The aim of the MFEM/MGIS project is to provide a C++ library to build advanced mechanical simulation based on MFront behaviours with MFEM (Anderson et al. 2020). The MGIS project is used to interface MFront behaviours (Helfer et al. 2020).

This project is written in C++-17.


Anderson, Robert, Julian Andrej, Andrew Barker, Jamie Bramwell, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Jakub Cerveny, Veselin Dobrev, et al. 2020. “MFEM: A Modular Finite Element Methods Library.” Computers & Mathematics with Applications, July.
Helfer, Thomas, Jeremy Bleyer, Tero Frondelius, Ivan Yashchuk, Thomas Nagel, and Dmitri Naumov. 2020. “The ‘MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport‘ Project.” Journal of Open Source Software 5 (48): 2003.