a more satisfying solution in Section 6.

One shall not that all parameters are passed as pointers, except the hidden fortran parameter.

4.2 Choice of the domain specific languageMFront

@DSL Default;

4.3 Some metadata

@Behaviour SmallStrainUmatWrapper;
@Author Thomas Helfer;
@Date 11 / 02 / 2021;

4.4 Restricting the allowed modelling hypothesis

The conversion functions are limited to the tridimensional modelling hypothesis. Trying to use them with another modelling hypothesis would result in a compile-time error.

The @ModellingHypothesis keyword allows to only generate the tridimensional version of this behaviour:

@ModellingHypothesis Tridimensional;

4.5 Including the MFrontUmatWrapper file

The @Includes code block can be use to include the MFrontUmatWrapper.hxx header and declare the umat_ function as follows:

@Includes {
#include "MFrontUmatWrapper.hxx"

extern "C" {

void umat_(
    AbaqusRealType *const /* STRESS */, /* stress                   */
    AbaqusRealType *const /* STATEV */, /* internal state variables */
    AbaqusRealType *const /* DDSDDE */, /* tangent operator         */
    AbaqusRealType *const /* SSE */,
    AbaqusRealType *const /* SPD */,
    AbaqusRealType *const /* SCD */,
    AbaqusRealType *const /* RPL */,
    AbaqusRealType *const /* DDSDDT */,
    AbaqusRealType *const /* DRPLDE */,
    AbaqusRealType *const /* DRPLDT */,
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* STRAN */,  /* strain tensor    */
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* DSTRAN */, /* strain increment */
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* TIME */,
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* DTIME */,  /* time increment   */
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* TEMP */,   /* temperature      */
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* DTEMP */,  /* temperature increment    */
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* PREDEF */, /* external state variables */
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* DPRED */, /* external state variables increments   */
    const char *const /* CMNAME */,
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* NDI */,
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* NSHR */,
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* NTENS */, /* number of components of tensors */
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* NSTATV */, /* number of internal state variables */
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* PROPS */, /* material properties */
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* NPROPS */, /* number of material properties */
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* COORDS */,
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* DROT, incremental rotation matrix */,
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* PNEWDT, estimation of the next time increment */,
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* CELENT */,
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* DFGRD0 */,
    const AbaqusRealType *const /* DFGRD1 */,
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* NOEL */,
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* NPT */,
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* LAYER */,
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* KSPT */,
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const /* KSTEP */,
    AbaqusIntegerType *const /* KINC */,
    const int /* hidden fortran parameter */);

} // end of extern "C"

In the umat_ function declaration, we used to type aliases, AbaqusIntegerType and AbaqusRealType, which is usually a good practice. Here, we recognize that this is a bit overkill, if not pedantic.

4.6 Elastic properties

Following the discussion of Section 3, we choose here to declare two distincts material properties:

@MaterialProperty stress E;
@MaterialProperty real nu;

4.7 Local variable

In our implementation, it will be usefull to store the values of the consistent tangent operator computed by the UMAT implementation in a local variable, as discussed in Section 4.9.

@LocalVariable StiffnessTensor K;

4.8 Implementation of the behaviour integration

The behaviour integration is performed in the @Integrator code block.

@Integrator {

We first define the ̀KINC integer which will hold the returned value of the UMAT implementation. It is initialized to 1 and is only modified by the UMAT implementation in case of integration failure.

  AbaqusIntegerType KINC = 1;

We then define a lot of variables which are part of the UMAT interface but unused by the implementation that we are interfacing in this tuturial:

  // unused variables
  const AbaqusRealType dfgrd0[9] = {0, 0, 0,  //
                                    0, 1, 0,  //
                                    0, 0, 1};
  const AbaqusRealType dfgrd1[9] = {0, 0, 0,  //
                                    0, 1, 0,  //
                                    0, 0, 1};
  const AbaqusRealType drot[9] = {1, 0, 0,  //
                                  0, 1, 0,  //
                                  0, 0, 1};
  const AbaqusIntegerType KSTEP[3u] = {0, 0, 0};
  AbaqusRealType sse, spd, scd, rpl;
  AbaqusRealType ddsddt[6];
  AbaqusRealType drplde[6];
  AbaqusRealType drpldt;
  AbaqusRealType time[2];
  AbaqusRealType pred[1];
  AbaqusRealType dpred[1];
  AbaqusRealType isvs[1];
  AbaqusRealType coords[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  AbaqusRealType celent;
  AbaqusRealType rdt;
  const char name[81] =
      "Elasticity                              "  //
      "                                        ";
  AbaqusIntegerType layer;
  AbaqusIntegerType kspt;

As those variables are passed by pointers, we could directly pass the null pointers to the UMAT implementation, i.e. the nullptr value. We define those unused variables to facilitate the extension to more complex UMAT implementations.

Note that we define the name variable as an array of 81 characters to take into account the C terminating characters ‘\0.’

The material properties are stored in a temporary array, as follows:

const AbaqusRealType props[2] = {E,nu};

The next step is to convert the strain, strain increment and stress. We first define the array that will hold the converted values and call the conversion functions.

  AbaqusRealType e[6];
  AbaqusRealType de[6];
  AbaqusRealType s[6];
  mfront_umat_wrapper::convertStrainToAbaqus<hypothesis>(e, &eto[0]);
  mfront_umat_wrapper::convertStrainToAbaqus<hypothesis>(de, &deto[0]);
  mfront_umat_wrapper::convertStressToAbaqus<hypothesis>(s, &sig[0]);

We then define the various integer constants required by the UMAT interface:

  const auto nprops = static_cast<AbaqusIntegerType>(2);
  const auto nstatv = static_cast<AbaqusIntegerType>(0);
  const auto ntens = static_cast<AbaqusIntegerType>(6);
  const auto ndi = static_cast<AbaqusIntegerType>(3);
  const auto nshr = static_cast<AbaqusIntegerType>(3);
  const auto noel = static_cast<AbaqusIntegerType>(0);
  const auto npt = static_cast<AbaqusIntegerType>(0);

Note that the values of ntens (number of components of the stress tensor), ndi (number of diagonal components of the stress tensor) and nshr (number of shear components of the stress tensor) shall be modified if other modelling hypothesis has to be supported.

Finally, we can now call the UMAT implementation as follows:

      s,        /* stress                   */
      &isvs[0], /* &isvs[0], internal state variables */
      &K(0, 0), /* tangent operator         */
      &sse, &spd, &scd, &rpl, ddsddt, drplde, &drpldt,
      e,                         /* strain tensor    */
      de,                        /* strain increment */
      time,                      //
      &dt,                       /* time increment   */
      &T,                        /* temperature      */
      &dT,                       /* temperature increment    */
      pred,                      /* &esvs[0], external state variables */
      dpred,                     /* &desvs[0], external state variables */
      name, &ndi, &nshr, &ntens, /* number of components of tensors */
      &nstatv,                   /* number of internal state variables */
      &mps[0],                   /* material properties                   */
      &nprops,                   /* number of material properties */
      coords, drot,              /* rotation matrix                       */
      &rdt,                      /* estimation of the next time increment */
      &celent, dfgrd0, dfgrd1, &noel, &npt, &layer, &kspt, KSTEP,
      &KINC, 80);

After the call, one checks that the behaviour integration succeeded by testing the value of the KINC variable:

  if(KINC != 1){
    return FAILURE;

If can of success, one converts the stress back to the MFront tensor:

  mfront_umat_wrapper::convertStressFromAbaqus<hypothesis>(&sig[0], s);

4.9 Conversion of the tangent operator

The @TangentOperator is only called, after the behaviour integration, if the consistent tangent operator has been requested by the solver. We can use this code block for the conversion of the consistent tangent operator as follows:

@TangentOperator {
  mfront_umat_wrapper::convertStiffnessMatrixFromAbaqus<hypothesis>(&Dt(0, 0),
                                                                    &K(0, 0));

This optional conversion of the consistent tangent operator in a separate code block is the main reason why we stored the values of the consistent tangent operator in the local variable K.

5 Compiling the wrapper outside the MFrontGallery

Firt this first test, we will compile the umat file in a seperate shared library that will be linked to the shared library generated by MFront. This is convenient as it does not require the user to handle the complexity of generating shared libraries built with different languages (C++ and fortran) and barely relies on the standard compilation process provided by MFront.

5.1 Compiling the umat.f file

In this tutorial, we compile the umat.f file as a shared library as follows:

$ gfortran -O2 --shared -fPIC -DPIC umat.f -o

5.2 Compiling the MFront wrapper

The compilation of the MFront wrapper is almost standard:

$ mfront -I $(pwd) --obuild --interface=generic SmallStrainUmatWrapper.mfront \
  --@Link='{"-L ../ -lUmat"}'

Two things must be noted about this command:

5.3 Running a simple test with MTest

At this stage, we are able to test our wrapper in MTest using this simple uniaxial test:

@ModellingHypothesis "Tridimensional";
@Behaviour<generic> "src/" "SmallStrainUmatWrapper";

// material properties
@MaterialProperty<constant> "YoungModulus" 150e9;
@MaterialProperty<constant> "PoissonRatio" 0.3;

// external state variable
@ExternalStateVariable "Temperature" 293.15;

@ImposedStrain "EXX" {0 : 0, 1: -1.e-2};

@Times{0, 1 in 10};

This script can be executed as follows:

$ mtest SmallStrainUmatWrapper.mtest


Note that on some systems, one shall add the current directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable before calling mtest to find the library, as follows:


6 A better solution

The previous implementation can be improved in several ways. In this section, we propose a new implementations which:

6.1 Modification of the fortran sources

The first thing to do is to rename the file umat.f in umat.f90 which is a more or less standard file extension for free-form fortran source greater than Fortran 90 (extension like f95 and f03 does not seem to be supported by build systems and text editors, as explained here).

After converting the code to free form and removing the unused variables, the umat2 subroutine has the following declaration:

subroutine umat2(stress, ddsdde, stran, dstran, ntens, props, nprops) &

See Listing 3 in Appendix 8.2 for the full code of the umat2 subroutine.

The NAME option specifies the name of the exported symbol. This is the name of the function on the C++ side. This name is now perfectly portable across implementations.

6.2 Modification of the MFront wrapper

Two code blocks of the MFront wrapper must be changed:

6.2.1 Modifying the @Includes code block

The @Includes code block is now much shorter, as follows:

@Includes {
#include "MFrontUmatWrapper.hxx"


extern "C" {

void umat2(
    AbaqusRealType *const,          /* STRESS,  stress                   */
    AbaqusRealType *const,          /* DDSDDE,  tangent operator         */
    const AbaqusRealType *const,    /* STRAN, strain tensor    */
    const AbaqusRealType *const,    /* DSTRAN,  strain increment */
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const, /* NTENS, number of components of tensors */
    const AbaqusRealType *const,    /* PROPS, material properties */
    const AbaqusIntegerType *const  /* NPROPS, number of material properties*/

} // end of extern "C"


} // end of @Includes

6.2.2 Modifying the @Integrator code block

Once useless variables are removed, the source code of the @Integrator code block is also much shorter:

@Integrator {
  const AbaqusRealType props[2] = {E, nu};
  AbaqusRealType e[6];
  AbaqusRealType de[6];
  AbaqusRealType s[6];
  mfront_umat_wrapper::convertStrainToAbaqus<hypothesis>(e, &eto[0]);
  mfront_umat_wrapper::convertStrainToAbaqus<hypothesis>(de, &deto[0]);
  mfront_umat_wrapper::convertStressToAbaqus<hypothesis>(s, &sig[0]);
  const auto nprops = static_cast<AbaqusIntegerType>(2);
  const auto ntens = static_cast<AbaqusIntegerType>(6);
  umat2(s,         /* stress              */
        &K(0, 0),  /* tangent operator    */
        e,         /* strain tensor       */
        de,        /* strain increment    */
        &ntens,    /* number of components of the stress tensor*/
        &props[0], /* material properties */
        &nprops    /* number of material properties*/
  mfront_umat_wrapper::convertStressFromAbaqus<hypothesis>(&sig[0], s);

As a rule of thumb, reducing the number of arguments passed from C++ to fortran to the bare minimum is highly recommended as there is no way for the compiler of the linker to check the consistency of those arguments. It is the responsability of the developper to make the C++ call match the fortran declaration. This is the source of hours of painful debugging.

7 Introducing the wrapped implementation in MFrontGallery

7.1 The MFrontUserWrapper.hxx header

The MFrontUserWrapper.hxx header may be shared between several wrappers. Such headers may be rightfully be placed in the include directory at the root of the MFrontGallery project.

If it exists, this directory is automatically added to the compiler’ include path by the cmake infrastructure.

However, as the project grows, such shared utility headers may multiply, with the risk of a cluttering of the include directory.

To sort things out, we choose to create an MFront/Wrappers subdirectory. We also choose to rename the file UmatWrapper.hxx to avoid a redundant MFront.

7.2 Building the libraries

We choose to create two libraries v1 and v1 for each versions of the wrapped behaviour. Those directories are placed in the unit-tests/mfront-wrappers/fortran/umat/ directory.

The enable-fortran-behaviours-wrappers options

The subdirectories of the mfront-wrappers/fortran directory are only treated if the enable-fortran-behaviours-wrappers has been set to ON at the cmake configuration stage (see the install page for details).

This options ensures that proper support of Fortran language has been set up.

The content of those directories is the following:

├── mfront-wrappers/fortran/umat/v1
   ├── mfront-wrappers/fortran/umat/v1/CMakeLists.txt
   ├── mfront-wrappers/fortran/umat/v1/SmallStrainUmatWrapper_v1.mfront
   └── mfront-wrappers/fortran/umat/v1/umat.f
└── mfront-wrappers/fortran/umat/v2
    ├── mfront-wrappers/fortran/umat/v2/CMakeLists.txt
    ├── mfront-wrappers/fortran/umat/v2/SmallStrainUmatWrapper_v2.mfront
    └── mfront-wrappers/fortran/umat/v2/umat2.f90

For the sake of clarity, the MFront implementations have been renamed and the name of the generated behaviours changes accordingly.

7.2.1 Second version of the wrapper

The contents of the CMakeLists.txt are very simple for the second version, as shown by the following listing:


The mfront_behaviour_library function is described in the documentation of the cmake infrastructure of the project.

This call to the mfront_behaviour_library function generates the following output:

-- SmallStrainUmatWrapper_v2 has been discarded for interface cyrano
  (behaviour does not support any of the  'AxisymmetricalGeneralisedPlaneStrain'
   or  'AxisymmetricalGeneralisedPlaneStress modelling' hypothesis)
-- Only external sources provided for library UmatWrapperV2Behaviours-cyrano for
   interface cyrano. The generation of this library is disabled by default.
   It can be enabled by using the GENERATE_WITHOUT_MFRONT_SOURCES option
-- SmallStrainUmatWrapper_v2 has been discarded for interface epx
  (small strain behaviours are not supported)
-- Only external sources provided for library UmatWrapperV2Behaviours-epx for
   interface epx. The generation of this library is disabled by default.
   It can be enabled by using the GENERATE_WITHOUT_MFRONT_SOURCES option
-- Adding library : UmatWrapperV2DianaFEABehaviours
-- Adding library : UmatWrapperV2Behaviours-aster
-- Adding library : UmatWrapperV2Behaviours
-- Adding library : UmatWrapperV2Behaviours-generic

This output shows that:

Compiling the fortran sources in a separate shared library

Contrary to the standalone example, the fortran sources are compiled in the same shared library than the MFront file. Note that the fortran sources are compiled once for each interfaces.

Another strategy would be to compile the fortran file in a separate shared library and link the MFront shared libraries to this shared library. This can be done as follows:

add_library(UmatImplementations SHARED umat2.f90)

 LINK_LIBRARIES UmatImplementations)

7.2.2 First version of the wrapper

The CMakeLists.txt file for the first version of the wrapper is a bit more involved as we try to avoid the portability issue by compiling the UmatWrapper_v2 only if:

This is illustrated by the following script:


The GNU_FORTRAN_COMPILER variable is automatically defined by the cmake infrastructure of the project.

8 Appendix

8.1 Source code of the UMAT subroutine

The source code of the umat2 subroutine is reported in Listing 2.

Listing 2: Source code of the `UMAT` subroutine

     subroutine umat(stress,statev,ddsdde,sse,spd,scd,
     &  rpl,ddsddt,drplde,drpldt,
     &  stran,dstran,time,dtime,temp,dtemp,predef,dpred,cmname,
     &  ndi,nshr,ntens,nstatv,props,nprops,coords,drot,pnewdt,
     &  celent,dfgrd0,dfgrd1,noel,npt,layer,kspt,kstep,kinc)
      implicit none
      character*80 cmname
      integer ndi,nshr,ntens,nstatv,nprops,noel,npt,layer,kspt,
     &  kstep,kinc
      real*8 stress(ntens),statev(nstatv),
     &  ddsdde(ntens,ntens),ddsddt(ntens),drplde(ntens),
     &  stran(ntens),dstran(ntens),time(2),celent,
     &  props(nprops),coords(3),drot(3,3),dfgrd0(3,3),dfgrd1(3,3),
     &  sse,spd,scd,rpl,drpldt,dtime,temp,dtemp,predef,dpred,
     &  pnewdt
      integer i,j
      real*8 e,un,al,um,am1,am2
!     stress
!     stiffness
      do i=1,6
         do j=1,6

8.2 Source code of the umat2 subroutine in Fortran 2003

The source code of the umat2 subroutine is reported in Listing 3.

Listing 3: Source code of the `umat2` subroutine

subroutine umat2(stress, ddsdde, stran, dstran, ntens, props, nprops) BIND(C,NAME="umat2")
implicit none
integer ntens,nprops
real*8 stress(ntens), ddsdde(ntens,ntens),stran(ntens), dstran(ntens), props(nprops)
integer i,j
real*8 e,un,al,um,am1,am2
do i=1,6
   do j=1,6
end subroutine umat2


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